KCCO Grows Hydro

Hey everyone hope all is well. Seem to have a little problem over here. Thing just r a not happening quick enough under the 6500 k 8 bank veg lite. The 4 plants under that light r falling way behind the 4 under the HLG. In this pic the plant on top represents the 6500k. The plant on the bottom represents the 4 under the HLG @ 50%.
I will post an update tonight. I wanted to drop the 1000 hps in this weekend and flip before going back to work on Monday(fml). This will not happen due to the uneven growth. I will wait one more week to change to the 1000 w and flip. I will try to stretch the small 4 out a little with this my 400 w HID. I have been trying not to use this as I am trying hard to switch to LED. No matter how hard I try I keep getting sucked back in and the power consumption goes up a little bit more lol. However I have had this HID and cool tube put away for over a year that’s a good run. This is just a little hiccup to get back on track.
More light is required as well as fresh res change.
150 L of fresh RO water heating and mixing
The QBs are epic for sure, no comparison to the others

I'd be very interested to see the QB vs HPS

I was gunna keep my HPS in with my QBs when I first got em, but was just to hot ..so the HPS got pulled....and I never looked back
The QBs are epic for sure, no comparison to the others

I'd be very interested to see the QB vs HPS

I was gunna keep my HPS in with my QBs when I first got em, but was just to hot ..so the HPS got pulled....and I never looked back
So I am i Chris. I am impressed thus far. The growth is exploding under there I could not just stand by and watch the others get left behind. With my 1000w I do have good ceiling height for it as well as a few 6 inch inline fans to help with the heat. It will b a welcome addition to that room as far as heat goes in a cold Canadian basement. However if the HLG can hold its own against the 1000w hps I will replace for another HLG in a heartbeat. Well as soon as I could take out a third mortgage lol. Time will tell I will just have to limp through this veg cycle as this room was never intended for veg.
I'm a hps type of guy always have killer plants some of my best under hps but heat n power consumption will degrade it a tad but works great
I hear that Jack. I too have run HPS for along long time. It’s cold in my basement in the winter over here. I also run a 67 f for an ambient temp all year down there with the furnace in the winter and central AC in the summer. This is a easy baseline number to work with all year. The HPS/HID has done me well as far as constantly and it is such a reliable way to grow. I find as long as you control the heat shit wants to grow effortlessly. Can’t wait to get this side by side going. I felt like the deck was getting stacked against the side the 1000 will b on. I had to at least try to level the playing field.
My QB has way out performed my HPS

Is love to use my MH for veg, but don't have a space for it
Ya c I really want to run LED in veg because of the long lights on cycle. I feel this will give me a good power savings. I too love th MH for veg it has served me well.
O yeah my brotha I feel u I will go led but think I will miss my old school hps so for that it will go in a box near me lol easy access
Keep it close because no matter how hard I try I have went full circle today.Both my cool tubes r up and running again lol. If you keep yours close it can be deployed at a moments notice.
Soo after a res change for nice balanced nutrition and the addition of the MH this should give the small 4 a boost.
I will run it like this until my other fan/filter come in here with the 1000 w.
Immediately temp r up lol. Just right to give them a kick in the ass to get them going.
Here are the moms they r loving life just taking it all in.
Hey everyone I hope all is good with you. I finally got some time last night after a shit week at work to do a few things with my ladies and my rooms.The last wires pulled and timers set to 12/12 this shit completely done including new smoke detector lol.

Oh how I have missed spending time with them. Anyways I pulled the 6 inch fan/filter out and installed it along with my 1000w hps. I am not happy with the flexible duct tube in this room. I have used it for many years but I think I will swap it out for semi flexible and run it along the wall to stiffen things up a bit in there due to lots and lots of air movement.
Things r looking bright in there and I am running the HLG at 80% and the 1000 w hps at 825 watts. Enjoy your day I will post pics tonight of the ladies.
So first day of 12/12 and it would appear the furnace will not keep the room warm enough.

19 is the temp in the grow room. I will have to add a heater and the inkbird controller this evening.
Good news is the res was 70 this morning and is now 69 after 6 and a half hrs so I may be good here with no water heater.
Heat is a problem in the winter, but 19C is not a catastrophic temp though.
Hey AB I hope life is treating you well. The only problem is me and the wife r home and I am controlling the thermostat today. To keep it at 19C in the basement makes it 24 upstairs with a low RH. It a little warm for me and the dog. During the week I can only guess but I think that room would drop to around 17C as the furnace is turned down a bit. It’s all good I will get it all balanced out so it is comfortable for me and plants. Outside temp here is -12C so I guess it’s all good as long as I am not outside lol.
Sounds like you need to lower the furnace for house temp and just add a small heater for your grow.
Just have in mind that the heater will probably lower your humidity as well.
Sounds like you need to lower the furnace for house temp and just add a small heater for your grow.
Just have in mind that the heater will probably lower your humidity as well.
Ya I hear ya I have been watching the RH fade away as the furnace runs even with the furnaces humidifier turned up. It is under attack from all angles. I will have to pull out all the tools in in the toolbox to get the environment just right. The real problem is I only have 2 days to get it all dialed in. Wile the lights r off in flower today I am setting up the veg space. That space is in a cold cellar so I am working out those kinks as well Lmao. Just cramming it all in.
How do you move the heat from the furnace? Air or water? If it's water it would be a piece of cake putting a thermostat on the heater in the basement but I'm guessing it's not that way. :)

Nice updates man. Love your combos of lights. You are going to kill it with that setup.
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