Is this leaf septoria? If so, what should I do?

And don't have your hub touch the plants, just hover over the flowers as you spray the leaves!
He would still manage to mess something up. I have never seen someone with such good intentions mess things up so badly when it comes to the plants. I have plenty of stories to tell but I will share the last one that got him banned.

This break was not that bad until he got involved. When it first broke the branches were actually folded in the other direction. The first thing he did, and not very gently either was flip it to the other side. When I asked him why he did that he said to see how bad the damage was. I asked him how would he break a branch if all he had was his hands to use. He said bend it back and forth. I then asked so don't you think bending the branches in the other direction would do the same thing? Moving forward.....I asked him to help me put the plant together then it started pouring down raining and my asthma has been flaring lately so I said to him lets wait for the rain to lighten up. His response was we are already here, let's get it done. Then he realized I was wheezing so he said he would do it by himself. I told him it is impossible for one person to do. There needs to be one person holding the branches in place and the other is mending it back together. He told me he was just going to put up some supports so I could put it together later. He did more than just put up some supports. He put it back together, if that's what you want to call it. He made more of a mess. There was actually a section of the interior stalk facing outwards. I wish I would have taken a pic of it. And all of this was done with nothing but the best intentions so even though I wanted to be mad, I couldn't be.

He would still manage to mess something up. I have never seen someone with such good intentions mess things up so badly when it comes to the plants. I have plenty of stories to tell but I will share the last one that got him banned.

This break was not that bad until he got involved. When it first broke the branches were actually folded in the other direction. The first thing he did, and not very gently either was flip it to the other side. When I asked him why he did that he said to see how bad the damage was. I asked him how would he break a branch if all he had was his hands to use. He said bend it back and forth. I then asked so don't you think bending the branches in the other direction would do the same thing? Moving forward.....I asked him to help me put the plant together then it started pouring down raining and my asthma has been flaring lately so I said to him lets wait for the rain to lighten up. His response was we are already here, let's get it done. Then he realized I was wheezing so he said he would do it by himself. I told him it is impossible for one person to do. There needs to be one person holding the branches in place and the other is mending it back together. He told me he was just going to put up some supports so I could put it together later. He did more than just put up some supports. He put it back together, if that's what you want to call it. He made more of a mess. There was actually a section of the interior stalk facing outwards. I wish I would have taken a pic of it. And all of this was done with nothing but the best intentions so even though I wanted to be mad, I couldn't be.

I don't let anyone mess with mine either. I'm doing the research, doing all the maintenance and care. Breaking happens. I've been lucky to be able to simplify move into place as well as possible and bandage. This year I broke the base to my OG Kush. Really lucky there, would have been the whole plant gone. Difficult as can be to do alone but some of my 1/4 in hose, liquid bandage and masking tape did the trick 😅🤣. I was nervous about the liquid bandage but it did work to seal the skin per say. Base was almost split into 2 equal halves..
Went to mixing with perlite. 70-80% perlite and still keep getting holding too much water. Sticks added. I will only recommend for hydroponics. I have a feeling I'll eventually go to Rockwood
Perlite can sometimes used for water retention. It is used by some growers as a way to keep their soil mixes from compacting and getting hard. It is used for keeping them loose and fluffy.

If you are worried about it holding too much water then I do not think that Rockwool will be any better.
It says it works on spotted leaf disease. Is that the same as septoria?
From what I can figure out after doing a quick on-line search is that spotted leaf disease is a catch all term for problems on plant leaves that have any kind of spots that can be caused by different molds and fungus and no specific one. It might work for septoria, or it might not.

You could contact the company and ask if it will help control your septoria issue. Maybe even ask if you can send a photo of the leaves you have the spots on to see what they say. If I remember right the product you are thinking about using is from one of the sponsors.
liquid bandage and masking tape did the trick
I have broken quite a few branches. I have learned pretty much any tape will work. I have used electrical tape and duct tape anyway and they worked fine. I wish I had thought to use liquid bandage when putting this plant back together again. I coated the interior with CloneX gel, put it together, wrapped it first in plumbers tape to help hold in the moisture then plant tape. All but one cola on this plant looks good. On the highest cola the large fan leaves are yellowing. The small and medium ones still look okay, so I still hope.
From what I can figure out after doing a quick on-line search is that spotted leaf disease is a catch all term for problems on plant leaves that have any kind of spots that can be caused by different molds and fungus and no specific one. It might work for septoria, or it might not.

You could contact the company and ask if it will help control your septoria issue. Maybe even ask if you can send a photo of the leaves you have the spots on to see what they say. If I remember right the product you are thinking about using is from one of the sponsors.
I think they used to be a sponsor....but not anymore. I didn't see them when I looked at the sponsors and I tagged them on a post not that long ago about another question and didn't get a response. That was before looking at the sponsor list.
I have broken quite a few branches. I have learned pretty much any tape will work. I have used electrical tape and duct tape anyway and they worked fine. I wish I had thought to use liquid bandage when putting this plant back together again. I coated the interior with CloneX gel, put it together, wrapped it first in plumbers tape to help hold in the moisture then plant tape. All but one cola on this plant looks good. On the highest cola the large fan leaves are yellowing. The small and medium ones still look okay, so I still hope.
Yep, definitely will cause some issues but a few dieing leaves isn't a major deal. Given enough time the plant will adjust as it heals.. as long as the break doesn't dry out or get too much air in it's circulatory system it should be ok.
I think they used to be a sponsor....but not anymore.
You can still contact them and ask about if their product will help with the septoria issue;). You spent good money to get the product so they owe you at least a basic response.:)
You can still contact them and ask about if their product will help with the septoria issue;). You spent good money to get the product so they owe you at least a basic response.:)
I should have read the instructions when I ordered it because I didn't order enough. I got their smallest one so I could try it before investing in a larger container. What I ordered will only make a 32oz spray bottle. And disappointing but not surprising I am starting to see some infected leaves again. I haven't sprayed recently because it's been raining so much I figured the rain will rinse it off in no time so let's wait since I don't see any infected leaves at the moment. I normally wait to spray anything on my plant until evening out of fear of burning my plants (sadly, I have burnt them many times) but with all the overcast I think I will be safe to spray them now.
Yep, definitely will cause some issues but a few dieing leaves isn't a major deal. Given enough time the plant will adjust as it heals.. as long as the break doesn't dry out or get too much air in it's circulatory system it should be ok.
I don't think it will dry out. I think the issue is the plant is in flower and the hormones the plant produces in flower are not the best for repair jobs.
If my understanding is correct, once you have it, without heavier chemical fungicides, herbicides etc you won't get rid of it completely. If it's on leaves, I'll make a bet it's in your roots and surrounding areas. Other plants might fight off more naturally or work with and be completely unnoticeable. I like the fermenting honey mixture.
If my understanding is correct, once you have it, without heavier chemical fungicides, herbicides etc you won't get rid of it completely. If it's on leaves, I'll make a bet it's in your roots and surrounding areas. Other plants might fight off more naturally or work with and be completely unnoticeable. I like the fermenting honey mixture.
That is correct. For a few weeks I was removing infected foliage constantly and spraying once a week. After a while I was still spraying once a week but the need to remove infected foliage stopped. I guess because I haven't sprayed lately and the non-stop rain it is picking back up.
Check the PH of your rain. As long as it is below PH8 you can spray copper with intermittent rain. It kills all active spores on contact. It may not have a residual effect on new spores when rain rinses, but a mass killing will help keep its population in check.

Septoria only reproduces on live plants but it will turn into dormant spores on dead organic matter. They can winter over on the infected dead leaves that fall to the ground but not in the soil. Spores blow around until they land on a living plant with the right weather conditions. Cycle starts again. Female cotton wood trees are vary susceptible to septoria and their fluff caries the spores.
Cycle starts again. Female cotton wood trees are vary susceptible to septoria and their fluff caries the spores.
Thank you, I somehow hadn't made this connection before now that cottonwood fluff could carry diseases and/or fungi.

(I thought it was just the Unbreathable days bringing a bazillion baby trees to murder that made me hate them)
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