InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

He he! I have 5-6 ideas what it might be!
Thanks GDB...for getting me to the top of the next page for the Monday update!

I have one Sour G seed up and ready to go with the other one taking a little longer. The puck will get planted either way tomorrow morning and we'll see how it goes.

(Before anyone asks, the wire is a temperature gauge so I can make sure it's 80ºF in there.)

In other news, I cut back the Candida mother yesterday afternoon.



I took four cuttings and put them in perlite to start a new mother rather than root-prune the current one. Much simpler.

And this morning I flushed the Trainwreck with about 9 gallons of water followed by 2 gallons of 4.5g equivalent nutes. I never wait to feed after a flush. And yes, I can still lift a completely saturated 7 gallon pot of soil...phewf!

Enjoy your start to the week. :slide:

What is the saying? "If it's yellow let it mellow, If it's brown flush it down." I don't think that applies here. Well, on second thought maybe it does.
LOL! I flushed even though it was yellow because I didn't want to wait for it to go brown...don't tell Mayor Koch!
It does look most like a Potassium deficiency! Always good to stay on top of these things! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode! Since I saw the N toxicity first I'm thinking it was lockout, so I backed it down to 113-27-138.
That looks like a potassium deficiency to me as well. Do you think it's related to the bark chips you added a while back?
Thank you Adora! Is there something about the bark chips that could cause that? I had read that as pine bark breaks down it can acidify the soil, but they haven't been there long enough to decompose yet (I put them on back on June 28th).
Moving on, I've mentioned before that there won't be a winter grow this year because of my potential trip to NY in late October, but thinking very far ahead to 2023, I'm compiling a list of possibilities. I think I'll choose 2 of these for the spring from recent acquisitions:
5 Killer Cookies (Cookies&Chem) x KA5H)
Chemical (C&C x Xanadu from Katsu Bluebird)
C&C x Star Pupil
Cookies n Garlic (C&C x Garlic Sherbet)
Grandpa's Moonshine (C&C x Purple Punch x GG#4)
Pizookies (Starfighter x Mint Chocolate Chip)

They're all fems except the Pizookies which makes that one less likely to get chosen for this round.
Moving on, I've mentioned before that there won't be a winter grow this year because of my potential trip to NY in late October, but thinking very far ahead to 2023, I'm compiling a list of possibilities. I think I'll choose 2 of these for the spring from recent acquisitions:
5 Killer Cookies (Cookies&Cream x KA5H)
Chemical (C&C x Xanadu from Katsu Bluebird)
C&C x Star Pupil
Cookies n Garlic (C&C x Garlic Sherbet)
Grandpa's Moonshine (C&C x Purple Punch x GG#4)
Pizookies (Starfighter x Mint Chocolate Chip)

They're all fems except the Pizookies which makes that one less likely to get chosen for this round.
DO you have some really nice C&C from a prior grow?
Monday update of what happened after the Sunday update!

Let's get to the greenery first, so here is the Purple Urkle this morning on day 90:

And here it was 25 minutes later:

Here's what came off:

Getting ready for flip next weekend! Trainwreck will have its day tomorrow.

As I mentioned a while back, I wanted to run slurry tests on the harvested Jack Herer 1.1 with the crunchy leaves and the Candida currently on flip day 57, so I did that yesterday. Here is the slurry:

Here is the Jack Herer 1.1 result:

And the Candida result:

Both are in perfect pH range for ProMix, so at least I know I managed to drop it down from the 6.8 it had been at earlier!

Finally for the day, I had bagged up the harvested Jack Herer 1.1 a few days ago and across three bags it had settled between 60 and 62% RH, so I thought I'd weigh it (I had to tare the bowl and the bag first because it was too much for the bowl alone):

It's hard to read, but that's 434g or 15.3 ounces! All the fans are off though I didn't do a tight trim of the sugars like I normally do, but some folks leave them on as well. And when I finally get around to making dry ice hash from it I should have quite a kief collection. :eek:

I hope your weekend turned out well and that the week is off to a great start! :slide:


Thanks sb! Growing in the wild is obviously quite the crap shoot. :)

Thank you Otter!

They're going to take up a lot of room in the fridge. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Wow! So close, can we just say it’s a pound? :rofl: Congratulations! Mighty fine work.
Monday harvest update y'all!

It was time to take down the Candida yesterday on flip day 63. It had really slowed down on the drinking, barely smelled anymore, and I was sick of looking at it. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Saturday I pulled all the fans off and a few buds came with them. Here is what they looked like:

And on Sunday around noon it came out of the shed:

I untied it, pulled out the maypole, and let it flop:

I washed it in 3 gallons of water with ½ cup of baking soda and 136g of citric acid, rinsed it, hung it to dry, and gathered my wife and son to help with a quick trim while we watched It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Rather than hang them back up, I cut them all off the stems:

And put them on the drying racks with a fan on them:

This is the RH in the room this morning:

They'll be going to oil so I don't need them perfect at 62%, but 65% with a fan looks good to me!

While all that was going on, I neglected the Candida mother plant yesterday:

It responded rather well:

I hope your weekend went well and all is good with you. Tomorrow I'll do a post of my bubble hash experience, so don't stray too far. :)


LOL thanks Baron! I'll be cutting down those 4 germination tests later this week and starting a new one with the pollinated Sour G seeds.

Needs must!
Glad you clarified. I was like, ok, I get the drying rack if you must but a fan on them? But oil. Gotcha. Another sweet haul.
Quickie Wednesday update!

I weighed the bubble hash this morning after combining it all since no one will ever know the difference (looks like brown sugar to me):

16.732g from 434g of flower = 3.9% return. :(

I left it in that small tupperware cup, put a lid on, and stuck it on my desk for now. Moving on...

It's flip day 1 for the Summer Grow so here's what they looked like after a good 13 hour nap:

They've been on 24/0 since birth so this should have been a nice break! Here they are outside in the overcast:

And for @BeezLuiz' Shedsheet:

Trainwreck height 34":

Purple Urkle height 33.5"

Let's see how they do over the next three weeks!


Thanks Lerugged! I definitely won't be doing this again. :)

The videos I watched never point out how fiddly and time consuming it is. Oh well...if I ever need hash again, dry ice will be the way.

All the weed in my house is smoked but I really like that puck-maker! I think @Kismet used to make his under the leg of a table. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Pretty as a picture!
13 hour nap? You flip to 11/13?
Moving on, I've mentioned before that there won't be a winter grow this year because of my potential trip to NY in late October, but thinking very far ahead to 2023, I'm compiling a list of possibilities. I think I'll choose 2 of these for the spring from recent acquisitions:
5 Killer Cookies (Cookies&Chem) x KA5H)
Chemical (C&C x Xanadu from Katsu Bluebird)
C&C x Star Pupil
Cookies n Garlic (C&C x Garlic Sherbet)
Grandpa's Moonshine (C&C x Purple Punch x GG#4)
Pizookies (Starfighter x Mint Chocolate Chip)

They're all fems except the Pizookies which makes that one less likely to get chosen for this round.
I have Grandpa’s Cookies so I’d love to see Grandpa’s Moonshine, plus that name is so damn cool…. :rofl:
Well it's Tuesday update time and the second Sour G seed hadn't popped, so I dug it up:

Never had one of those before! I replanted it so we'll see, but the puck went into a solo cup and out into the sun:

And here's a look at the Sour G seeds that sprouted 18 days ago (well...3 out of 4):

Not sure on the leaf curl but it could be because I they've been getting full-strength veg nutes (4.5g/gal equivalent) for a week! I can't be bothered to dilute it since I'll be cutting them down tomorrow.

That's it from me! :ciao:

Wow! So close, can we just say it’s a pound? Congratulations! Mighty fine work.
Thanks Jon! You can call it a pound here but I doubt you'd round up on your plants. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Glad you clarified. I was like, ok, I get the drying rack if you must but a fan on them? But oil. Gotcha. Another sweet haul.
I put a fan on all my drying plants for the first day to drive off the bulk of the moisture so they don't mold. After that, they get less airflow depending on the RH wherever they're drying.
13 hour nap? You flip to 11/13?
I did that night. Some nights it's 11/13, some 11.5/12.5, some 12/12...all depending on when I put them away at night and when I move them out in the morning. So far none of them have ever seemed to care.
I have Grandpa’s Cookies so I’d love to see Grandpa’s Moonshine, plus that name is so damn cool….
Another vote for Grandpa's Moonshine...thanks Jon!
I vote for Killer Cookies. I have a soft spot for Haze strains. Too bad so many of them can't finish outdoors around here.
Seems like the Moonshine and the KA5H cross are the two faves! And GG4 is also 1/3 of the Sour G, so that's another thing in its favor.
Good job on the trim it needed that to help level the canopy out too , Why do you keep using the petalite to clone ? Those are some interesting sounding strains for sure .
I guess when your Cookies & Chem gives you pollen, you pollinate everything around! And I clone in perlite these days because it's so damn easy. If I absolutely have to have clones quickly I would go the Dip'n Grow/ProMix/dome route, but there's no rush for these with the mother still happily standing.
I hope it's dull dull dull. :)

I'd rather focus on the plants than the trouble with the substrate!

Thanks Carmen!
Well yes of course :) I still think it is interesting especially if it is all going smoothly and according to plan.
Around here, the welding supply stores sell dry ice in bulk. Not sure why, but they do.
Might be worth looking in to.
My local supply makes it on order. They're an ice place but offer dry ice. I watched them make my blocks one day. It's co2 gas run through a box somehow and the frost that builds up nis a form of dry ice. It's softer than some I've seen but works ok.
So a welding shop sells gasses. There you go. Side $$
5 Killer Cookies (Cookies&Chem) x KA5H)
Chemical (C&C x Xanadu from Katsu Bluebird)
C&C x Star Pupil
Cookies n Garlic (C&C x Garlic Sherbet)
Grandpa's Moonshine (C&C x Purple Punch x GG#4)
Pizookies (Starfighter x Mint Chocolate Chip)
O! O! O! nice group to pick from! I've been eyeballing the first three! last three look fun too!
Thanks for taking one for the team with the hash! What's there is fire looking!
Well yes of course :) I still think it is interesting especially if it is all going smoothly and according to plan.
Interestingly dull! That way I'll know all the faults were with the medium and not the grower. ;)
Always good to find extra money in your cabinet!
O! O! O! nice group to pick from! I've been eyeballing the first three! last three look fun too!
There ya from the first three and one from the last three. Like say 5 Killer Cookies and Grandpa's Moonshine!
Thanks for taking one for the team with the hash! What's there is fire looking!
Thanks Otter! I'm thinking that anyone outside my family would be able to tell me what it's like, but with the tolerance levels so high at my place it's just 🦗
I was thinking the acidity of the pine in peat moss that's causing a lockout, but I agree it hasn't been very long for the bark to break down. As for the N, with all of my plants I've abused with excess N, I've seen dark green leaves accompany the clawing... however they have all been indoors. I don't know if nitrogen excess could present differently outdoors (without the dark green).

I also get clawing and leaflet chlorosis like that when my plants are rootbound.

Congrats on the sprouts!🌱 You must be over the🌛 to have all those little Sour G'ez. :)
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