InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Sounds delish, and if you can't remember the last time you had beef, you deserve it!

I'd have no problem eating goat! Lamb's good so how bad could goat be? And they'll mow your lawn for free!

We have goats. I don't water or feed them either. They probably would rather eat the side of my hay barn anyway.

I can remember last time I had lamb, couple weeks ago.

I probably have a hindquarter + in the garage and don't know when the last time I ate it. I cooked liver when my parents were watching the pot plants, but I did not eat any cause I was catching a flight. I do give stuff to people I work with all the time though...I have a couple of employees who smoke stuff for football season.
All these stoners and food talk, somebody needs to fire up a bbq. And a that order :Namaste:

@Van Stank I hope I was careful enough wording my comments about clones and the trimming of the leaves to avoid sounding like I am a master of the subject. I certainly am not. I respect what you do around here and appreciate you testing the practice side by side so others don’t have to.

The more I learn, the deeper the rabbit hole goes.
WoW!...never a dull moment round these parts...some good points made...I'm fortunate to live where venison makes up the main part of my meat diet, and I have an abundance of potable water(both lake and well)...buying local is something I try to do, however, it can be spendy...if I feel flush, will spend some dough on local prime rib...same goes for for pork and poultry...otherwise, I'll be searching flyers for the best deal...hopefully not buying some Monsanto influenced product...keep the updates coming amongst the discussions Shed...;):laugh:...:thumb::high-five:...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:...
Dang lots happening here! Let's start with addressing the plants? They look great shed. The treacle is very impressive and it looks like little sis will surely impress!

I know the pecan farms in green valley drop the water table several feet per year. Isnt it illegal to collect rain water in some places? Or at least requires state approval? Cause that's just insane to me. Fucking taxes for everything and their cousins but notice non of it ever gets fixed? Same thing in Tucson the roads are shit and all the politicians ever say is we dont have the money to fix the roads. So instead of fixing what they can afford, they allocate the money for some useless monument. Sorry, I just have little faith in any politician from any party ever! Live and let live. Things should be organized from the community up, not the feds down.

I like meat, but I think people should live far more sustainably than they do. #groundturkey again I love meat, but I honestly think everyone should be forced to kill and clean an animal once in their life so they appreciate what they have.

Just my 2 pennies. That and theres more than one way to clone. I suggest everyone experiment a little and do what works best for them. Same with growing.
WoW!...never a dull moment round these parts...some good points made...I'm fortunate to live where venison makes up the main part of my meat diet, and I have an abundance of potable water(both lake and well)...buying local is something I try to do, however, it can be spendy...if I feel flush, will spend some dough on local prime rib...same goes for for pork and poultry...otherwise, I'll be searching flyers for the best deal...hopefully not buying some Monsanto influenced product...keep the updates coming amongst the discussions Shed...;):laugh:...:thumb::high-five:...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:...
Thanks h00k! Most of the population centers are not near places to kill your own food, so that makes the need for farming (of all types) necessary. Someday we'll be buying your water and you'll be able to afford more prime rib :).
Dang lots happening here! Let's start with addressing the plants? They look great shed. The treacle is very impressive and it looks like little sis will surely impress!

I know the pecan farms in green valley drop the water table several feet per year. Isnt it illegal to collect rain water in some places? Or at least requires state approval? Cause that's just insane to me. Fucking taxes for everything and their cousins but notice non of it ever gets fixed? Same thing in Tucson the roads are shit and all the politicians ever say is we dont have the money to fix the roads. So instead of fixing what they can afford, they allocate the money for some useless monument. Sorry, I just have little faith in any politician from any party ever! Live and let live. Things should be organized from the community up, not the feds down.

I like meat, but I think people should live far more sustainably than they do. #groundturkey again I love meat, but I honestly think everyone should be forced to kill and clean an animal once in their life so they appreciate what they have.

Just my 2 pennies. That and theres more than one way to clone. I suggest everyone experiment a little and do what works best for them. Same with growing.
I don't buy that "everyone should be forced to kill and clean an animal once in their life so they appreciate what they have" theory. Does that only apply to eating meat for some reason? What about movies or TV shows? Oranges? Cars? Since we were cavemen we have learned to outsource the means of production to those who do it best.

The water table is dropping in central CA and no one seems to care, even the farmers whose land is now much lower than it used to be. Like I said earlier, unless a business is forced to, no one factors environmental degradation into their business plan.
Oh I just mean most people take being able to eat meat all the time for "granite" :p. yes that applies to oranges as well. For the majority of humans existence they did not have access to the variety of produce we do (especially fruit). Something we all have been spoiled by. We ate what we could grow and kill for the longest time. Not so much anymore... I think its important to understand and respect our animals and environment. Something the big companies care relatively nothing about. But you do raise a good point that the people are starting to care! Which is awesome, but again I have no faith those tax dollars being spent efficiently.

Again it just seems backwards, but hey, that's the world we live in and we cant change the past, only improve for the future. And at least it seems like people are aware, which is step 1!
I know the pecan farms in green valley drop the water table several feet per year. Isnt it illegal to collect rain water in some places? Or at least requires state approval? Cause that's just insane to me. Fucking taxes for everything and their cousins but notice non of it ever gets fixed? Same thing in Tucson the roads are shit and all the politicians ever say is we dont have the money to fix the roads. So instead of fixing what they can afford, they allocate the money for some useless monument. Sorry, I just have little faith in any politician from any party ever! Live and let live. Things should be organized from the community up, not the feds down.

Don't even ask me how I feel about all these political signs that are now floating around because of the wind. I filled up a bed of a truck this morning with them on my easement.

Deer Meat > Moo Meat
Dang lots happening here! Let's start with addressing the plants? They look great shed. The treacle is very impressive and it looks like little sis will surely impress!

I know the pecan farms in green valley drop the water table several feet per year. Isnt it illegal to collect rain water in some places? Or at least requires state approval? Cause that's just insane to me. Fucking taxes for everything and their cousins but notice non of it ever gets fixed? Same thing in Tucson the roads are shit and all the politicians ever say is we dont have the money to fix the roads. So instead of fixing what they can afford, they allocate the money for some useless monument. Sorry, I just have little faith in any politician from any party ever! Live and let live. Things should be organized from the community up, not the feds down.

I like meat, but I think people should live far more sustainably than they do. #groundturkey again I love meat, but I honestly think everyone should be forced to kill and clean an animal once in their life so they appreciate what they have.

Just my 2 pennies. That and theres more than one way to clone. I suggest everyone experiment a little and do what works best for them. Same with growing.
A man brotha going deer hunting for the next 2 weeks gun season comes in on sat hopefully will get that 10 pointer with about a 18 inch spread in make some deer jerky ummm ummm ummm yum
Thursday update! It's supposed to be windy today so the smaller plants are on the flagstone. I will not be mentioning the daytime temps but nights are in the mid 50s.

Let's start in the bike shed since that's where the action is today! Coming up first is the Sour G cutting that went into the ProMix HP after a Clonex Gel dip back on September 30th. I saw my first root today! Dome is officially off that one now:

Now into the cloninator. Here is the second Sour G that was growing roots. (The first one is in soil on the heat mat waiting for the water roots to transition.) The main root is so long it's in the bucket thinking it's DWC! Time to plant it this weekend:

Yet another Sour G in the cloninator has a root now. Nice! I'm going to carefully cut the bottom off that cage so it doesn't get completely tangled:

And one of the AK-47's I just took on October 21st has roots too. The one next to it is older with no roots:

Getting some consistency with both cloning methods now. Who knew I'd finally feel a bit better about this process!

Moving outside for a second, here it the Peyote Critical on day 31. It's working on its 7th node and I'm thinking of topping it to the 5th and doing a quadline. I'm going to wait until the top is big enough to try as a clone so it may be a little while though. No hurry on this.

And finally, a big :thanks: to 420magazine, the staff, the sponsors, and the members who make this place the great place to be. Looks like they're still clearing out the CKS swag they have lying around ;).

I hope the week has been treating you well and that your families, communities, and minds are at peace.
Thursday update! It's supposed to be windy today so the smaller plants are on the flagstone. I will not be mentioning the daytime temps but nights are in the mid 50s.

Let's start in the bike shed since that's where the action is today! Coming up first is the Sour G cutting that went into the ProMix HP after a Clonex Gel dip back on September 30th. I saw my first root today! Dome is officially off that one now:

Now into the cloninator. Here is the second Sour G that was growing roots. (The first one is in soil on the heat mat waiting for the water roots to transition.) The main root is so long it's in the bucket thinking it's DWC! Time to plant it this weekend:

Yet another Sour G in the cloninator has a root now. Nice! I'm going to carefully cut the bottom off that cage so it doesn't get completely tangled:

And one of the AK-47's I just took on October 21st has roots too. The one next to it is older with no roots:

Getting some consistency with both cloning methods now. Who knew I'd finally feel a bit better about this process!

Moving outside for a second, here it the Peyote Critical on day 31. It's working on its 7th node and I'm thinking of topping it to the 5th and doing a quadline. I'm going to wait until the top is big enough to try as a clone so it may be a little while though. No hurry on this.

And finally, a big :thanks: to 420magazine, the staff, the sponsors, and the members who make this place the great place to be. Looks like they're still clearing out the CKS swag they have lying around ;).

I hope the week has been treating you well and that your families, communities, and minds are at peace.
All here is at piecie. Everything seems to be going the w
Thanks! I scrape the lower inch and a half or so with a razor blade 90º to the
Everything looks stellar to me.. looks like u got all good things going on for you and best of wishes my friend good luck this weekend dealing with it all plants look awesome
All here is at piecie. Everything seems to be going the w
Dont know what happened to that reply half is gone but it said looks like everything is going your way and wish you the best for this weekend as well
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