James Bong's First Grow

I found you, Mr. Bong. Looking forward to learning along with you, my friend. It's nice that you have a source for clones and seeds in Kentucky (I did read somewhere that you're from KY, right?) Unfortunately, I know too many smokers and not enough growers. Anyway, I'm all subbed up. It's a great feeling when you see green above soil for the first time, isn't it?

It’s a great feeling, yes I’m from KY but “not” growing there ;)
It’s sad prohibition ever made it as far as it has but we will prevail slowly and surely.
It’s a great feeling. I’m enjoying every bit of it
It’s a great feeling, yes I’m from KY but “not” growing there ;)
"my mistake"

I lived in a little town named Dry Ridge, KY for about 3 years in the 70's. Beautiful state. That was during the "Big Red Machine" years in Cincinnati and my Dad would take me to every Reds game that he could afford. Great memories. We're glad you're here, my friend.

Not much to update, they are getting bigger seeming to like their home from what I can tell.

Can anyone tell me it the plant with the 3 leaves is normal? Looks healthy just different
Can anyone tell me it the plant with the 3 leaves is normal? Looks healthy just different

If I remember from a video I watched, it's a pretty common mutation, and it'll grow three branches per node instead of just two. Again, that's if I remember correctly. That's pretty cool though.
If I remember from a video I watched, it's a pretty comming mutation, and it'll grow three branches per node instead of just two. Again, that's if I remember correctly. That's pretty cool though.
That would be pretty cool I know they have their own characteristics but thought I should ask
I have no suggestions or advice, just a compliment.james bong, awesome name, lol
Not normal but often seen.Whorrelled pholotaxy, mostly males but can also be female.
Very cool! Keep an eye on that plant! I know them as a triploid, and to my understanding it’s cause by a rare genetic in the seed.

Everyone else is pretty spot on as well.:nomo:
I pay close attention and keep ya informed on its development.
Good luck on your grow. You are way more prepared then I was when I started. There is a wealth of knowledge on this site. I’m along for the ride

Here’s a pic of a WW from my last grow. Got a calcium deficiency. Someone else made a comment on how their WW is a cal hog. So pay attention to that. Happened about week 3-4 of flower. I caught mine late because I was out of town for a week during that time. Just a heads up

Here’s a pic of a WW from my last grow. Got a calcium deficiency. Someone else made a comment on how their WW is a cal hog. So pay attention to that. Happened about week 3-4 of flower. I caught mine late because I was out of town for a week during that time. Just a heads up

She looked damn good though only problem is idk which of mine are AK47 or WW

Buddy dropped by today with the clones he promised me, but holy shit I wasn’t prepared for 20 of them.
Plus the aeroponic cloner is a bit of a pain in the ass. But I’ll give it a whirl got them running under a 4’ T5 lamp, with water ph at 6.0 and 50% strength cloneX hydro roofing solution.
Guess I’ll be running a SoG this go.

Clones are
AK47, White Widow, Girl Scout Cookies, and his strain Kayla’s Panties(I asked about the name he said it was a story for another time :rofl:)
Attack of the clones

Way more then I was prepared for, thinking I’ll just run them in 1or3gallon pots and keep them super small not sure though
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