Is this leaf septoria? If so, what should I do?

I know there are threads on bud washing, but trying to read through the 100+ posts to find the actual instructions on how to do it was a pain, and quite frankly, I don't have the time. Does anyone here want to share their thoughts and methods on bud washing?
I know there are threads on bud washing, but trying to read through the 100+ posts to find the actual instructions on how to do it was a pain, and quite frankly, I don't have the time. Does anyone here want to share their thoughts and methods on bud washing?
Standard bud washing advice from the DocBud thread is three 5 gallon buckets with room temp tap water. 1st bucket is 1/2 cup baking soda and 1/2 cup lemon juice. The other two buckets are plain rinse water.

You dunk and swish the branches without hitting the sides or bottom, shake them off, and hang them on a line with a fan on them for a few hours to drive off the bulk of the water. Then proceed as you would have if you hadn't washed them.

I use just plain water these days but I'm only spraying castile soap and BT. If I were using other sprays like spinosad or Safers Soap Spray I would use Doc's recipe.
I know there are threads on bud washing, but trying to read through the 100+ posts to find the actual instructions on how to do it was a pain, and quite frankly, I don't have the time.
It is in the first several messages of the thread and the rest of the thread is refinements and suggestions for other ways of doing the washing. The link is to what is probably the #1 thread on bud washing......
It is in the first several messages of the thread and the rest of the thread is refinements and suggestions for other ways of doing the washing. The link is to what is probably the #1 thread on bud washing......
I definitely don't recommend that first post in the bud washing thread as it recommends the hottest water you can stand. That's definitely not a good idea for your flowers, which is why I summarized the best info for Lovie above.
I definitely don't recommend that first post in the bud washing thread as it recommends the hottest water you can stand. That's definitely not a good idea for your flowers,
Now that you mention it I do remember that happening which is why I recommend closer to room temperature.
Anything wrong with my summary above?
Nope. Pretty much my current method. I do a 1 part peroxide to 3 parts water for the first stage and then the way you do it for the next 3.

Thinking about it, what I do is like your method except maybe the drying with the fan. I put the wet buds on window screens and have the fan directing the air above the buds and not right on them so it is a gently moving of the air. This part takes about 15 to 18 hours to hit that dry stage that I like; at least most of the time. I have had to go almost 24 hours several times when I first started since each time is always a learning experience.
Nope. Pretty much my current method. I do a 1 part peroxide to 3 parts water for the first stage and then the way you do it for the next 3.

Thinking about it, what I do is like your method except maybe the drying with the fan. I put the wet buds on window screens and have the fan directing the air above the buds and not right on them so it is a gently moving of the air. This part takes about 15 to 18 hours to hit that dry stage that I like; at least most of the time. I have had to go almost 24 hours several times when I first started since each time is always a learning experience.
I'd stay clear of screens since that's exactly what folks use to kief their plants. I also want the wash water driven off a lot faster than you do to make sure no rot takes hold.

Also I believe H2O2 is really only recommended for plants with active PM at harvest.
Also I believe H2O2 is really only recommended for plants with active PM at harvest.
That is what I have read myself. I do it just to be on the safe side since I have been running an indoor perpetual since November of 2017. And with the outdoors being the way it is I just believe that there are living PM spores just blowing in the wind and will be on those plants no matter what I do.

I have had just one jar of buds go bad in all these years. That took place a couple of years after the harvest. I could not see anything on the buds but they had an off smell the first time I noticed something not right. I checked several times over a week or two and always felt that something was not right so tossed the stuff and moved on.
My harvested my plants I had in the tent a week ago. Before harvesting them I took them while still in the planters, stuck them in the tub and rinsed them thoroughly with the shower head, pointed fans at them and set up a humidifier overnight and the next morning I harvested. It had been a while since I had sprayed them with copper fungicide but since they were in a tent and never received rain I thought it was best to give them a good rinse.

It finally stopped raining. The sun is supposed to come out tomorrow but the daytime humidity is supposed to be in the high 70s until Saturday. My one plant that received no light interference is getting harvested tomorrow. The rest need more time.
True but those same plants are closer to harvest than you might realize. While the lights coming on might have kept some of them from being 100% dedicated to flower development the clock is still ticking as they say. Come mid to late October and the days are getting even shorter. If the lights do not come on ever again there just is not enough time left for the plants to make up for the lost sunlight. Add in the cooler nights and the possibility of frost.

Cold nights and frost will not kill the plants but it will take more time once the sun comes up to re-warm everything back up to growing temperatures. I have grown several plants through a Michigan autumn and watched what they do after a frosty night and how they handled snow. The plant just slows down and the buds stop growing larger. There is some increase in buds feeling denser but the increase in size just about stops.

It was a worthwhile experiment. I have left plants out later in the season since then but now that I know that frost and light snow will not kill them it is not worth the effort to continue the experiment.
I've got a "the soap and Chernobyl" I already harvested the bulk of, left most of the popcorn buds to grow. Partially going back into veg. I'm going to let it go and see what it looks like when it finally gives out
It is supposed to stop raining the day after tomorrow. Once it stops raining, I am going to spray the plants with this stuff I found called Crop Control by Trefecta and remove any mold I see. After that, if I see anymore mold all my plants are going to harvest no matter how done they are. I did flash dry a bud from the plant that received no light interference and I have had 2 people try it and they really liked it. I am afraid to try it myself because my asthma has been acting up and I am scared trying to take a hit of some harsh stuff is going to give me an asthma attack.
I've found fresh bud tends to be really harsh as it is breaking down.
I think this goes to my photos. Haven't posted many yet. I'm going to pull my first hydroponic attempts to make room for the newer going into flowering. For being newer to growing and just learning I think I'm doing well.
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