KCCO Grows Hydro

You simply cannot beat a good deal clean of your kit can you.
Hey man you’re absolutely correct I break my system down completely after every run to disinfect everything completely. It’s a pain and takes a few days but worth it all daylong. I run a very sterile system and i don’t add anything to gunk it up. If you make your way back over here in the next few days I will be dropping my little ladies off my flood and drain table in to the RDWC system in flower and you can follow along and c how I train and prep for scrog. They r going in this weekend.
Catched up some on your grows. Its looking fk awesome friend! I'm up and rolling again after a summer with lots of mishaps with inside growing. I'm presently working on a Co2 system with sensor as well. Anyway nice seeing you drowning in clones again. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Catched up some on your grows. Its looking fk awesome friend! I'm up and rolling again after a summer with lots of mishaps with inside growing. I'm presently working on a Co2 system with sensor as well. Anyway nice seeing you drowning in clones again. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hey man long time no talk and I hope all is good with ya. The new setup has worked well for me this year and I will have 5 completed flower runs in there by Xmas and that will mark 12 months in the new space. Glad to hear your up and running still and I will pass by your journal and get caught back up on your grows and check out the new co2 setup. Play safe and enjoy
Hey 420 I hope all is great. The system is coming back to life. After work tomorrow I will hook up the half inch feed lines and drop the air Stones and done. I pulled the chiller off line and added the insulation under the buckets as it’s getting real cool here now. Winter is coming quickly.
Saturday morning I will fill the system and drop these ladies in there. My 2 by 4 flood and drain table full to the max.
These ladies have been topped once. The res numbers.
Last thing my little auto just doing her own thing hanging with my moms.
Play safe and enjoy
Hey 420 I hope all is good. Busy night over here getting the feed lines installed and just finishing a general cleaning of the space.
@bluenoserjoe 3pounds 4 Oz.
Not including this bag of larfy buds and sugar leaf.
The lights r clean.
Dirty ass 16 inch wall fan will be cleaned tomorrow before I fire the room up. Numbers in the room r good keep Da Purps comfortable.
Here I have the LST tie downs waiting to be deployed on the unruly ladies I have coming in.
14/2 electrical wire fully adjustable lol Da purps is enjoying her last night directly under the light before she gets pushed back to the sidelines. Starting to get some colour.
Few burnt tips on her from me pushing to hard with fortifier but it’s all good. Play safe and enjoy
Hey 420 I hope all is great. Not so much for me FML. I’m so fucking sick thanks largely in part to my co workers. I have a boat load of stuff to do today including a full room swap so to that I say let’s get this party started and it’s time to man the fuck up lol no easy days. I will start by hitting some dabs and drinking coffee hopefully this will help.
Play safe
A few pics of the system coming to life. Fresh mix of nutrient and 150 L of RO water being pumped into the system.
The other end of the garden hose.
Buckets getting filled from the res end.
Boom it’s up and running.
I added the air stone to the res for better circulation since the chiller pump is now gone.Time to transplant.
Hey 420 I hope all is good. So after getting the res filled and the stage set to transplant I slipped into a 5 hr dab induced coma lol. Between being sick and smashing dabs all morning I didn’t have chance. Anyways after waking up and smashing some more dabs and drinking more coffee I managed to her done. Here r some getting transplanted.
These ladies r much larger then I even realized. They r as wide as my washing machine. Even with me not covering the root zone on the flood and drain table (trying air pruning)I still got some very impressive roots.
Here they r nestled in with Da Purps under the lights running at 60%.

These 4 r under the HLG 550v2.
And these 4 r under the 1000w HPS.
Some numbers for the room. Feeding @1.8ec
Ph set to 5.9.
Numbers in the room.
Play safe and enjoy everyone.
Great! I use a British Charles Austen ET40 its suppose to give 2400L/h but I'm not sure. I ran 8 airdomes and a cloner on it but it had a hard time supplying the cloner with sufficient flow.
Hey 420 somethings getting things done around the grow today. Cleaned the flood and drain table and res. Cleaned equipment as well.
Ready for storage until I get this room insulated. Here's my auto and my spare just hanging out under the LED. I will keep the spare around for a week or so just to make sure the 8 plants in flower make it.
Here’s moms.
This one I will cut clones from 1 more time. I will choose a new mom from the clones at that time giving me a chance to hit the reset button on this strain. New soil re training ect all beneficial.
In the flower room the ladies r rocking and have new growth every where.
They seem to be happy so far except this one I broke her.
She is being supported by a yo yo and will be fine in a day or two. Here is a group pic.
Also gave them a first cleaning underneath to allow good air flow beneath.
The first tie down going on to the largest branch’s.
Play safe and enjoy
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