I hang minor weights from the tops, just enough to redirect the tops out of the danger zone which in my case is between the COBs. If that won't work, I'll tie the branch to a fixed point on the side. If that also don't work, there's a technique called "super cropping". SC is when you crush the branch between your thumb and finger to soften and weaken the branch at that point so you can fold it in half. FWIW, I try to not us SC, but only because I lack the patience to crush the branch correctly and always end up splitting the branch vertically. When that happens, you can still lay the branch down, but it takes a few added days to recover and resume growing as normally. If you do get it right though, you essentially crush the branch into the center with your fingers, and from many different angles. If you can crush without splitting, you'll be in fantastic shape as the weakened point will form a knuckle which can hold fluids and improves flow through that point.