KCCO Grows Hydro

Hey 420 I hope all is good. Alarm went off at 5 am and ahhhh the sounds of rain. Immediately sent text to boss won’t be in today lmao. I’ve been busy getting my veg room overhaul done as well as lots of other things have come up ultimately slowing down my progress. But one way or another power will be on tonight. My moms r suffering serious neglect again.
They r sitting on a cold floor with vey inadequate light. Not to mention the temperature fluctuations by the furnace r playing havoc on them. My auto is not looking so well and is showing lots of signs of stress.
She has leafs curled down as well as pointing straight up and many other red flags. Here’s the veg room insulation installed.
Framing is half done but this room will be done tonight. I was a little off on my guess of 25g for this slab.
After dewax and 4 day vac purge it ended up being 31.
I will post some pics when the veg room is up and running. Play safe and enjoy
Hey 420 I hope all is good. The ladies in flower r doing great and r filling in nicely.
New growth everywhere
Time to deploy the netting
I will go under tonight and clean them up again to let the airflow.
. Numbers in the room.

Switched from veg food to bloom yesterday and the numbers r set.
Da Purps is coming along nicely she has another week or so.
That’s all for tonight. The veg room is running and I will post some pics once I get some clones cut. With the veg room overhaul I’m 3 weeks behind on my next run. Play safe and enjoy
Perfect dankness on those buds forming! Don't know if you told me but what strain is it you are running, are all the clones same strain?

I'm thinking of chopping HP to night.

Keep em green! :passitleft:
Perfect dankness on those buds forming! Don't know if you told me but what strain is it you are running, are all the clones same strain?

I'm thinking of chopping HP to night.

Keep em green! :passitleft:
The plant growing in pro mix on the side is Da Purps and she will be coming down next week and she smells fabulous. Ya all the same strain in the RDWC system cut from clones. It’s Dr seeds White Tahoe Cookies. I grew a test plant in pro mix and oh boy was it tasty. Let’s see how she comes out of the system. Play safe Crazy
Always nice with ripe weed. :) Thought I had time to take my Holy Punch down this weekend but it didn't pan out that way, I got alot of other carpentry work done instead. :) Pain much better now after shots this Friday.

Never tried a cookie strain yet, maybe should drop an order. Dam that reminds me its time for me to drop a new seed.
Hey 420 I hope all is good. This is the veg room up and running again. The biggest change
Boom 24.5c I had a hard time hitting 21 in this space before the insulation installation. In the dead of winter it gets down to 16C without a heater. Most things as far as layout of equipment stayed the same just some minor tweaks for head space. Here’s kinda a pano pic lol
My moms r so ready to get a heavy trim. I will beat them back after they stabilize back in their space.
They have a few issues. Now here’s my auto and either she’s a little stressed from being cold on the floor by my furnace for a week with very little light or I’m pushing her to hard with nutrient.
I will c after a few days of being back in a nice stable environment.
I also topped her and I know probably not the smartest thing if she is stressed but it’s all good. I will work with her.
Play safe and enjoy
Hey 420 I hope all is good. Just a shit show of a day over here but the scrog has been deployed.
The sister of these plants I grew out previously in pro mix stretched all over the place. Now these ladies have been topped and bent in veg as well bent again in flower now getting tucked. They ain’t going anywhere(I hope).

4 plants under HPS

4 plants under HLG550v2
Can you see a difference??? All plants being fed the same in the same system in the same environment. Play safe and enjoy
Now that is what I call a scrog! Jesus!

I think its too early to see any difference between hps / led.
Thx Crazy and ya it early for a comparison but I’m trying to get others opinions as I sit and stair at them every run trying to compare. Still even after 1 year of using both side by side I’m still on the fence. My tests have showed that the 4 buckets in the middle that get both spectrums just blow the f$&@ up compared to either end. I will point out all the differences as I go to get others thoughts. Play safe Crazy.
It’s so true that’s why I’m still just hanging out on the fence scratching my head. They both have pros as well as cons.

Its true! If I had the space you got I would also be running my HPS. One reason I switched is the some lower temps that LED provides and main reason for me hassling with my leds are they give a much more even spread of light than a cool tube in a 2x4 tent like mine.
Its true! If I had the space you got I would also be running my HPS. One reason I switched is the some lower temps that LED provides and main reason for me hassling with my leds are they give a much more even spread of light than a cool tube in a 2x4 tent like mine.
Pro and cons can be a bitch. In my cold ass Canadian basement with my 6 inch extraction fan run through my cool tube I have a hard time hitting 26C when the HPS and LED r both pumping. I need that heat that so many wish to get rid of lol.
Yeah in a case like yours that is only a positive thing. If I were u I would try running without the cool tube and just a basic reflector.

One mans nightmare can be another ones dream
Hey man I’m in Canada. Toronto Ontario if you’ve ever been. Enjoy the concert and theatre you need a break after all the work you’ve got going on.

Hello from the 905! Enjoying your journal bro, I just started, so went with coco. Dialing in dwc for my next run, and eyeing rdwc for my third. Thanks for being so detailed... I’m always amazed when I see guys doing shatter and the like, I’m afraid of blowing up my house! :)
Yeah in a case like yours that is only a positive thing. If I were u I would try running without the cool tube and just a basic reflector.

One mans nightmare can be another ones dream
Lmao I tried without the cool tube the temps were a nice but I still have more burn marks on my body then I care to talk about. That unit just runs way to hot for me to sleep well without the cool tube.
Hello from the 905! Enjoying your journal bro, I just started, so went with coco. Dialing in dwc for my next run, and eyeing rdwc for my third. Thanks for being so detailed... I’m always amazed when I see guys doing shatter and the like, I’m afraid of blowing up my house! :)
Hey welcome glad you stopped by. Happy to hear your finding my ramblings detailed because I always kick myself in the ass for not adding stuff I remember 5 minutes after I hit post. Anything I can clear up for you just ask lm more the happy to as I’m always petty high when posting. I switched to hydro just to switch as I was getting board with soil. Now I’ve come to the conclusion I just love growing it don’t matter how because I have moms in soil ,clones growing in a aero cloner, veg on a flood and drain table and flower in a RDWC system. I run LEDs and HID side by side both in veg and flower so long and short there’s no method to my madness It just all comes together. Enjoy .
Hey 420 I hope all is great. Getting the veg room back in order I cut back 2 of my three moms as they were getting big. Here is all three moms together

and the one on the right I won’t cut back because I need to grab a dozen clones off her. Then I will put her in flower and start a new mom from the clones. As well she needs a little N in her diet. Here is the other two before trim.
Here they r after the trim.
It will take them a few days to recover as I hit them pretty hard.
I think my auto is going into flower.
Might work out well with the timing as I have Da Purps coming down Friday. Slide the LB right into that spot in my flower room.
Speaking of flower room I tucked the ladies last night pretty level with the scrog.

Tonight a ton of shoots waiting to get tucked again. The 8 plants r drinking between 10 and 12 L every 24 hrs and r in full swing now. Play safe and enjoy
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