No, they can't. I misread the story. Because they haven't rooted yet, you have to keep them in those pots for at least a week, but likely longer, but a few days after you see the leaves growing and the plant getting taller, you'll have to transplant.
Actually, knowing they didn't root yet, you should find a clear plastic covering, either to cover both plants and pots, or clear plastic cups to retain high humidity in the immediate region of the plant. I keep my clones in a translucent plastic tote. Also, mild heat applied to the rooting media will expedite rooting. Here we use heating pads that get warm to the touch, then put a bath towel on it, then the plastic tray on the towel. Just something to warm the soil to a bit warmer than room air. Just like incubating chicken eggs more or less. Also, clones use a lot less light than rooted plants. My translucent tote diffuses my veg light enough for good cloning.
Here is a pic of my veg closet. Notice the translucent tote flipped upside down that I use as a "clone dome". I also have plants on top of that to diffuse the light more. For cloning, you want diffused light, high RH around the plant and warm media (soil). If you look close, you can see my bath towel below and the heat mat below that.