James Bong's First Grow

Ach it's a really annoying habbit mate. Winds a lot of people up. Occupational hazard of a social media platform full of stoners though . Can't expect us to remember where we are all the time lol.
Now that I can relate to, I went through and followed a ton of “completed Journals” when I first got here even though I already witnessed the ending lol had to pick up another 1/8 of that stuff :laugh:
I’m not a hydro person but ph 6.0 doesn’t sound right. Maybe someone can answer that for me. @West Hippie
6.0 is not bad , where did the ph start ? I did away with the ph Perfect nutrients! Was use to the ph starting at 5.45-5.6 ! My new nutrients Mega Crop I can adjust it where I want it and I choose 5.8 . I’ll let it rise to 6.1 and if my seven day water and nutrients change is two days or longer by the time it gets to 6.1 I bring it down again to 5.8 and do it again !
6.0 is not bad , where did the ph start ? I did away with the ph Perfect nutrients! Was use to the ph starting at 5.45-5.6 ! My new nutrients Mega Crop I can adjust it where I want it and I choose 5.8 . I’ll let it rise to 6.1 and if my seven day water and nutrients change is two days or longer by the time it gets to 6.1 I bring it down again to 5.8 and do it again !
Here mate I've seen quite a few Coco/hydro growers using that megacrop recently. You mind if I tag you in now and again when I see them get stuck?
I'm also Coco/hydro but that stuffs a bit different from what I use and I don't like to be corrected lol. Would rather just tag someone who knows.
I've got one other guy aswell so I'll alternate :)
I'm trying to get my head round it too so would really help me out to follow along aswell bud. Giving it serious consideration for a try out.
6.0 is not bad , where did the ph start ? I did away with the ph Perfect nutrients! Was use to the ph starting at 5.45-5.6 ! My new nutrients Mega Crop I can adjust it where I want it and I choose 5.8 . I’ll let it rise to 6.1 and if my seven day water and nutrients change is two days or longer by the time it gets to 6.1 I bring it down again to 5.8 and do it again !
My water right from tap is in the 7.0 range I haven’t done anything with the bites yet so I’m not sure where it’ll be after that but I figured a 100% feed would drop it down .5 at least but that’s just speculation at the moment
My water right from tap is in the 7.0 range I haven’t done anything with the bites yet so I’m not sure where it’ll be after that but I figured a 100% feed would drop it down .5 at least but that’s just speculation at the moment
Nah mate. That's literally the worst possible thing you could do lol.
Coco never needs 100% of anything. Just give it weak feeds every day to run off.
Quarter strength is generally best :)
Nah mate. That's literally the worst possible thing you could do lol.
Coco never needs 100% of anything. Just give it weak feeds every day to run off.
Quarter strength is generally best :)
I know just guessing where my ph would start with a nutrient mix would, I plan on using 50% at max when they are full grown. I want to use the minimum nutrients as possible to minimize any damage possible but mainly because I’m cheap lol
My water right from tap is in the 7.0 range I haven’t done anything with the bites yet so I’m not sure where it’ll be after that but I figured a 100% feed would drop it down .5 at least but that’s just speculation at the moment
Your lucky my straight tap water is 8.3 ph with a tds of 335 ppm ! I have the blue labs ph/ec tester in the tent . Nice to just take a look at a meter and get numbers! I have on the bench a ph tester that’s been great , matches the blue lab but only comes in tenths not hundreds . It’s the Apera ph20 from amazon.
100% on nutrients as Barney says is true to certain nutrients! Depends on what your using in hydro, I ran Advanced Nutrients at 25% and 50% nutrients. I got a 1/4 pound more with the 50% same lights same feed time as the 25% ! A plant looks so much better without the blown out tips on your leaves at 100% .
TDS meters are cheap $15 for a good one.
Your lucky my straight tap water is 8.3 ph with a tds of 335 ppm ! I have the blue labs ph/ec tester in the tent . Nice to just take a look at a meter and get numbers! I have on the bench a ph tester that’s been great , matches the blue lab but only comes in tenths not hundreds . It’s the Apera ph20 from amazon.
100% on nutrients as Barney says is true to certain nutrients! Depends on what your using in hydro, I ran Advanced Nutrients at 25% and 50% nutrients. I got a 1/4 pound more with the 50% same lights same feed time as the 25% ! A plant looks so much better without the blown out tips on your leaves at 100% .
TDS meters are cheap $15 for a good one.
That is pretty high, we have some of the best tap water in the US due to a mineral bed we sit on or something like that. I really need to pick up set of meters soon.
I’ve heard 50% is the magic number for most lines of nutrients. Did you use any additives?
That is pretty high, we have some of the best tap water in the US due to a mineral bed we sit on or something like that. I really need to pick up set of meters soon.
I’ve heard 50% is the magic number for most lines of nutrients. Did you use any additives?
In the reservoir it’s just MegaCrop and Z7 ! This is my first grow with it , I’ll use there additives on the next grow . Just trial and error on this grow . Can’t use MC pro calmag in flower 13% N scary !
When I ran the ph Perfect nutrients I ran the full line . Never have to adjust the ph and if you did it went right back to where you changed it from!

Still not much to update on, the seedlings were clawing a little bit so moved them under the T5 with the clones just to see if they perked up any. They look like they love the adjustment.


Still not much to update on, the seedlings were clawing a little bit so moved them under the T5 with the clones just to see if they perked up any. They look like they love the adjustment.

Time for a humidifier for those little girls!
Time for a humidifier for those little girls!
I do have a little room humidifier on hand I can use. I’m still putting them under misted baggies. Should I stop putting them in the baggies?
I do have a little room humidifier on hand I can use. I’m still putting them under misted baggies. Should I stop putting them in the baggies?
I’ve never used them , I have a cloner . I wouldn’t stop ,that humidity they need them . I run a humidifier outside the tent with an inkbird controller at 52% minimum in flower and 65% in veg.
Here is grow weed easy humidity chart .
Well I haven’t been able to get them up to 70% with this machine and also not inside my tent but I did bring them up to 55-56 which is much better then the low 30s

Well I haven’t been able to get them up to 70% with this machine and also not inside my tent but I did bring them up to 55-56 which is much better then the low 30s

Hey you did good they will be happy! If you put a humidifier in a tent make sure it doesn’t come on when the light is on !
Your plants will thank you for the humidity.70% is hard to get when it’s 30% outside !

Seedlings are looking great loving the T5 still
The clones on the other hand aren’t looking so hot. Yellowing in the leaves and purpling stems on some branches. I changed the res water and added in a kick of cal mag. Never tried to clone before probably should have stuck them into coco

Seedlings are looking great loving the T5 still
The clones on the other hand aren’t looking so hot. Yellowing in the leaves and purpling stems on some branches. I changed the res water and added in a kick of cal mag. Never tried to clone before probably should have stuck them into coco
Tuesday they looked great the clones how was the ph ? Are you using 25% or 50% nutrients on them? Do you have a pic of the problem?
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