InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

...outside of Quebec...very little...but if you end up in NFLD.,they almost have their own language...:rofl:...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:...
Stay where yer to till I comes where yer at ;)
My cuttings look great for weeks! Then they don't :oops:. I've decided not to care how they look until I see new growth! I've been on this ride too many times to look at anything else.
Hey in the shed, just a about ur plants n how they look even in transplant, please. Its important for future growth at take the time to read about your strain n plant. Figure out how n wut it takes to grow good green n keep it green no matter wut cycle ur in bruh! Care
hehehe...girlz look fine, and that clone is destined for bigger and better things...cheerz...h00k......
There ya go...wasn't that hard after all!
Hi Shed,
Looks like roots on a clone!! :oops::D:goodjob:

Re your recent feeding, was this your intent?
Thanks Felipe! When are you releasing your brilliant spreadsheet for us the Oldbear did with his oil calculation sheet?

3.4 - 1 - 30? Hmmm...probably a bit heavy in the K but the plant looks happy! The N and the P seem right though.

Hey in the shed, just a about ur plants n how they look even in transplant, please. Its important for future growth at take the time to read about your strain n plant. Figure out how n wut it takes to grow good green n keep it green no matter wut cycle ur in bruh! Care
Howdy KK! I'm not sure what you mean about caring about my plants even in transplant. Does it look like I don't? I have grown a few nice plants so I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job on that score.

Welcome to my journal btw :).
When are you releasing your brilliant spreadsheet for us the Oldbear did with his oil calculation sheet?

One of these days.
In the meantime, I’m happy to help.


I would be careful about getting too much K in the soil. It will compete with other nutrients, like calcium, and could cause problems.
Hi Shed,
Looks like roots on a clone!! :oops::D:goodjob:

Re your recent feeding, was this your intent?


That is pretty interesting. I guess that really starts to break stuff down to a very granular level. Ase breaks his nutes down to levels like that and with all the POTM he has had there must be something to it. I have started to look into following a nutrient map now that I am moving towards DWC.
If y'all don't mind I'll do the update in my native Google Translate needed :).

Saturday and it's sunny and 80º in Los Angeles today. This is why I live here and pay the taxes it takes to live here.

Just a quick one today as I've got errands to run and a nap to take:

Time to put the Sour G from the cloninator into soil. Cut on Sept. 30th and into soil on November 3rd. I guess it's a slow mover!

I was thinking about what @Norcaliwood was saying about putting them in wet soil because dry soil can hurt the roots, but every time I work with wet soil it comes off in clumps. The ProMix HP is very fluffy, so it seems it would be easier on the roots. Anyway, dry is how I did it. Then soaked in distilled water.

Here is the Blue Treacle 2 on day 30. Just seeing some signs of pistils but not enough for me to consider the thing in flower yet.

The apical stem is at the top and you can see that I've tied it lower than the rest of the plant. This makes the plant think it doesn't have a top cola and spreads the auxins across the other bud sites. This is what LST is.

Blue Treacle 1 got a gallon of nutes:
3/4 tsp Pro Tekt
6ml cal/mag+
2 tbs Big Bloom
5 tsp Terpinator

No Tiger Bloom. The Pro Tekt and Terpinator have K, the cal/mag has N, and the Big Bloom has P and K. I think I have the bases covered and the added cal/mag it seems to need.

That's today's short story!

I don't want to hear about southern California weather about now. We haven't seen 60f for over a month and it's only going down from here. At least I have a comfortable house to hide out in to ride the winter out..

So Pro-Mix is coco like (no nutes) right? Does it hold more water than coco so you don't have to feed 2x per day? I have never messed with anything other than coco knowing that eventually I wanted to be in DWC/RDWC.

Plants look good. Even though your clone took a while the roots on her are well developed. Your nute mix looks low in N compared to other nute mixes for early flower. Looking at the GH floral line lately to be able to yank the N in late flower. It's hard to do that with the AN line.
I don't want to hear about southern California weather about now. We haven't seen 60f for over a month and it's only going down from here. At least I have a comfortable house to hide out in to ride the winter out..

So Pro-Mix is coco like (no nutes) right? Does it hold more water than coco so you don't have to feed 2x per day? I have never messed with anything other than coco knowing that eventually I wanted to be in DWC/RDWC.

Plants look good. Even though your clone took a while the roots on her are well developed. Your nute mix looks low in N compared to other nute mixes for early flower. Looking at the GH floral line lately to be able to yank the N in late flower. It's hard to do that with the AN line.

I’ve only used promix HP so far and it is a no nute medium. I find it dries fairly quickly and consistently and with my big EM girl in a 7G pot I’m watering her 1Gal every other day right now but that will most likely increase to daily once she goes full on flower mode !
Hey, if you remember correctly I voted for your plant the month I competed against it. As someone that generally does a lot of training on my plants, I look past just the genetics and see what you tried to do with the plant and see the work. Your AK was a gorgeous plant man. I appreciate the work more than I appreciate the genetics per say. Its not easy to make a plant look like you want it to look.

As for the contests, you know I don't generally enter a lot of contests. If I enter a plant, its cause there is something special about it to me. Since I hurt my back, the plants are really my main outlet and thus get a lot of attention from me. Growing is really my only outlet to express myself right now so I put a lot into it. I do it cause love the plants so much, they along with Ms Stank are my anchors. I was blessed to have found this forum and the people just as I was blessed to have these amazing plants. Contests are great, but I love see y'all win em and see the people that have stuck around get so much better at growing. I mean hell dude, you are freaking cloning!! And you said it couldn't be done! Thats the shit that keeps me here!

Getting Sweet Sue to respond back to me while she was in transit to her new destination (unbeknownst to me or I wouldn't have bothered her) when I reached out about advice for a cousin with an inoperable brain tumor and a starting point on threads to read was just another example of what I really love about this place. Poor woman took a bunch of time and gave me a great write up, cause lets be honest....I might be good at growing plants but I know squat about anything more than that. People start using big words about body parts and my eyes glaze over and start thinking about soil and plants and training styles. People like her and countless other amazingly giving people here make this a real community instead of just another forum.

And thank you for the compliment my friend, its much appreciated. I might just have to enter the BCP this month though. Man she is a gorgeous monster girl. And man, the smells off her! Getting ready to make some S1s off her clones.
The quality of the plants grown here is at times off the chain and I agree with Van in that it isn't always the largest colas or the latest genetics that people appreciate. It's the effort and passion that people put into the plants. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to train and grow plants like you see in those contests.

This is the one community where most in it just want to help everyone else out. They may have competitions but the people that win them are as willing to help the newbies just as much as they would last months winner. It's a nice change from everyday life where it seems like everything is overly competitive.
Great posts fellas and I couldn’t agree more! I think because I focus a lot of my time into training, I can appreciate the time spent. I love 420 and all the members that take there time to help. I’ve learned so much and am forever grateful I found this place.

Carry on... still catching up :D
Ok properly caught up and took a whole page here for myself I think!?

Looks fantastic! I don’t care what my clones look like either until I see roots or mold:)

Here’s some of newtys ugly monsters and some nice ones

In the shed it's just the Mars Hydro 300 keeping it warm. I'll shut the little window in the door when it starts to get colder. In the bike shed I've got the cuttings on a heat mat if you missed it a few pages back.
Oh yea Shed, no I knew about your heat mat. I was more curious about heating the shed. Here in my parts, it’s dipping into the 50s at night and I am crossing the “should I put my oil-filled heater inside the tent” part of my journey. I’ve yet to go below 68F yet, but I did last winter. Speaking of which... dwc buckets in winter on a garage floor with nothing but the tent between the buckets and the concrete floor was probably one of the reasons that whole thing failed...
Sorry, rambling. Glad to see your plants are looking great. The blue treacle is really looking great!
I have started to look into following a nutrient map now that I am moving towards DWC.

Mapping out your nutrients also works very well for the hempy style of passive hydro, which has the added benefit of a small reservoir that will help extend time between fertigations. I’m not sure how helpful it is for soil, since there are unknowns re what’s still in the medium after n weeks. With hempy, there’s no big reservoir to change, just change your mix, and fertigate to 10-20% runoff.

Back to Shed’s regular program in progress...
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