InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

or stop eating beef which requires acres of corn and gazillions liters of water

My beef does not require acres of corn or gazillions of liters of water. Respectfully, your just mis-informed, If I or anyone I know for that matter had to pay for corn or water, we would be out of this line of work really quick.

Coastal just jumped to about 15 a square here because of the rain. No, the moos don't eat that either. Looks like I am driving north next week.
No brawls here. Just some frank conversations.

If I hadn't seen you and Rider grow such amazing clones without cutting the leaves I never would have believed it. But you have shown it doesn't need to be done by comparing side by side. I can't fit full leaves in the cloninator or the solo cups with domes so I keep trimming.

That's what I'm hoping too. That the drought will force the farms to upgrade their storage and irrigation methods to whatever is state of the art. We should be looking to Australia as well as they have modernized in the face of their 10 year drought.

I don't want to get into the political situation in this thread, but I try to get my information from valid researched news sources, read what the candidates and propositions say, skip the commercials (I never watch live TV!), and toss the mailers directly into the recycle bin.

I hope you all survived election day and that you voted (in the states). If you didn't vote, never complain.

I didn't get to Felipe's spreadsheet yesterday because I wanted to get the LST tutorial up, but it's on my to-do list for today if work slows down enough to focus on Excel :).

iv voted for 11 yrs and have served my country for 7 yrs and been threw 5 tours with the best, i hate to complain but i had lost great friends and seen the worst of worst, the wars on this planet are away to empire the rich and lose the best, innocent ppl in other countrys around this world have died and familys have suffered that iv seen up close and personal so this hits me in the heart like a sledge hammer against concrete, all bc of politics and ppl being discrambled from there homes for barrels of oil and opiate fields now we have ppl flipping over dead bc of overdose its time to end the the proabition on cannabis and save lives that matter more then anything so voting and politics is more then important then ever we the people of canna use and those who use for medicinal use need to shot more then ever to ban and end this plant as a schedule 1 drug to beg for peace across the board
its time to end the the proabition on cannabis and save lives
Jeff Sessions just resigned and there's new leadership in Congress. Maybe now we can see some daylight on rescheduling cannabis!

And well done getting through all your tours alive. :peace:
Maybe it’s been said, but I use ascorbic acid to kill chloramine. It also reduces my Tap water pH from 8.2 to 6.0-6.8 where I want it. The vitamin C bonds to the amonia in chloramine and dissociates it in water, and plants don’t mind the addition at all. 1000mg of Ascorbic acid will treat 50 gallons! In as little as 4-8 minutes!
Hey DET! :welcome: Is this in response to a question from last year or did you just pop in with that valuable piece of information out of the blue? Either way...thanks!
Jeff Sessions just resigned and there's new leadership in Congress. Maybe now we can see some daylight on rescheduling cannabis!

And well done getting through all your tours alive. :peace:

Hey DET! :welcome: Is this in response to a question from last year or did you just pop in with that valuable piece of information out of the blue? Either way...thanks!
Thanks and yeah he is a snake and doesnt care..
Hopefully change soon
I don't know what that means.

Oh, and to Pt's point:
Scientists measured the environment inputs required to produce the main US sources of protein. Beef cattle need 28 times more land and 11 times more irrigation water than pork, poultry, eggs or dairy.

I don't want to come off as bitchy or pointing the finger or attacking anyone. So don't assume that by reading this...

Coastal is a type of hay. And nobody really says "irrigate cattle".

Those scientists are brilliant. There are inefficient operations in all of ag. Almond milk is a great example. Zero nutritional value. Everyone loves it cause it's green, earthy, and everything. Well. Sorry. Mis-informed....cost per calorie, carb, protein, well, it's obscene.

Does raising cattle take land, yes. Can I put more swine, poultry, or any other feed animal in a fucking incredible unethical environment that I would not even want to visit....sure I could do that, I have seen these operations, I work for them. I could bring in hay, and stack em high and reduce my acreage needs. You want to buy that beef, go to mcdonalds.

I am still wanting to see a commercial 'earth-friendly' fishery I would eat something from.

A better way to say what was written above should be,

"a dozen or so companies whom operate feed lots and are responsible for 95% of the US beef production operate so inefficient that they use x more times land or x more water than a smaller rancher who sells his product locally".

So, let's see a show of hands at who wants to eat beef produced with less irrigation and acreage. Good, it's called Kobe. Enjoy. Have fun feeding your dog that.

Now, let's see who wants to eat beef raised using US laws with less irrigation and acreage than above.

If we were to look at farming and ranching that has the smallest carbon footprint, both in production and to market...with the cheapest cost per calorie to the consumer...anyone know what that is?

Hint: It's not a happy answer.

Maybe it’s been said, but I use ascorbic acid to kill chloramine. It also reduces my Tap water pH from 8.2 to 6.0-6.8 where I want it. The vitamin C bonds to the amonia in chloramine and dissociates it in water, and plants don’t mind the addition at all. 1000mg of Ascorbic acid will treat 50 gallons! In as little as 4-8 minutes!

Works with chlorine. Depending on the municipal system, it may treat the water for anywhere from an hour or two, to a day w chloramine unless your running a really really high pH.
And nobody really says "irrigate cattle".
This was on the bbc website. They have different ways of saying things there. I know...I'm married to a Brit. No reason to nitpick or I'll have to let you know that commas and periods always fall inside of quotation marks in the US.
Hint: It's not a happy answer.
I don't know what the answer is, but I do know that Pt was spot on in his response. It's true that giving up cattle farming would save a lot of water and other natural resources, not to mention decrease the amount of methane going into the atmosphere. I'm not going to stop eating beef (as I mentioned) but that doesn't make him wrong.
Another thing to consider....packaging of food. The US is completely stupid about this.

All those wonderful bags and fancy containers. Guess what uses more water fancy scientists. Want to go see some pine forests I partially own and a paper mill? The paper mill also recycles. Lets go there and discuss water needs for stuff we eat. Yes, the mill makes nice paper containers for peoples food, and it's fucking wasteful as everything and very profitable.

F'ing in and out can't just hand me a wrapped burger.

Or maybe visit the Dow chemical plant that makes all the wonderful resins used in our food bags. There is a reason this plant is on the gulf coast of TX.

So yeah, lets go make cattle inefficient...sorry. A regular sized box of cheerios that I saw at whole foods (gen mills product) for 4 bucks. That box and milled oats and salt took more carbon inputs than most equal in serving size portions of raw protein.

There are really no efficiencies in US ag market. If you want to see those, go to thailand, vietnam, or anywhere in the south pacific.

Disclaimer: I really don't eat much beef, can't stand milk, and very little dairy. LOL. I do eat a ton of eggs though, but they are free.
This was on the bbc website. They have different ways of saying things there. I know...I'm married to a Brit. No reason to nitpick or I'll have to let you know that commas and periods always fall inside of quotation marks in the US.

I don't know what the answer is, but I do know that Pt was spot on in his response. It's true that giving up cattle farming would save a lot of water and other natural resources, not to mention decrease the amount of methane going into the atmosphere. I'm not going to stop eating beef (as I mentioned) but that doesn't make him wrong.

Yes, and I am not arguing Pts response either. 1500# animals require a lot of water and grass. Most other countries don't have the 'beef fetish' that we have in the US either. We fucking jerk off to beef so much, that we like stuff that resembles beef but is only partially beef...we fake beef like is up with that?

There is a ton of stuff in Ag that does not make sense. But that is the real world. Honestly, if we did not have protein access/economies our country would not be nearly as successful as it has over the past 200 years. And part of that success is because we have more land and water than other countries.
You undercut your own opinions when you spout them from a high horse.

Pt wasn't talking about inefficiencies. He was talking about the ecological cost of beef.
It's not really a high horse, I ride a pony.

Wasteful ecological practices/costs are inefficiencies.
Still not giving up meat.

What you eat, should make you happy, and not remorseful. Most people agree, very few knowingly practice.

Coastal us usually 3 sq. 35" of rain in a month and nobody can cut/load, and if cut can't bale wet.
I had steak on Saturday night.

Wasteful ecological practices/costs are inefficiencies.
That's not true and that's a large part of the problem. Ecological costs are almost never factored in without being required by some level of government. If it were, Nixon would never have needed to sign the Clean Water Act. Our country is littered with the damage caused by wasteful ecological practices. Every superfund site for example. Every neighborhood where a lead-acid battery plant released lead into the air that settled onto the houses nearby.

This is why carbon credits are a method of reducing greenhouse gases. No company considers pollution or the over-use of some natural resource into their bottom line until they are forced to.
Yeah, don't even get me started on superfund sites. I grew up in refinery heaven. And because of exposure and still having exposure I still get a lead test every 3 years.

I agree that many commercial entities watch the bottom line vs their footprint. It's the American way, we are wasteful. I still don't understand why people buy little 1 ounce packets of oats, I bought a 50# sack of oats a few years back. Anyway, I had oats, butter and salt for

Enjoy the burgers.

Goats are lower per ounce of protein than everything listed in that article. There are other proteins that are not acceptable fare in our country as well.

Still wondering when I last had meat. All that GI shit a few months back....hmmm. I did have some boudin (pork and pork liver-no beef) over the weekend for breakfast. Maybe I need a big old fat steak this weekend....

I am not a scientist, but I would bet my '83 or '01 trucks both take more fuel and use more tires than other forms of transportation by the mile. But that does not mean we should all go on horseback everywhere.
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