InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

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Many growers are amazed when they hear that no humidity dome is required to maintain super high relative humidity levels. This is because the fine mist allow cuttings to uptake any moisture they need directly-even without roots!

So basically it is like rooting something in a glass of water. Moisture is there so it makes the most sense
If y'all don't mind I'll do the update in my native Google Translate needed :).

Saturday and it's sunny and 80º in Los Angeles today. This is why I live here and pay the taxes it takes to live here.

Just a quick one today as I've got errands to run and a nap to take:

Time to put the Sour G from the cloninator into soil. Cut on Sept. 30th and into soil on November 3rd. I guess it's a slow mover!

I was thinking about what @Norcaliwood was saying about putting them in wet soil because dry soil can hurt the roots, but every time I work with wet soil it comes off in clumps. The ProMix HP is very fluffy, so it seems it would be easier on the roots. Anyway, dry is how I did it. Then soaked in distilled water.

Here is the Blue Treacle 2 on day 30. Just seeing some signs of pistils but not enough for me to consider the thing in flower yet.

The apical stem is at the top and you can see that I've tied it lower than the rest of the plant. This makes the plant think it doesn't have a top cola and spreads the auxins across the other bud sites. This is what LST is.

Blue Treacle 1 got a gallon of nutes:
3/4 tsp Pro Tekt
6ml cal/mag+
2 tbs Big Bloom
5 tsp Terpinator

No Tiger Bloom. The Pro Tekt and Terpinator have K, the cal/mag has N, and the Big Bloom has P and K. I think I have the bases covered and the added cal/mag it seems to need.

That's today's short story!
Quick question when ppl clone i see a bunch of ppl that trim the leafs with scissors what the need in doing that for just curious?
Seems a heck of a lot later than it is, even considering the time change. I guess it's because I didn't get a nap! I thought I would get this uploaded tonight rather than wait for the Monday morning crush :).

The first two AK-47 cuttings that rooted (one in the cloninator and one in soil...I think. I've lost track now!) have been translocated into 1 gallon nursery pots. Not only did I remember to add Mykos to the soil, I remembered to spray the sides of the root ball and sprinkle some on there (thank you @Amy Gardner). :thumb:

I fed them both with half-strength nutes, which would be this in a gallon:
¼ tsp Pro-tekt
1.5 ml cal/mag+
½ tsp Grow Big

One of these I'll keep and the other I'll give away if I can find a taker. I guess if none of the cuttings that Clone Boy took take, he'll get one.

They still fit in the Oval of Brightness® with the Blue Treacles and the Peyote Critical. Happy Sunday night all!
Those look good shed good color and standing very well.. nice:goodjob:
Quick question when ppl clone i see a bunch of ppl that trim the leafs with scissors what the need in doing that for just curious?

It's said that it forces the plant to produce roots faster. I never done it that way and I got healthy roots on them within a week. Should say it was in a air stone cloner.

Maybe works if they are put in soil directly.
It's said that it forces the plant to produce roots faster. I never done it that way and I got healthy roots on them within a week. Should say it was in a air stone cloner.

Maybe works if they are put in soil directly.
O ok gotcha
I think there are a couple reasons to trim the leaves. One, it makes it easier to shove a ton of cuttings close together without them laying all over each other in a already humid environment to begin with. Two, as CraZysWeeD mentioned, it sends a signal to the plant that it needs to build leaves. To do that it needs roots, so all the focus turns to building roots first. Too many leaves and the cutting will be less likely to build roots, it thinks it has plenty of nutrients.
Quick question when ppl clone i see a bunch of ppl that trim the leafs with scissors what the need in doing that for just curious?
It's said that it forces the plant to produce roots faster. I never done it that way and I got healthy roots on them within a week. Should say it was in a air stone cloner.
I think there are a couple reasons to trim the leaves. One, it makes it easier to shove a ton of cuttings close together without them laying all over each other in a already humid environment to begin with. Two, as CraZysWeeD mentioned, it sends a signal to the plant that it needs to build leaves. To do that it needs roots, so all the focus turns to building roots first. Too many leaves and the cutting will be less likely to build roots, it thinks it has plenty of nutrients.
As Archiweedies said, cutting leaves allows more cuttings to fit in a cloning tray (or a cloninator) without overlap. What is unclear is whether it aids in faster rooting. I haven't seen any true science on it and I have seen some excellent growers (and apparently Crazy as well ;)) grow beautiful clones without trimming leaves. If someone has a link to a scientific article on leaf cutting please post it here!

I do it because most people do and I wanted to increase my odds. As I get more consistent at cloning I may run a side-by-side test to see if it makes a difference.

Those look good shed good color and standing very well.. nice:goodjob:
Thanks MGR! They have a great root system so I expect them to take off pretty soon with the wild AK growth I seem to get with these clones.
As Archiweedies said, cutting leaves allows more cuttings to fit in a cloning tray (or a cloninator) without overlap. What is unclear is whether it aids in faster rooting. I haven't seen any true science on it and I have seen some excellent growers (and apparently Crazy as well ;)) grow beautiful clones without trimming leaves. If someone has a link to a scientific article on leaf cutting please post it here!

I do it because most people do and I wanted to increase my odds. As I get more consistent at cloning I may run a side-by-side test to see if it makes a difference.

Thanks MGR! They have a great root system so I expect them to take off pretty soon with the wild AK growth I seem to get with these clones.
Yeah im ready to see the ak grow. They are looking amazing and very healthy. Thanks for covering the cloning question just always seen ppl doing it and didnt know why..

Maybe you can do some LST on them so you can show me the correct way of doing it.. im ready to see them babys grow up and be chopped for harvest im definitely gonna stay tuned in
Yeah im ready to see the ak grow. They are looking amazing and very healthy. Thanks for covering the cloning question just always seen ppl doing it and didnt know why..

Maybe you can do some LST on them so you can show me the correct way of doing it.. im ready to see them babys grow up and be chopped for harvest im definitely gonna stay tuned in
I've been doing a lot of LST on my Blue Treacle Auto 2. If you want I can do a few closeups on it tomorrow so you can see how I started and how I got to here:
I've been doing a lot of LST on my Blue Treacle Auto 2. If you want I can do a few closeups on it tomorrow so you can see how I started and how I got to here:
That will work... bc i wanna see how its done the right way ,bc i didnt do it right . I'm still trying to catch up on the journal i might not have made it to that part yet.. but yeah if you have the time and you want to do it id greatly appreciate it cuz i wanna learn the right way and instead of just bending them over all at once:popcorn:
I haven't seen any true science on it and I have seen some excellent growers (and apparently Crazy as well ;)) grow beautiful clones without trimming leaves. If someone has a link to a scientific article on leaf cutting please post it here!

I am curious enough about this that I think I'll try half the cuttings with leaves cut and half untouched. Given the same strain and environment, it might atleast convince me. I dont have to convince anyone but that :rofl:!
I realize there are some variables like human error ( okay for me thats a big variable;)), but it could be worth doing, for science!
I've been doing a lot of LST on my Blue Treacle Auto 2. If you want I can do a few closeups on it tomorrow so you can see how I started and how I got to here:

Closeups please! Haha hope all is well my man ! I’m cutting branches today and starting my hopefully successful “clones”!
When a cutling is taken it should not have more than two pair of nodes under the top anything under these is just waste of energy for it and makes it take longer time than needed to root.
Good info! Is that only for symmetrical nodes? All my cuttings are from branches with alternating nodes and I think I may have some with at least three or four. The AK cuttings have a lot of close alternate nodes so two nodes might have only been an inch.
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