Is this leaf septoria? If so, what should I do?

Some folks use the toaster oven, I make a canoe out of tin foil and place it on top of the toaster slot (DISCLAIMER: don't let the foil touch the heating elements or bad things happen ⚡☠️ ). Watch it whatever method because they dry really quickly.

Foil on a toaster? Sod that mate lol
I put bud in a small plastic box with a layer of kitchen tissue on top, seal the lid and put it on a lamp with a can of cold beer/bag of frozen peas on top of the box
Warmth from the base evaporates moisture, the tissue soaks it up because the cold beer on top makes condensation
Change the tissue and let it completely cool down, then repeat as necessary
Smoke from fresh bud in an hour or two
I haven't tried Coco myself but have done a lot of research on it. Did you buffer the coco yourself or buy pre-buffered coco? If not buffered it will steal cal-meg from your plant.
I'm not sure about the buffered. I don't know much about it. I've had mixed results. Initially I was mixing with garden soil and little bit of gravel, did well. Went to mixing with perlite. 70-80% perlite and still keep getting holding too much water. Sticks added. I will only recommend for hydroponics. I have a feeling I'll eventually go to Rockwood
Foil on a toaster? Sod that mate lol
I put bud in a small plastic box with a layer of kitchen tissue on top, seal the lid and put it on a lamp with a can of cold beer/bag of frozen peas on top of the box
Warmth from the base evaporates moisture, the tissue soaks it up because the cold beer on top makes condensation
Change the tissue and let it completely cool down, then repeat as necessary
Smoke from fresh bud in an hour or two
Glass jar, heating pad, or in sun. Lid on until condensation starts, open and vent. Time varies but within hours via sun. Heating pad quick but I think giving a little time helps to cut out the green flavor
I'm not sure about the buffered. I don't know much about it. I've had mixed results. Initially I was mixing with garden soil and little bit of gravel, did well. Went to mixing with perlite. 70-80% perlite and still keep getting holding too much water. Sticks added. I will only recommend for hydroponics. I have a feeling I'll eventually go to Rockwood
Just use coco as is with the right nutes and you can't go wrong
No need to mix it with soil or anything else, otherwise water retention/pH uncertainties can creep in
I have a feeling I'll eventually go to Rockwood
Wanna see an incredible rockwool grow? Check this one out!
Wanna see an incredible rockwool grow? Check this one out!
Thanks for the link. It's a little bit different using the cubes but I do like them. I have a bit to learn about using them as I progress further.
One of the most common issues we run into is over watering. Those edges and too heavy tops could very easily be too much water. Just like leaves drooping buds will too. Stems get a little softer. Almost every issue I've ran into as far as nutrients and cosmetics have been due to too much water, either in soil or on the vegetation.
When I water I try not to water until runoff because I am growing organically and don't want to cause leaching. I water until there is evidence the water has made it to the bottom of the pots and I wait until it's dry to water again to allow oxygen to get to the roots.

However, there has been so much rain lately I am having a hard time figuring out if I need to water or not. I have one plant in a 50-gallon fabric pot and four in a 25-gallon air pots. Normally I would wedge my fingers under the fabric pot and see if I feel any moisture and the other ones I would shove my arm down the side of the pot. It's been raining on and off for days so the fabric on the one feels wet but I don't know if that is caused from wicking because the side fabric is wet or if the soil at the bottom is wet. On the air pots the top layers of soil are so wet I can't get my hand down very far, let alone my arm. I know even though the top layers of soil are staying wet from rain it doesn't mean the bottom soil isn't dry.

And it looks like there is no relief from the rain in sight.

When you harvest, cloudy to amber, is more of a subtle but noticeable fine tuning dial. Strain is the big factor on how it hits. It dose sound like you want to go easy on the ambers.

Not finishing when predicted by the package is one of the most popular topics. Especially this time of year. They are almost always overly optimistic flower times. Under perfect conditions, start counting in full flower until earliest possible harvest and the package will be close. Adding one to three weeks is normal.

As long as your cuttings have leaves and veg light schedule they can root. In veg the plant hormones focus on stems and leaves requiring N. In flower the hormones focus on flowers and roots requiring P. They will look like golden rod weeds while they reveg and grow roots.
Everyone said it was unlikely taking clippings from a plant in flower would work. I took one of those medicine syringes you use to give babies medicine and filled the holes of the rapid rooters with CloneX gel. If they all live I am going to have to give some of them away because I won't have the room for them.....unless hubby wants to buy another tent kit! Honestly, I don't know where I would put another I will have to give some away. From what I have read when you take a clone from a plant in flower they will go through a really strange 3 to 4-week growth period followed by an explosion of bushy growth. They say the yields can get really high.
You can depending on your night time temps. You will also have to deal with a higher chance of bud rot and pests, but the light-schedule aspect is in your favor.
My biggest concern is leaf septoria. It's everywhere. I was hoping if I sprayed it with fungicide before taking it outside and continued to spray it weekly that it would be okay.
From what I have read when you take a clone from a plant in flower they will go through a really strange 3 to 4-week growth period followed by an explosion of bushy growth. They say the yields can get really high.


My biggest concern is leaf septoria. It's everywhere. I was hoping if I sprayed it with fungicide before taking it outside and continued to spray it weekly that it would be okay.
If you're spraying in flower you need to be sure that what you're spraying is safe for the method you use the flowers for (different for combustion vs ingestion). If you truly have septoria you should try to take off any leaves it's showing on and bag them up for safe disposal.


If you're spraying in flower you need to be sure that what you're spraying is safe for the method you use the flowers for (different for combustion vs ingestion). If you truly have septoria you should try to take off any leaves it's showing on and bag them up for safe disposal.
This is what it looked like when I first realized it. It started in the bottom, center of the canopy so it went unnoticed untilled it affected the entire plant's health.

This is from the day I discovered it.

This is some close-ups including one from a leaf from a nearby tree which was probably ground zero for the infection for my plants.

If it's not septoria I think it is safe to say it is from a fungus. I have been spraying cooper fungicide and removing infected growth, bagging and burning it.
This is what it looked like when I first realized it. It started in the bottom, center of the canopy so it went unnoticed untilled it affected the entire plant's health.
This is from the day I discovered it.
This is some close-ups including one from a leaf from a nearby tree which was probably ground zero for the infection for my plants.
If it's not septoria I think it is safe to say it is from a fungus. I have been spraying cooper fungicide and removing infected growth, bagging and burning it.
It does look like septoria to me. If it were mine in flower I'd pluck and pray rather than pluck and spray. Copper is definitely not something you want to burn and inhale.
Is this pic from one of your plants?
It is. It's an AK-47 monster crop clone, and POTM in October 2018. :)
This started back in veg. We have a burn pit if there is already something is already burning I will throw it in there, otherwise, I throw it in the trash. The situation is under control. Very seldom do I see any infected leaves but I have been keeping up with spraying. I just switched to DC disease and fungal spray but not for the reasons you mentioned. I was unaware of those. I switched out of fear of creating a copper toxicity in my plants.
That's citric acid, which I've used for PM in the past (though at a lower concentration than the 1.5% in the DC). I have no idea if it works against septoria but make sure you spray when it will be dry before the sun hits it. Citric acid will brown the pistils and can damage the leaves. Spot spraying the leaves or covering the flowers with your hand as you move through the plant might be a good idea.
It does look like septoria to me. If it were mine in flower I'd pluck and pray rather than pluck and spray. Copper is definitely not something you want to burn and inhale.

It is. It's an AK-47 monster crop clone, and POTM in October 2018. :)
That's awesome! Did you mainline/manifold that plant? How long was it in veg? My clones are from one of my green crack plants. They are already known for crazy yields...I can only imagine what they will do. And the plant I got the clippings from I FIMMed. Even with FIMMIng it, it is over 6 ft tall. The 4 top colas are around 3.5 ft tall, well 3 colas now, I lost one cola from it breaking from the weight of the buds and rain which is why I took the clippings in the first place.
That's citric acid, which I've used for PM in the past (though at a lower concentration than the 1.5% in the DC). I have no idea if it works against septoria but make sure you spray when it will be dry before the sun hits it. Citric acid will brown the pistils and can damage the leaves. Spot spraying the leaves or covering the flowers with your hand as you move through the plant might be a good idea.
It says it works on spotted leaf disease. Is that the same as septoria? I cannot reach the top of plants. My sprayer has a wand so I can reach the top with the sprayer but not going to be able to cover the buds with my hands. I do not do well with ladders because I have very little feeling in my feet. My husband could probably do it but I have banded him from touching the plants.
That's awesome! Did you mainline/manifold that plant? How long was it in veg? My clones are from one of my green crack plants. They are already known for crazy yields...I can only imagine what they will do. And the plant I got the clippings from I FIMMed. Even with FIMMIng it, it is over 6 ft tall. The 4 top colas are around 3.5 ft tall, well 3 colas now, I lost one cola from it breaking from the weight of the buds and rain which is why I took the clippings in the first place.
I created that canopy for that plant using LST and supercropping, and I don't know how long it vegged for since it was flowered outside from a clone. No idea how to measure veg in that situation.
It says it works on spotted leaf disease. Is that the same as septoria? I cannot reach the top of plants. My sprayer has a wand so I can reach the top with the sprayer but not going to be able to cover the buds with my hands. I do not do well with ladders because I have very little feeling in my feet. My husband could probably do it but I have banded him from touching the plants.
Not sure what spotted leaf disease is but all you can do is try it and see. And don't have your hub touch the plants, just hover over the flowers as you spray the leaves!
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