Is this leaf septoria? If so, what should I do?

Putting nets over your plants works well too, if they can't get to your plants then they can't lay the eggs in the first place. That is what I was doing until my plants became too big for the nets I had. After that, daily inspections for eggs have worked well too.

This is what moth eggs look like. Normally I find them on the exterior of the canopy but a few days ago I did come across a leaf covered like this in the center, bottom of one of my canopies.....damn crafty moth!

Definitely requires regular inspections. I need to get a black light. Overall my harvest is better than I initially thought. I pulled before any serious rot could start. I'm doing this starting with a handful of seeds and no real funds. Indoor hydroponics is looking like the better route to avoid most issues. I think I'll be adjusting landscaping a bit. Flowers, marigolds placed accordingly, multiple grow spots. One to attract the pests, 2 or 3 to maintain. Have a few acres to work with.
Definitely requires regular inspections. I need to get a black light. Overall my harvest is better than I initially thought. I pulled before any serious rot could start. I'm doing this starting with a handful of seeds and no real funds. Indoor hydroponics is looking like the better route to avoid most issues. I think I'll be adjusting landscaping a bit. Flowers, marigolds placed accordingly, multiple grow spots. One to attract the pests, 2 or 3 to maintain. Have a few acres to work with.
One thing to keep in mind when choosing companion plants.......some plants that make good companion plants for cannabis do not play well together. It doesn't mean you can't have them in the same garden but you need to make sure they are spaced away from each other.
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