KCCO Grows Hydro

I use cubes all the time just make Shure ur pH is spot on y so many ppl have probs n scared of them but they do work really fine n clean make a plate to go over the cube for the green stuff the grows witch don't hurt it but since ur goin dwc at the end the cleaner the better remember that
I am going to try to veg the 8 plants in 4 inch rockwool cubs for 6 weeks ebb and flow style. Then I will drop them into the RDWC system. I have no idea if it will work. This is All the space I will have in my veg room with all my moms babies side projects lol. I know you have some ebb and flow experience do you think the roots will stay separated enough to just pluck the cubes out and drop them in the RDWC system after a 6 week veg?? Any suggestions appreciated. I am going in blind here I have a spare tri meter and all the stuff to get this going. I just need cubes.

It will work but the plants will not grow as big, the roots that stick out the cube usually get air pruned, so the root ball is limited to the cube stunting growth. Works great for small SOG plants like my avatar but 6 weeks is a long veg time they would want to get pretty big. Are you starting from seed or clones? You could simply RDWC in your table and transfer to buckets when ready
F*?%¤#"CK!!!! U got so much going on it's hard keeping up. :)

One question, what do you dose with the clamp hose pump on the Blue Lab meter? pH up or down?
It will work but the plants will not grow as big, the roots that stick out the cube usually get air pruned, so the root ball is limited to the cube stunting growth. Works great for small SOG plants like my avatar but 6 weeks is a long veg time they would want to get pretty big. Are you starting from seed or clones? You could simply RDWC in your table and transfer to buckets when ready
Starting from aero cloner. I thought about the net pot flood and drain but I cannot fit 8 net pot on there. I don’t like the 6 inch net pot because I find I have gotten much bigger tap roots when the head of the root ball is allowed to get bigger in the larger net pots of clay pebbles.
F*?%¤#"CK!!!! U got so much going on it's hard keeping up. :)

One question, what do you dose with the clamp hose pump on the Blue Lab meter? pH up or down?
Lmao ya I learned in my 20s to keep myself busy or I do stupid shit lol. At this moment I am dosing down. When the plants get to about 4 weeks I will switch it to dose up. It can do either but must b set to up or down. In my case when they r young ph holds very well. It just need a little down every now and again. After the plants r bigger than 16 inches the they put a large demand on the water and I will switch it to dose up. I am using RO water.
So quick question then since I have already have bought the cubes. Best guesses then how long will those cubes allow me to veg before I have to drop them in the RDWC system. How big can the plants get before I am compromising plant growth???
They will b under a 8 bank 6500 k LED light or a 400 w HID with cool tube
Starting from aero cloner. I thought about the net pot flood and drain but I cannot fit 8 net pot on there. I don’t like the 6 inch net pot because I find I have gotten much bigger tap roots when the head of the root ball is allowed to get bigger in the larger net pots of clay pebbles.

Didn't notice those huge pots you were using. You could grow a decent sized plant with a 6"cube on a table, remove wrapper and plop it in a basket and go DWC. I have done it a lot albeit just for a few weeks in 3" cubes but it has to be the same. My guess is that rootball size would depend more on the RW cube then the basket in this case
Didn't notice those huge pots you were using. You could grow a decent sized plant with a 6"cube on a table, remove wrapper and plop it in a basket and go DWC. I have done it a lot albeit just for a few weeks in 3" cubes but it has to be the same. My guess is that rootball size would depend more on the RW cube then the basket in this case
I'd say a month
k good to know I did end up screwing up I got the 4 inch by 4 inch cube. I will do a quick veg cycle (maybe 3 week??)with these just to get my feet wet. Next round I will do the 6 inch cubesfor sure. This is going to be cool can’t wait to play with style of growing. I appreciate all the advice you have saved me from going in blind. Thank you.
Dude I will keep a ga clone in my back pocket for life u just chopped some freash bud right let them dry for a week usually still have that grassy taste OMG it taste so good with out a cure killer strain
Dude I will keep a ga clone in my back pocket for life u just chopped some freash bud right let them dry for a week usually still have that grassy taste OMG it taste so good with out a cure killer strain
I will order some seeds tomorrow. It will be awhile before GA gets into the system. I will have to grow a seed take cuts and prove before hand but I will have a mom nestled in 6 weeks or so. Any suggestions for good genetics. I have paid good money for males in female packs before from shit seed company’s Lmao
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