Is this leaf septoria? If so, what should I do?

I definitely need to do a thorough pluck and spray. The septoria is picking up again. It is supposed to rain all day today. Tomorrow, we should get a break from the rain, followed by three more days of rain. Should I spray today and pluck, then repeat tomorrow since the rain is going to rinse most of what I spray off today, or just wait until tomorrow? At the very least I need to spray the plant that broke. The leaves on one of the colas on that plant look like they did on the plant I started this thread about when I first discovered it. I guess that cola cannot defend itself because it is still healing. I also don't know if removing any leaves is a good idea since the plant is still healing and dependent on those leaves for food.
Actually, I don't see any septoria in that pic.
Actually, I don't see any septoria in that pic.
Here are some close-ups. It's really windy right now and my phone was having a hard time focusing so some of these leaves are from other plants because I had to pluck them and hold them still so my camera would focus.

This is probably the best pic. You can see the whitish haze in the center of the dark spots which is common with fungus.

And here is a leaf from a tree that the wind blew into one of my plants. If you look closely you with see spots with the whitish center too.

For some reason, my plants never get that yellow dapple appearance I have seen with articles about septoria. I don't see it until the more advanced stages.
Are the bottom two pics septoria or am I getting this wrong? And what type of deficiencies do you think I am dealing with?
Hard to tell on the last one but the third one down looks like could be. In terms of nutrients I personally wouldn't try chasing them at this late stage, especially since you're running a mixed bag of feeding methods. Late in flower on an outside plant with a few browning edges I would just hope the weather stays good until harvest.
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