KCCO Grows Hydro

How do you move the heat from the furnace? Air or water? If it's water it would be a piece of cake putting a thermostat on the heater in the basement but I'm guessing it's not that way. :)

Nice updates man. Love your combos of lights. You are going to kill it with that setup.
Hey Crazy long time no c. Thanks I hope things r good with you. I move heat from the furnace through the duct work in the house. The new space has a furnace vent in there so I am tied into it for heat in the winter and central Ac in the summer. If it becomes more of a problem than anything I will just plug the vent and treat the space separate.
Here’s a little update on the old flower room now becoming my new veg space. I tried to run my 6400 k bulbs with the 8 bank LED in here but just not enough heat. I am talking 14C at best. So I put the 400W MH in there since it was just sitting on the floor doing nothing. I guess I am not getting rid of my HIDs anytime soon. Here’s the moms keeping warm now.
This is how I will run the right side of the space.
This is how I will run the left side of the room with the flood and drain table
Hids are great when you need the heat. :thumb:

I love the space you got for it. I'm stuck with 160*140cm for everything. But I know I will get there soon. When I started growing I had no more space than 60*60cm. So things evolve slowly. :)
Hids are great when you need the heat. :thumb:

I love the space you got for it. I'm stuck with 160*140cm for everything. But I know I will get there soon. When I started growing I had no more space than 60*60cm. So things evolve slowly. :)
Sooo true it has taken along time to get here. In the beginning I had everything so hidden. I started in a tent. Then after 2 years of that I made a bigger space (my now veg space)Now I have my nw flower room 10 years later lol. Oddly enough I am still using all three spaces lol. Next step just going to knock down remaining walls in basement and just start hanging lights everywhere lmao
Haha. Im sure you'll soon be there. Isn't it fun when the construction and growing is more fun than what you get in the end. :)
Said perfectly my friend I do love the setups. Don’t get me wrong I also love smoking/ eating weed and have done so for many years. I am A consumer to say the least but it is the love of the builds/changing things as you go that keeps me so interested. Also just the love of growing in general. I am without a doubt a grower for life.
A little Sunday update: I hope all is good everyone. Here r the ladies in flower all nestled in. Now I have to warn you there r 2 very ugly ladies out there. These two I have kept hidden behind closed doors. They r my test subjects I was working with lol. 1 has been starved and the other has been locked up since week 3 of flower due to very high ec feeding. The one that has been starved I can bring back. The one that is locked up I will pamper until flush and smoke the shit out of her too lol. Anyways here they r
I have this on one plant and I don’t like it. I don’t know what it it but it is tripping me out.
I was able to level them out a little with the 400 MH but the 4 under the HLG r starting the flower cycle much bigger in diameter.
Above is under HLG.
Above was under the 8 bank LED.
All r doing well they and r all around 1 foot tall and been topped once with a light LST.
I will go in there to night for a good trim and just clean them up a bit.
Here is a little something I will b working with soon. My vey first CBD plant. Who knows what’s next maybe even a auto. I just happen to have a few CKS Lambs breath auto seeds around here somewhere. I have never grown autos because I can’t clone them and mostly I love controlling every aspect of my Grows.
Hey everyone I hope all is well. Things r going well over here all things considered. I am still struggling to raise my RH across my 2 grow spaces. It is -22C and -32 with the windchill out side. My furnace is running steady as well as a space heater in each space. The best RH reading I can get when lights r off is 43 %and lights on 34%. Even with the humidifier on the furnace turned up and a separate floor humidifier in each space it’s still low. Anyways I have had some time to switch a few things in the veg room. I turned the MH 90% to allow more space when standing in there. The moms r having a hostel take over in there. I may kill on of those big ones this afternoon to make room for the CBD mom I am growing.
They have exceeded their half of the room. On the other side of the room I have the flood and drain table dialed in. Just waiting for root balls on the next 8 clones
Over in the flower room I have chopped down the first test subject to make some space as it is getting busy in there. Even with her being all kinds of F$&@$& up she did give a few nugs.
Probably not the best due to being locked up but I will make concentrate with it so it won’t matter much. I am working on deploying the scrog this upcoming weekend as well as had to move around some electrical. I moved two plugs to the far end of the room and removed the plug in the middle that l kept bumping into. Outside is ready for drywall.
Play safe everyone
Good morning to all. I have a weekend update on what’s going on around here. I will start with my first test subject of the CKS green crack. Her last sighting was of her slipping into my vac chamber and becoming a sweet slab of shatter. It smells sooo good. The terps r strong with this strain.
Next the clones in here I have 10 GC clones that r loving life and should b ready for the flood and drain table in 3 days ish.
Into the veg room I have added a new CBD strain that was gifted to me by a good friend. In here is a Bomb seed it’s a 1/1CBD as well as the CKS Green Crack as well as a buddakush/Tahoe Og as well as a Afghani #1. These will probably b my lineup of moms for awhile. I do have some Grape Ape seeds I will add at some point.
I will never run different strains all at once in my RDWC system soo I do have enough of a lineup for now. The CBD will either be grown solo buckets or I will fire up my old 3 bucket system for them in another space. I will post an update of the flower room tonight. Play safe everyone
Vac chamber ? Do tell! Re : concentrate .....:)
Namaste! ❤️
Hey thanks for stopping by. Ya vac chamber is kept at desired temp. It is hooked up to a vacuum pump to pull out impurities. This is the last stage after winterizing. I would go into detail but I know it is frowned upon on this site so I will respect the rules. I do love the concentrates of all kinds. Distillate/Terp sauce/Rso/Shatter it’s all good LMAO
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