InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I'm lurking... trying to break away a bit, but that comment caught me off guard.
I was just trying to bust his balls.. hes always giving me heck lol
I think you're misreading me MGR. I'm not giving you heck. Never have. I have helped you with your grow over and over again since you asked for help. Twice I responded to you when you felt like I wasn't responding fast enough, to let you know that's not it works. If that information upsets you, tough noogies as we used to say. If my delivery of that message upsets you, I apologize for being direct, but that's just who I am and how I operate. I'm pretty honorable, and I think most of the members here appreciate both my input and my attitude.

Regardless how much the choices always seem to suck
Oh my choices are great, it's just a question as to whether they win!
I think you're misreading me MGR. I'm not giving you heck. Never have. I have helped you with your grow over and over again since you asked for help. Twice I responded to you when you felt like I wasn't responding fast enough, to let you know that's not it works. If that information upsets you, tough noogies as we used to say. If my delivery of that message upsets you, I apologize for being direct, but that's just who I am and how I operate. I'm pretty honorable, and I think most of the members here appreciate both my input and my attitude.

Oh my choices are great, it's just a question as to whether they win!
No thats the whole point of it all it did not upset me lol i even just said that....its having a lil humor but i assume some ppl might not have any or get offended... idc if you are direct im the same way.. i havent said anything about you not helping iv praised you across the whole platform of 420 you can see all my open post Its telling ppl how much you have helped me its like... i said u give me heck bc you tell me have patients and your blunt with your words it doesnt mean anything bad at all.. but ill keep my jokes in and let you beable to say as you like.. good grief all blown out of proportion... i never haggled you into answering me also dont know where thats coming from... iv been cool as can be i say one thing making a joke in you go ape on me in i nominated you for motm are you kidding me...........
Yeah and i have said good on intheshed to im sry if i offend anybody this has gotten to be blown out of water... im sry for calling ya a butthole geez its all good i never ment to cause a stir that bad.. iv been blasted for kidding up with someone i talk to in responde to everyday.. intheshed has every right to blast back.. vet or no vet i appoligize and never ment it to offend someone... but some ppl get triggered i guess
i said u give me heck bc you tell me have patients and your blunt with your words it doesnt mean anything bad at all..
Is is possible that your jokes are falling flat because no one knows you or what you're like? Most of the folks posting in this thread (and the other threads I visit) have been hanging out together for a long time. And when we were new, we lurked loads and commented little. That's what most of the new people do and eventually they become part of the site.

You can't walk into a neighborhood bar cold and start calling people out and calling them names. No one appreciates that no matter how funny you think it is. Consider that.

but some ppl get triggered i guess
Please don't make this someone else's problem.

Oh, and no one calls anyone a butt hole here. Or even close. That is not the tone of this site. Lurk more, suss the place out, then find out if you have a home here. Different canna sites have different tones. Your sensibilities might be better suited to one of the other places.

Intheshed is the man . He is well respected to me . I don’t hand out my trust easily.
Thank you Joe. :Namaste:
Here's to you growmie!

Wish you were here to share it! First blunt after a 4 day tolerance break. Mostly Afghani but I tossed in a little Gelato to give it a rip too.

Much respect!
Wish you were here to share it! First blunt after a 4 day tolerance break. Mostly Afghani but I tossed in a little Gelato to give it a rip too.
Much respect!
Thank you kindly sir! And congrats on the reset. :welldone: Don't dive back in like it last week! You might be able to get away with a lot less...makes the stash last that much longer :).

Time for the Tuesday update! Just a few pics because I needed to make time in the morning to vote as I'll be seeing my dad tonight.

I thought you'd like to see the roots in the solo cup with the doubled-up Sour G. Something about this cup that made them happy (unless it's just one so far with roots growing in two directions!):

Always nice to see roots! Gotta love the clear cup concept!

I finally took the plastic bag off the pot of AK cuttings to see how they're doing. One leaf had molded (it was probably up against the bag) but the rest look fine!

I tilted the bag so they can get some fresh air today.

And just for fun, here is the canna-family portrait:

Hope you had a great day and you survived the attack ads and the shiny mailings. It's all over but the shouting!
Thank you kindly sir! And congrats on the reset. :welldone: Don't dive back in like it last week! You might be able to get away with a lot less...makes the stash last that much longer :).

Time for the Tuesday update! Just a few pics because I needed to make time in the morning to vote as I'll be seeing my dad tonight.

I thought you'd like to see the roots in the solo cup with the doubled-up Sour G. Something about this cup that made them happy (unless it's just one so far with roots growing in two directions!):

Always nice to see roots! Gotta love the clear cup concept!

I finally took the plastic bag off the pot of AK cuttings to see how they're doing. One leaf had molded (it was probably up against the bag) but the rest look fine!

I tilted the bag so they can get some fresh air today.

And just for fun, here is the canna-family portrait:

Hope you had a great day and you survived the attack ads and the shiny mailings. It's all over but the shouting!
Later on in the plants life do you cut the leafs off that are half way cut or
Just leave them
Thank you kindly sir! And congrats on the reset. :welldone: Don't dive back in like it last week! You might be able to get away with a lot less...makes the stash last that much longer :).

Time for the Tuesday update! Just a few pics because I needed to make time in the morning to vote as I'll be seeing my dad tonight.

I thought you'd like to see the roots in the solo cup with the doubled-up Sour G. Something about this cup that made them happy (unless it's just one so far with roots growing in two directions!):

Always nice to see roots! Gotta love the clear cup concept!

I finally took the plastic bag off the pot of AK cuttings to see how they're doing. One leaf had molded (it was probably up against the bag) but the rest look fine!

I tilted the bag so they can get some fresh air today.

And just for fun, here is the canna-family portrait:

Hope you had a great day and you survived the attack ads and the shiny mailings. It's all over but the shouting!
Loving seeing roots puts s smile on my face like a fat kid loved chocolate cake lol
Here's to you growmie!

Wish you were here to share it! First blunt after a 4 day tolerance break. Mostly Afghani but I tossed in a little Gelato to give it a rip too.

Much respect!
F yeah, whats the roll?

Wife and I coned a honey backwoods with about 1.5g of Deadhead. Still have about half left by myself of course.:Namaste:

Shed-those plants look happy. Guess they did not have to watch political ads.
Allow me to pipe in on the cloning thing Shed, if I may

Quick question when ppl clone i see a bunch of ppl that trim the leafs with scissors what the need in doing that for just curious?

I have run lots of experiments with clones and cutting the leaves does absolutely nothing in speed of rooting or vigor of growth. I personally think it was started in the gorilla days of cloning where you are trying to fit the plant into a container and putting some sort of humidity dome around it. Its easier to do that in a small space if you trim the fan leaves.
It's said that it forces the plant to produce roots faster. I never done it that way and I got healthy roots on them within a week. Should say it was in a air stone cloner.

Maybe works if they are put in soil directly.

I have run clones with leaves trimmed and no leaves trimmed and they rooted within a day of each other and in my case the untrimmed leaves rooted faster. I don't generally get much fade at all in my clones with no leaves trimmed.

I also do direct sow into soil and while they are slower to root than in rapid rooter plugs, the success rate has been as high as the rapid rooter plugs and I don't trim leaves in direct sow clones either.

I think there are a couple reasons to trim the leaves. One, it makes it easier to shove a ton of cuttings close together without them laying all over each other in a already humid environment to begin with. Two, as CraZysWeeD mentioned, it sends a signal to the plant that it needs to build leaves. To do that it needs roots, so all the focus turns to building roots first. Too many leaves and the cutting will be less likely to build roots, it thinks it has plenty of nutrients.

Not sure I agree with the 2nd part but I certainly think the first part is the most obvious reason. Much easier to get clones to stand upright if the leaves aren't pushing each other all over the place.

I am curious enough about this that I think I'll try half the cuttings with leaves cut and half untouched. Given the same strain and environment, it might atleast convince me. I dont have to convince anyone but that :rofl:!
I realize there are some variables like human error ( okay for me thats a big variable;)), but it could be worth doing, for science!

I think you will find the same thing I did and it lead me to stop cutting the leaves unless I need more clones into the humidity dome.
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