James Bong's First Grow

Are they autos?
No they are photo periods.

Wow that's a great setup. I'm tagging along for the grow! Beautiful plants :thumb:
Thanks @Dkmg01 im looking forward to pulling some buds down once I figure which ones a ladies.
Still a while to go. Those plants are beautiful. Give them some nice vegging time but just remember they really double in size once flipped.

I got a huge surprise when i flipped and in the second week I was super cropping cause I had no choice :thumb: :laugh: .
BTW the Name James bong is superbly epic! I could not resist tagging along!
You’re doing great! LST May be my favorite technique. It’s simple and effective. Plants are looking super healthy. Keep doing what you’re doing with confidence :yahoo:
BTW the Name James bong is superbly epic! I could not resist tagging along!
:bongrip: Thanks man, that was my alter ego all through high school from my love of glass so it just kinda stuck lol
You’re doing great! LST May be my favorite technique. It’s simple and effective. Plants are looking super healthy. Keep doing what you’re doing with confidence :yahoo:

Thanks man, I’m loving the feed back I get here. Saves the trouble of second guessing and wondering if I’m making mistakes or not.

I did a light defoliation on my water leaves starting from the bottom leaving the top 2. I will get pics later, going to use pipe cleaners to spread out my bud sites to get an even canopy.

Cheers :bongrip:
Highya JB,

I read through your journal and would like to tag along also. Your young ladies looked nice and vibrant. If I remember right, you're in coco? There's a guy, @Hyena Merica who does a hydroponic grow. His earlier journals are very informative. Plus, he's a great writer. I follow his journals, myself. I grow in soil outdoors, but like hydro grows because they usually are a very nice looking plant. Cheers
Highya JB,

I read through your journal and would like to tag along also. Your young ladies looked nice and vibrant. If I remember right, you're in coco? There's a guy, @Hyena Merica who does a hydroponic grow. His earlier journals are very informative. Plus, he's a great writer. I follow his journals, myself. I grow in soil outdoors, but like hydro grows because they usually are a very nice looking plant. Cheers
Thanks man I’ll go through and give him a read, and yes I’m growing in a 70/30 coco perlite mix.

I went through and defoliated my biggest fan leaves. I hated to do it but it was necessary. Now letting the under growth stretch a little before hitting them with some training.

She looks to be drooping. Could be from under watering as your in coco, and it’s damn near impossible to over water in coco.

What’s your light height at again?

That’s what it is, I water when I get home from work which is the end of the lighting period. So they get pretty thirsty by that time especially with the heat wave we’re having here. When I check on them in the morning and they are normally pepped up a lot. Some pictures I get are morning some evening. Lights run from 12A-6P
Sounds good JB!

Your on the ball! I have no doubt on that matter, just wanted to make sure your on your toes! :thumb:

This pic is this morning, I should probably wake up a bit earlier to water before work though.
And thanks that’s what I’m looking for you’ll help me keep these plants in check. :passitleft:

These plants just refuse to stand in taller, the nodes are stacked so tight watering is a pain and so is LST. I’m slowly working my way through them. Though still feeding 50% at 6.5ph

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