James Bong's First Grow

Tuesday they looked great the clones how was the ph ? Are you using 25% or 50% nutrients on them? Do you have a pic of the problem?
50% of clonex rooting solution so 15ml in 6 liters of water. It calls for 5-10 per liter with 25% of AN cal mag plus
So possibly kick up the
They look hungry ! The water level is not to close to the bottom of the basket ? Do You have roots ?

So kick the nutes up a bit? And I don’t think so it’s just high enough to enter the pump and through the sprayers.
0 root production as of now
So possibly kick up the

So kick the nutes up a bit? And I don’t think so it’s just high enough to enter the pump and through the sprayers.
0 root production as of now
No roots no food ! Are you misting the leaves ? You don’t have a dome for that cloner ?
No roots no food ! Are you misting the leaves ? You don’t have a dome for that cloner ?
No dome which is a problem especially with the humidity issue, and I’m misting with just PH water twice a day or as needed by the touch, should I add my nutes to the spray bottle?
No dome which is a problem especially with the humidity issue, and I’m misting with just PH water twice a day or as needed by the touch, should I add my nutes to the spray bottle?
I never added nutes to misting water ! If you don’t have roots those leaves need more misting if possible. Mine is a full dome and I still mist the girls! Sorry I’m didn’t get sooner !

Been busily the past week with my girls birthday, my clones still look rough but I have 2 with roots now.

I’m still misting as often as possible, my seedlings are looking healthy still as well.
I have them moved back into the tent running under 1 Ts1000.

The seedlings look great, JB. At that size, I bet they're getting close to up-potting. And congratulations on the roots, brother. :thumb:
Thanks man, I’m trying to give the one on the bottom right a chance to bush up a little it wanted to stretch. But they’re hitting 5gal pots Saturday.
Hoping to see more roots soon on the clones

I have roots on roughly half the clones now, hoping by Saturday which will be 14 days I’ll be closer to 15-20. I plan on doing one more water change before they hit their 1gal pots.

The seedlings just got their first Nute meal and didn’t seem to have any burning so I’m not to hot at least.

My bottom right plant(the tallest) seems to have a little bit of clawing to it, what do y’all think sittting at 18” from the light I went ahead and numbed it to 24” to check how it does.
Looking good so far mate. If I had to guess it looks over watered. The old man that taught me said to put your finger in the soil and if it feels wet down 2-3” wait to water. You’re doing a great job so far. Enjoy the process :Namaste:
Ok so possible overwatering, I’ll keep that in mind I even chose coco to prevent this problem lol
You can't over water Coco mate. Not without a garden hose anyway lol.
I'll go have a flick through and see if I can spot anything :)
In the reservoir it’s just MegaCrop and Z7 ! This is my first grow with it , I’ll use there additives on the next grow . Just trial and error on this grow . Can’t use MC pro calmag in flower 13% N scary !
When I ran the ph Perfect nutrients I ran the full line . Never have to adjust the ph and if you did it went right back to where you changed it from!
Eh? I thought that megacrop was solid nutes? Didn't realise it was Res friendly.
Tag me in the journal buddy I'll follow that one :)
Right mate, I had a flick and it looks to me like your nutes are too strong.
Few questions first though if you don't mind.

What exactly are you feeding them and do you know the ppm or E/c. If your following a chart just post a pic :)

How often and how much are you feeding them?

And how long have they been in those pots?
Should only be in there for like 14-17 days mate. If they get root bound all sorts of wierd and wonderful stuff can happen. It could just be that but if you tell me the rest I'll know for sure and be able to knock you back on track for life after the transplant. Few tweeks here and there and you'll be plain sailing :)
Right mate, I had a flick and it looks to me like your nutes are too strong.
Few questions first though if you don't mind.

What exactly are you feeding them and do you know the ppm or E/c. If your following a chart just post a pic :)

How often and how much are you feeding them?

And how long have they been in those pots?
Should only be in there for like 14-17 days mate. If they get root bound all sorts of wierd and wonderful stuff can happen. It could just be that but if you tell me the rest I'll know for sure and be able to knock you back on track for life after the transplant. Few tweeks here and there and you'll be plain sailing :)

I don’t know the PPM/EC but my recipe is 1ml per liter Sensi Coco grow A&B, 1ml per liter B-52, and .5ml per liter Cal-mag(sense I’m using tap water) feeding them once every day about 10-12oz a piece.

And I just finished transplanting them into 5gal bags. Using great white then watered a liter a piece with the same formula.

I’m following. I have some feelings but I want to wait a bit to see if Barney chimes in as I’m inexperienced with coco. I’m very much and old school organic guy so I don’t know if that nutrient ppm is good or not.

How have your plants reacted since making the change on lighting distance?

You’re doing great :cheer:
I’m following. I have some feelings but I want to wait a bit to see if Barney chimes in as I’m inexperienced with coco. I’m very much and old school organic guy so I don’t know if that nutrient ppm is good or not.

How have your plants reacted since making the change on lighting distance?

You’re doing great :cheer:

They seem to like it, I’m thinking they plants were hungry as I wasn’t really watering much and I was watering right before lights out. All but the lanky plant looked like I transplanted just in time. Not a massive circle at the bottom but consistent. I did lightly separate the roots around the bottom. I will see how they react in the next few days.

Fingers crossed
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