KCCO Grows Hydro

Lmao ya I learned in my 20s to keep myself busy or I do stupid shit lol. At this moment I am dosing down. When the plants get to about 4 weeks I will switch it to dose up. It can do either but must b set to up or down. In my case when they r young ph holds very well. It just need a little down every now and again. After the plants r bigger than 16 inches the they put a large demand on the water and I will switch it to dose up. I am using RO water.

Haha. Sounds great! :)

I got a clamp hose pump as well. Brought it home from work. I have two relays on my pH meter which can be set for dose up or down depending of pH. But with this small operation I'm running right now I don't feel the need for it. But it's great for my dream of scaling up... :) Got to keep that dream going.
Haha. Sounds great! :)

I got a clamp hose pump as well. Brought it home from work. I have two relays on my pH meter which can be set for dose up or down depending of pH. But with this small operation I'm running right now I don't feel the need for it. But it's great for my dream of scaling up... :) Got to keep that dream going.
It all starts with a dream. My dreams r much bigger than my budget.
Good day to all hope all is well. I think I will run the flood and drain table like this.
It is all sitting on a 44 inch long and 20 inch wide table that I slapped together with the most twisted 2by4s I had left in the garage.It level lol. As it turns out I did not have everything I needed for this project. The cycle timer I was going to use is 8 years old and the digital read out was toast. So I had to pick up a new one.
No more digital read out just dials. This thing will make it easier it dose not care what time it is and also has an option for light cell. The wife doesn’t know I bought this. She is getting a little upset with my spending habits the last few months. It’s all good she understands it’s for the cause. I will just keep her well sedated over the next few months until the dust settles lol Anyways play safe and as always open to suggestions. Thanks.
Just took some photos of the young ladies and the moms. All looking very happy they r being fed @1.4 ec. The temp and RH are very stable.
Here r the moms and the younger plants
I will say for sure the plants under the HLG r looking a little farther along. All r the same height more or less but the plants under the HLG r bushier.
The one above is the HLG (3000k)
Above is under a 6500k 8 bank LED. This will end up being a side by side comparison for the HLG and my 1000 HPS so I will try to post all differences as I go. In veg for now HLG for the win and it running at 50% lol.
Above is the 4 plants under the HLG.
Above is the 4plants under 6500k.
All the plants were topped this morning and I will start with a 18/6 light schedule tomorrow to get the ready for 12/ 12 flip. As of now they r 24/7. Play safe and enjoy
Good morning to all. Just a little update I have been playing with my environment for a few days getting it ready for the 1000 w and cool tube and 6 inch inline fan. They should be in there this week sometime as soon as I flip to flower. Here r the numbers from directly under each light at canopy level.

The top number is under the HLG. And the lower temp is under the 6500 k 8 bank Led. The out temp on this is the average temp in the room 3 feet above the plants.
The res is holding well. Placed on 2 inch insulation. No heater or chiller required.

Enjoy and play safe.
Good morning to all. Just a little update I have been playing with my environment for a few days getting it ready for the 1000 w and cool tube and 6 inch inline fan. They should be in there this week sometime as soon as I flip to flower. Here r the numbers from directly under each light at canopy level.

The top number is under the HLG. And the lower temp is under the 6500 k 8 bank Led. The out temp on this is the average temp in the room 3 feet above the plants.
The res is holding well. Placed on 2 inch insulation. No heater or chiller required.

Enjoy and play safe.

Everything is under control I see, I have no idea what an HGL is or what a 6500k 8 bank LED represents but I understood 1000w cool tube and I know you are going to love that
Everything is under control I see, I have no idea what an HGL is or what a 6500k 8 bank LED represents but I understood 1000w cool tube and I know you are going to love that
Yes sir I have run one for many years. Now it is lighting up my test subjects. I was just speaking of experiments on your journal. I have 2 of the same strain in flower as the plants in my RDWC system(all r green crack). My text subjects 1 is run lean at 1/4 strength and the other is locked up completely due to very high ec (by design)anyways that is what my 1000 is doing until the plants in the system get big enough to flip. I can’t wait to get it the 1000 in there it is a extension of my arm. Married together with my 6 inch fan it is great I a cold ass Canadian basement lol.
Everything is under control I see, I have no idea what an HGL is or what a 6500k 8 bank LED represents but I understood 1000w cool tube and I know you are going to love that
The HLG550 v2 is the light that I had to take a second mortgage for. They say it is the equivalent of a single ended 1000w HPS at 500 watts. I will put my 1000w beside it to c if the HLG can hold its own through a flower cycle. Side by side test for my own research LED or HPS. Same environment same feeding in the system same strain just 2 different lights.
My head is spinning with all stuff you been doing. :)

Thought I saw a combined pH, EC and temp meter from those China sites. Not the blue lab. Is it worth buying?
Hey Crazy Happy New Year. I know it’s busy over here. I have had 2 weeks to squeeze it all in. Over 1 week in and going strong lol. Na no China meters over here. I try to always buy from NA soil if possible and if the budget will allow it. You may have seen this one.

I had it in use when The ph controller was finishing up in my old flower room. Now I will use it for my flood and drain setup. For me I need the controller because some days I cannot make it to c my ladies/numbers due to work. So this keeps my OCD under control. In this game Stable ph = yield lol.
Also have a little something something going on over here on the 2 of the plants in the system. It started yesterday and is a little worse today. My test subjects in soil have told me they love the calcium when young more so then other strains I have grown. So I have bumped the calcium my last res change. I do not think that is the problem but I will be watching it closely. The other thing I have changed recently is the light schedule. Again don’t think this is the problem but I will watch this as well.
Since Friday is res change day and I have no burnt tips or ugly clawed leaves I will bump the ec to 1.5 or 1.6. And c how it goes. Open to any suggestions
They r growing quick now.
Hey Crazy Happy New Year. I know it’s busy over here. I have had 2 weeks to squeeze it all in. Over 1 week in and going strong lol. Na no China meters over here. I try to always buy from NA soil if possible and if the budget will allow it. You may have seen this one.

Yeah you seem to have a lot going on, and still to come. :)

Ok. They sell a copy of that meter over at alibaba store. Been thinking of getting one. But been a little unsure on how exact they are in measuring. I work with drinking water processing and I always get to comparing instruments we have at work with the ones you can buy off the shelf as a consumer. Some stuff is quite good and others complete junk. :)
The Nutradip Tri meter I have just reads ph/ppm/temp. It has lasted close to ten years. Just have to replace probs once a year. The blue lab controller I have had for 8 months now. It is very accurate so far. I can only hope it lasts as long as my other meter. In my experience blue lab stuff is pretty good for longevity so far. I have a few hand held blue lab pens (ec@ph) both of them r 2 and 3 years old.
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