InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I was watching a documentary on the California water wars a while ago and that is a messed up situation out there. Conserve all you can as an individual or we will penalize you while the irrigate the snot out of the agriculture on the massive farms.
Those almond groves take an incredible amount of water. California would be ok if more of the areas would invest in underground aquifers. Actually a lot of smart science people say that california gets far more rain than it needs to support the people if they would get onboard the underground aquifers. The tree huggers say you can't do that because it would cause damage to native environments of a few species of animals. I don't know the answer but it sure seems like the state and municipalities could figure something out that won't destroy mother nature.
Its all about the money and politics. California is gonna have to figure it out soon or do something its one of the richest states in america and one of the beautiful states to visit iv never been there but its on my bucket list i hope they figure out something for u guys who live there Bc water is a must and cant go without it
You guys had a vote the other day right? Very interesting this mid election voting you got. I think that's something Sweden should have too. Here they still haven't decided who is to rule the country, two months after the election, real sandbox bullying going on right now.
No its a little bit of a mess in politics over here in america, its a push in shove situation. But its every 2 years theres an election in then u get bombarded with ads and you get disgusted to watch tv bc of ads after ads after ads
Are we having a nice brawl in here now? Settle down boys... this is the most friendly forum I know of on the internet. If any one is looking for trouble the internet is full of forums for that.
No brawls here. Just some frank conversations.
Allow me to pipe in on the cloning thing Shed, if I may
If I hadn't seen you and Rider grow such amazing clones without cutting the leaves I never would have believed it. But you have shown it doesn't need to be done by comparing side by side. I can't fit full leaves in the cloninator or the solo cups with domes so I keep trimming.
it sure seems like the state and municipalities could figure something out that won't destroy mother nature.
That's what I'm hoping too. That the drought will force the farms to upgrade their storage and irrigation methods to whatever is state of the art. We should be looking to Australia as well as they have modernized in the face of their 10 year drought.
No its a little bit of a mess in politics over here in america, its a push in shove situation. But its every 2 years theres an election in then u get bombarded with ads and you get disgusted to watch tv bc of ads after ads after ads
I don't want to get into the political situation in this thread, but I try to get my information from valid researched news sources, read what the candidates and propositions say, skip the commercials (I never watch live TV!), and toss the mailers directly into the recycle bin.

I hope you all survived election day and that you voted (in the states). If you didn't vote, never complain.

I didn't get to Felipe's spreadsheet yesterday because I wanted to get the LST tutorial up, but it's on my to-do list for today if work slows down enough to focus on Excel :).

The underground aquifers were something i read a lot on many years ago when I was stationed in San Diego and drove by Lake Hodges disappear around me over a couple years. I wrote several of local and state politicians and even forwarded information and never received a reply. :shrugs: Whatever, you can't fix stupid right. I went from seeing people fishing on both sides of the I-15 in their boat, to not being able to see water at all in a 5 year period.

The technology and know how is already there, its the lack of getting ANYTHING done that is the problem when the government is in charge (and surprise, it doesn't matter which party is in charge).
I believe we need to start paying attention to what we are doing. We can't tap in to resources and take out more than it fills up. Those underground aquifers have relic water which have been there for thousands of years, and we don't know which ecosystems we might disturb if we start emptying those too.. We are too many people on this planet. Lets start talking about that instead. This earth can't support us all with food and water.
That's good I like it peacefull.
I don't mind a dustup if it's needed. It's my thread and sometimes I need to step in. I don't shy away from necessary conflict.
Me neither... I havn't watched any commercials for a few years. Was stunned the last time I happened to watch... I didn't know what to do besides switch it off and do some building instead. :)
Thats your best option. I generally change the channel or mute during any commercials. I don't watch a lot of TV outside of sports though.
If I'm watching something live (like sports) I usually pause it and get something to eat or tuck some leaves or something. Then I can skip the commercials! Some commercials I watch because they catch my eye though. Not political ads...those are poison.

Los Angeles County put Prop W on yesterday's ballot that is a property tax to pay for collecting and recycling stormwater, which we have a lot of when it comes, and then it all runs out into the ocean. It appears to be headed for a win.
We are too many people on this planet. Lets start talking about that instead. This earth can't support us all with food and water.
:hmmmm:It has been talked about it and it falls on deaf ears. Paul Ehrlich wrote The Population Bomb 50 years ago. Some countries have limited how many children you are allowed. The need to breed is a primary drive, if mother nature thinks your not contributing to her you are eliminated. Buzzed rambling. G'Day:Namaste:
I believe we need to start paying attention to what we are doing. We can't tap in to resources and take out more than it fills up. Those underground aquifers have relic water which have been there for thousands of years, and we don't know which ecosystems we might disturb if we start emptying those too.. We are too many people on this planet. Lets start talking about that instead. This earth can't support us all with food and water.
I am talking about building them to store water for the cities and municipalities....not tapping into underground ones. There are a few places in some dry California towns that started doing this and they have excess water above their use (at least they did at the last point I was involved in this movement out there....I gave up on it when I left the state for good).
With it becoming more clear every year that the current reliance on the annual snowpack in the Sierras will not be practical in the future, more water storage will be needed, whether above or below ground.

During the worst of the drought a few years ago, over 25,000 new wells were drilled, even deeper into the Central Valley aquifer, to sustain the current agriculture. So much water was pumped out that significant subsidence occurred in some areas. Diverting surplus rainfall to recharge the underground storage would be an excellent priority.

Edited to clarify that I am not talking about manipulating weather :rolleyes:
Just diverting runoff into retention basins. :)
With it becoming more clear every year that the current reliance on the annual snowpack in the Sierras will not be practical in the future, more water storage will be needed, whether above or below ground.

During the worst of the drought a few years ago, over 25,000 new wells were drilled, even deeper into the Central Valley aquifer, to sustain the current agriculture. So much water was pumped out that significant subsidence occurred in some areas. Diverting surplus rainfall to recharge the underground storage would be an excellent priority.

Seems obvious right??
Allow me to pipe in on the cloning thing Shed, if I may

I have run lots of experiments with clones and cutting the leaves does absolutely nothing in speed of rooting or vigor of growth. I personally think it was started in the gorilla days of cloning where you are trying to fit the plant into a container and putting some sort of humidity dome around it. Its easier to do that in a small space if you trim the fan leaves.

I have run clones with leaves trimmed and no leaves trimmed and they rooted within a day of each other and in my case the untrimmed leaves rooted faster. I don't generally get much fade at all in my clones with no leaves trimmed.

I also do direct sow into soil and while they are slower to root than in rapid rooter plugs, the success rate has been as high as the rapid rooter plugs and I don't trim leaves in direct sow clones either.

Not sure I agree with the 2nd part but I certainly think the first part is the most obvious reason. Much easier to get clones to stand upright if the leaves aren't pushing each other all over the place.

I think you will find the same thing I did and it lead me to stop cutting the leaves unless I need more clones into the humidity dome.
Im with van on I think cutting fans for clones or trimming them is pointless as well. unless like he mentioned above you need to get them in container or something so space issue?

But I see more solar blanket where it says give me your energy “light” I want my fans healthy as can be .
or stop eating beef
You will have to take it from my cold dead hands!

It won't work either way if we keep getting more people and demanding more resources. Not the way we are living right now... the earth isn't getting bigger and we won't get more fresh water than we got.
We have plenty of water, it just doesn't land where we need it or when we need it! Eventually we will be shipping and piping it around like oil, from the haves to the have nots. Who pays for that will be up to our elected leaders :eek:.
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