Monday update with a cavalcade of pics (not responsible for scrolling cramps), starting with Saturday's transplant of the Pellezino Cookies on day 45.
It was a bit light so before I watered it I peeked at the bottom:
It looked ready for new digs, so I took it outside in the shade for a better look at it:
I dug around inside and counted about 9 nodes in there, but the lowest one was practically growing out of the dirt, and tiny to boot:
That had to go:
Here's how small they were, and you can see above how sturdy the next node up looked:
While I was in there I pulled off some lower leaves that would be sitting on the new soil:
The full rootball:
I scratched the bottom to free some of the ones flattened by the pot and put it in a 7 gallon cloth pot:
And here is the cleaned up bottom:
Back in the tent it went:
I had to double the window screen over the PC to keep the lux low now that the top is closer in the new pot, and the Wizard got put on a short box to increase the DLI into the 30s.
The RH in the tent got a lot higher with 7 gallons of moist soil so I have to find a way to balance the heat and the RH, which I'm trying to do leaving various tent flaps and sections of tent zipper open to see what might work. Eventually I will probably need to run the intake fan to push air out, but I'm worried about how much heat I'll lose. We'll see!
Here is the Wizard auto this morning on day 47:
Seems okay with the humidity so far, but as Carcass learned the hard way, as it starts to pack on the weight there's less room for error in there.
Finally, here is the lime cutting I planted from perlite about three weeks ago:
No new top growth but as long as it's doing something down below, I'm good!
Thanks for sticking around for all of that.
Jeez get a room you two!
"Ok" and "almost back to 'normal'" is all that matters. And you can navigate here without even having a driver's license!
He's had a few names including Justin Goody, but now that he's a sponsor he's known as the Bean Genie.