Is this leaf septoria? If so, what should I do?

The forecast has changed and I have a big problem. A freeze warning has been issued.

Frost is what really needs to be avoided at all costs. I always protect with tent, tarp, moving blankets etc when temps get below 40f or so to be safe
Have you used covers to prevent freeze or just frost? I see they have freeze protection clothes and plant jackets online but I will not be able to have them shipped in time. I am going to check locally tomorrow for one that protect against freezing and not just frost but I don't have high hopes on finding one locally that will be large enough to cover my plants. I will also need to find a way to keep the material from laying directly on my plants as some of the branches are already struggling to support the weight of the buds, the weight of material heavy enough to prevent freeze may end up breaking some branches.

Or a smudge pot:
Having an open flame that close to my house scares me. Especially since we had a burn band yesterday. It hasn't rained since the 1.5 weeks of rain a few weeks ago that sparked my mold issues and the humidity yesterday was only in the high 30s low 40s range.



I do not want to harvest early if it can be avoided. My plants are still drinking plenty of water and have a lot of clear trichomes. After tomorrows freeze the night temps are supposed to go back to the 40s and 50s with daytime temps in the 70s and 80s. If my plants survive tomorrow night I will order some freeze protection jackets for them as I am entering November and my plants are not ready for harvest, which is not the normal for cannabis grown in my area.

When I reflect back on the events that took place with the flood light that is the cause of my plants not being ready yet I want to say that light probably added 3 to 4 weeks onto flowering time. I used the light for a week to intentionally delay flowering to allow my plants some additional time to recover from me burning them with neem oil, then it was probably another week after that to convince my husband that the light would interfere with them going into flower. He kept telling me to stop believing everything I read online. It took me showing him the one plant furthest away from the light was transitioning to flower when the rest were not. Then another week or two of the dumbass who kept turning them on and forgetting to turn them back off. I guess at this point I need to watch the weather very closely and if the plants are not ready by the time the nighttime temps enter and stay in the 30s I will need to harvest early.
First question is do you have warm enough day temps to continue the flowering if you survive the night? If so you can make a pup tent out of rope, 2 posts and sheets. It doesn't take much when just a few deg bellow freezing. The ground will radiate enough heat to keep you above freezing if you catch it.

Second question, can we all get lower insurance if we don't live in Virginia?
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