InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Okay, here is the Tuesday update on my bubble hash excursion.

I was going to do a whole step-by-step pictorial, not on how to do it (because there are folks out there with tons of experience and videos on that), but how I did it. I had pics of the whole process. But as I got further along I changed my mind.

Why? Because unless the resulting hash is 500x better than dry ice hash, I found it a complete waste of time. It's like the dry ice process as designed by Rube Goldberg. For each pass there is:
  • 20 minutes of churning
  • slow draining
  • difficulty in getting the hash off the screen at the bottom of the bag
  • draining and scraping the remaining bags
  • getting the hash off the spoon onto the drying screen
Once that's all done 2 (or 3) times with 4 bags, then there is:
  • putting the hash in the freezer so it will solidify
  • scraping the hash on a zester or strainer to break it up for drying
  • having it melt in your hands and stick to the strainer/zester and trying to recover what you can
  • cleaning all the equipment to get the leftovers off
  • losing hash at every step of the process that can't be recovered without soaking everything in ethanol and evaporating it. If I wanted to do that I could have just made QWET!
And when you're done, you have something that looks almost exactly like the dry ice hash that would have come out the first time with no clean-up or waste. Rather than hours of effort and wasted product, I could have been finished in 30 minutes.

Here are a few pics...

The four bubble bags (220/120/73/25 micron screens)

What I got on three passes (third pass results were negligible and mixed with the second's results):

How to create a ziploc bag with a top that stays open for evaporation:

Unrecoverable wasted hash stuck to the strainer:

The final result after scraping, which is definitely disappointing starting with 15oz of product:

And because I wanted to see if it was okay to throw out the flowers after three runs, I dried them and scoped them:

I'd call that devoid of trichome heads, so at least the process was complete.

I will never do that again ever. If, for some reason, I feel the need to make more hash, I will use dry ice and the bags the way Nebula Haze's assistant shows here.

I'll get it weighed tonight and see what's there. Tips on long term storage welcome!

:thanks: for stopping by! Tonight is flip night for the summer grow, and with around 60 days of flowering time predicted, harvest should be the last week of September.
I will never do that again ever.
I don't blame you, what a pain in the rear that had to be...
But, I'm sure the hash smokers in the family appreciate the effort..:lot-o-toke:
Congrats on the harvest Shed, and condolences on the…bubblehash. Sounds like it was a frustrating waste of good product! I hate when that happens.
Thanks Boo! Growing is just one long series of lessons...:slide:
Ha! You had me for a second there…. The sun
I don't blame you, what a pain in the rear that had to be... But, I'm sure the hash smokers in the family appreciate the effort..
I really couldn't believe all the steps and mess and time involved, only to end up with what comes out immediately when you use the dry ice!

I don't have any hash smokers in the family so I guess they'll just sprinkle some in joints or add it to bowls like they do with the ground flowers. And with their high tolerance levels they won't even notice a difference! 🤷‍♂️
If I had used the dry ice and the 5 gallon bags like they do in that vid I would have been much better off!
Yea that seems to be the way to go if doing alot. What do you plan to do with it all? Hash balls?

I'm trying to figure that out myself. Old school hash ball, shoe hash, or something else
I agree Mr Shed. Dry ice is the way to go. I have been using dry ice for about 10 years now and won't consider bubble hash anymore. Just got to not shake for to long with each bag to avoid any contaminants but the end result is terp rich hash that requires no drying or cleaning up. Have a great day. :)
I will never do that again ever. If, for some reason, I feel the need to make more hash, I will use dry ice and the bags
I also had watched several videos on bubble hash and decided it was way too much work. Dry ice is certainly the way to go for me.
I don't have any hash smokers in the family so I guess they'll just sprinkle some in joints or add it to bowls like they do with the ground flowers.
I primarily use my hash to make oils. I squeeze it into small pucks approx 1 gram each.
Then decarb it. Since most of it dissolves readily in oil and not much plant material to worry about, I don't find that I need to "infuse" it. It allows me to make my oils a little more potent and reduces the amount of waste. Most often, I put it into gel caps.
Quickie Wednesday update!

I weighed the bubble hash this morning after combining it all since no one will ever know the difference (looks like brown sugar to me):

16.732g from 434g of flower = 3.9% return. :(

I left it in that small tupperware cup, put a lid on, and stuck it on my desk for now. Moving on...

It's flip day 1 for the Summer Grow so here's what they looked like after a good 13 hour nap:

They've been on 24/0 since birth so this should have been a nice break! Here they are outside in the overcast:

And for @BeezLuiz' Shedsheet:

Trainwreck height 34":

Purple Urkle height 33.5"

Let's see how they do over the next three weeks!

I agree Mr Shed. Dry ice is the way to go. I have been using dry ice for about 10 years now and won't consider bubble hash anymore. Just got to not shake for to long with each bag to avoid any contaminants but the end result is terp rich hash that requires no drying or cleaning up. Have a great day.
Thanks Lerugged! I definitely won't be doing this again. :)
I also had watched several videos on bubble hash and decided it was way too much work. Dry ice is certainly the way to go for me.
The videos I watched never point out how fiddly and time consuming it is. Oh well...if I ever need hash again, dry ice will be the way.
I primarily use my hash to make oils. I squeeze it into small pucks approx 1 gram each.
All the weed in my house is smoked but I really like that puck-maker! I think @Kismet used to make his under the leg of a table. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Kief pucks approx 1 gram each.
Pretty as a picture!
Good job Shed.

But what accounts for the .5 difference in height between the 2 summer plants? :)
Hey Shed!
Congratulations on another great takedown!
If I had used the dry ice and the 5 gallon bags like they do in that vid I would have been much better off!
Thank you for that, I've got the 5 gallon set to use this fall. I'll see about dry ice around here.
I also had watched several videos on bubble hash and decided it was way too much work. Dry ice is certainly the way to go for me.

I primarily use my hash to make oils. I squeeze it into small pucks approx 1 gram each.
Then decarb it. Since most of it dissolves readily in oil and not much plant material to worry about, I don't find that I need to "infuse" it. It allows me to make my oils a little more potent and reduces the amount of waste. Most often, I put it into gel caps.
I use almost that exact press. And I use chunks of the hash from it in my pipe. A bit goes a long way when it's really compressed.
Not too sure if you've tried this; but cut two peices of parchment paper the size of the bottom of the press. Drop one of the cut outs inside the press, add your kief, then the next peice of parchment before reassembling the press. No more fighting to get the hash off your press, it pops off nicely.
Hey Shed! Congratulations on another great takedown!
Thanks Rex! I never thought I'd start to run low on Candida for my CBD oil after my four harvests in 2019, but it's nice to replenish the stocks.
Thank you for that, I've got the 5 gallon set to use this fall. I'll see about dry ice around here.
We got ours at a local ice store. We have those in SoCal. :)
I use chunks of the hash from it in my pipe. A bit goes a long way when it's really compressed.
I know that unless they're pretty small, the finger hash balls don't seem to burn in the bong along with the flower, so they're left sitting unburned in a bowl of ash at the end. Does this kind of hash burn more easily?
We got ours at a local ice store. We have those in SoCal. :)
Ooh sounds fancy. Ours is operates 24/7 from end of Nov till Marchish :laugh: .

Actually I've never seen an ice store. Around here there usually is a ice box outside the store with a lock (sometimes no lock).

Does this kind of hash burn more easily?
Having never smoked bubblehash I can't give a true comparison. But it smokes easy enough. You get to decide, as in the more you squeeze the pucks, the less crumbly it is. Though ive made pucks that you need pliers to take apart, or a lighter to soften first.

The presses are dirt cheap on the Zon. Search for "Pollen press".
Actually I've seen the prices of dirt on there, these presses are cheaper :rofl:. I personally like the hard rocks of hash, when mixed with flower it keeps a nice coal that helps keep the flower burning. But I do love hash 😻

The lighter colored hash below is harder pressed then the darker. You can easily see how you can play with the density.
I never bothered with the whole grating frozen stuff process. I just rolled it into temple balls and stuck those in the freezer until I needed them.
Olive oil will dissolve any hash left on tools or hands, and can then be decarbed into infused oil for cooking.
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