KCCO Grows Hydro

Hey everyone. In the veg room the ladies on the flood and drain table are soo ready to b transplanted. The roots r starting to grow into my drain tube and over flow valve without constant supervision.
I will give them another good defol tonight to get them ready for the RDWC system in the next week or so.
I have also bumped the ppm by a hundred and turned the 6500 k LEDs back up in order to get the ladies ready for the big leagues under the HLG and HPS in flower.
Play safe and enjoy
I’m glad the blue lab tells me when to calibrate it’s so funny thou cause I just did that a couple of days ago!
I wish I had some experience with that strain or your meter but other than the ph and temp I don’t get the other reading .

I’m really stoned

Love the I’m stoned. I can relate I dumped about 18 L of water on myself and the basement floor 25 minutes ago lol. Pretty stoned as well. Must adapt and maintain at all times lmao. Enjoy
Hey everyone I hope all is well. I have completely lost control over here to some degree. Plants everywhere being so demanding lol. In veg these ladies have been very responsive to turning my LED panel back up to 100%
I have been hacking and slashing them back on a regular basis as well I topped them a few times. They r ready to be dropped in the RDWC system and pounded with light in flower. Frost advisory in effect
Even the danglers r frosty as F$&@
Flower room numbers.

And then there is White Tahoe Cookies just blowing up all untrained and shit showing me all her traits. Day 20 since flip and day 12 since pre flower.
Last but not least my neglected moms being so forgiving like good moms.
Thankfully long weekend is coming so I will take back complete control lmao. Play safe and enjoy
Hey everyone I have just been grinding since Friday night after work. Cut down all the plants and they r hanging patiently for my wife to trim them lol. Completely disassembled the system and disinfected everything with H2O2 or bleach. So last night I got it all put back together and a fresh 150 L mix pumped back in and plants transplanted. Quickly I know everyone has a tool for cleaning feed lines on a system but in case you don’t this is what I use and it’s sooo money.
It’s a shot gun barrel cleaner and has many different attachments of different shapes and sizes perfect for cleaning my half inch feed lines. Anyways here r the ladies before
Absolutely ready to be unleashed Lol.
This is them nestled under the HLG and the 1000w hps both running at 60%.
They r so happy to have space to grow now. The White Tahoe Cookies is now the dominant factor in the flower room for now
Once the new plants settle in to the RDWC system that will change quickly. The numbers r like this under the plants. Feeding @1.8 EC
And above
These girls should be good to go sometime around thanksgiving meaning I have clones to cut. What strains to run next?? Mmm I will have to see what my moms r saying. Play safe and enjoy.
The White Tahoe Cookies continues to impress me everyday. At around 25 days since flipping she continues to put on weight at a fast pace. The buds r stacking nicely and my b some heavy hitters on this plant. I hope she packs the punch I am looking for I have found that the biggest buds r nice to look at but sometimes r all bark and no bite.
Did some LST on the ladies I put in flower last night.
This mom was KIA. I had to kick her to the curb to make room for my other moms to have some space.
Hey everyone after having a crazy busy weekend and a hell of a day at work today I figured WTF I am going to cut some White Tahoe Cookies clones. I have taken 10 cuts and dropped them in my cloner. Here they r nestled under the t5s being fed at 0.4ec.
I am kinda going against all I believe in cutting these as I never run plants in my system that aren’t proven. My White Tahoe Cookies in soil has impressed me so much I said why the f$&@ not lol. Here is my nutrient mix for clones that will have me massive roots in 9 to 14 days with almost always 100% success rate.
At the end of the day most of my crop will end up here in my vac chamber anyways lol.
Basically a clone to slab few days over here so for now play safe and enjoy. I am off to get well sedated. :lot-o-toke:
Hey everyone I hope all is well. My White Tahoe Cookies clones r well on their way to root development. Tomorrow will b 7 days in cloner and roots r starting to show on the stems.
Can’t wait to run these in my System.
Here is my test White Tahoe Cookies in soil at 30 days from flip and 20 days since pre flower. She is very out of control due to lack of training but she continues to impress and show me all her traits.
Good frost development and bud structure for a young age.
That’s it for now. Flower room update tonight. Play safe and enjoy
My ladies I dropped in the system last Sunday have had some LST preformed and r well on their way. I have turned the lights up to 75% and the ec is 1.8. Here they r last night after LST.
A pic from 1 hr ago. They r all perked up.
The numbers
I will keep my RH below 50% as the WTC buds continue to bulk up along side these ladies. Play safe.
Just a lovely Monday morning over here lol. Woke up to rain sooo I called into work to say I was a no show. Now 4 hrs later the sun is out lmao. Oh well it’s a good thing my job is safe. I pulled this out of my vac chamber immediately and I’m just having a wonderful 3hr wake and bake.
Made it to check the numbers on the cloner and what a difference 24 hrs has made on the rooting. 7 days since cutting.
They r well on their way to being dropped in the flood and drain table next week. This will give them a 6 weeks veg and another 8 weeks in the RDWC system flowing. The stage is set until around Christmas ( I think ). Here is my moms just relaxing waiting to b cut back again.
Keeping them cut back is a full time job. Play safe and enjoy
Hey everyone I hope all is well. Update on the clones day 8 from cutting and they r doing well under their t5s with a nutrient temp of 80f and ph of 6.0.
In the flower room my Buddha/Tahoe Og is showing her first hairs just loving the RDWC system. Nutrient temp 67f with Ec of 1.8 and ph of 5.9.
The White Tahoe Cookies is fattening up nicely with some super solid nugs.
The White Tahoe Cookies in soil is being fed at 1.0 ec and Ph of 6.2. /6.3. That’s it for tonight play safe and enjoy
Hey everyone I hope all is well. Update on the White Tahoe Cookies clones. The roots have exploded and at day 11 since cutting they r in good shape.
Being fed at 0.5ec and some more #s
Here they all are just getting ready to b dropped in the flood and drain table this weekend for a 6 week veg.
Nice and perky lol nobody likes a droopy clone
Play safe and enjoy
Hey 420 update on my Buddha/Tahoe Og that I put in flower two weeks ago. Did a res change tonight to switch from veg food to bloom food. These ladies feed is at 1.8 ec and they r blowing up lol
Some more #s
PH- Nutrient temp
And environment
That’s all for tonight play safe and enjoy.
Good morning 420 I hope all is well. Just woke up to a nice(much needed) rain outside and my lawn already looks happier. So after ripping on a fat dab for a wake and bake I went down to snap a few shots or the White Tahoe Cookies and boom first colour on the hairs.

She is week 4 from pre flower and week 5 ish since flipping.
This plant is a beast and I can’t wait to run this strain in my RDWC system.
The White Tahoe Cookies clones will b making their way into the flood and drain table tonight for a 6 week veg before I drop them into flower. Big props to @DrSeeds for the genetics. This strain is holding its own all day in soil being run beside some very reputable strains in a RDWC system. I will post some pics before and after I transplant the clones later tonight. Play safe and enjoy
Hey 420 I hope all is good. I had a chance to transplant all my White Tahoe Cookies last night from the cloner to the flood and drain table. The mix for my flood and drain table looks like this.
I only add vitamin B on my first mix out of the cloner. This is what I saw when I lifted the lid.
Roots just hanging around lol. Here r some more root pics.
The transplant.

The 10 clones have been deployed and r nestled under the 8 bank LED running at 50%.
The temp in the room is 23C and RH is always between 50 and 70%. Some more numbers.
These little ladies will b in here until thanksgiving vegging out until my plants in flower r finished. Play safe and enjoy
Hey 420 I hope all is well. My Buddha/Tahoe Og in flower will have been in the RDWC system for 14 days tomorrow and my plants have exploded. I had to deploy the scrog net today to slow down the stretch. They have been growing 1 to 2 inches every 12 hrs it seems.
Some numbers for flower.
My White Tahoe Cookies has been banished to outside the scrog. :(However she is still packing on weight fast and smelling wonderful.
Nug pics
That it for flower play safe and enjoy
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