InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

So Pro-Mix is coco like (no nutes) right? Does it hold more water than coco so you don't have to feed 2x per day? I have never messed with anything other than coco knowing that eventually I wanted to be in DWC/RDWC.

Plants look good. Even though your clone took a while the roots on her are well developed. Your nute mix looks low in N compared to other nute mixes for early flower. Looking at the GH floral line lately to be able to yank the N in late flower. It's hard to do that with the AN line.
ProMix is soil, and the HP is clean with no nutes and extra perlite (and mykos) for good drainage (HP is high porosity). I add perlite to my other soil because I like soil to dry out quickly, though nowhere near as fast at coco. I go 3-4 days in veg and 2-3 in flower, depending on the size of the plant.

The Blue Treacle 1 in pretty late in flower so I don't think it needs much nitrogen, and I'm sure there's some built up in the soil as Felipe mentioned. Here pics of the top cola so you can see where it is this morning:

I find it dries fairly quickly and consistently and with my big EM girl in a 7G pot I’m watering her 1Gal every other day right now but that will most likely increase to daily once she goes full on flower mode !
Speaking of the size of the plant, it's not surprising those monsters need to be watered that often! They probably should have been in 25 gallon pots ;).
I don’t care what my clones look like either until I see roots or mold
This^^. If not mold then shriveled.
Here in my parts, it’s dipping into the 50s at night and I am crossing the “should I put my oil-filled heater inside the tent” part of my journey. I’ve yet to go below 68F yet, but I did last winter.
I'm with you on the nighttime temps but the shed is pretty small so the Mars provides some heat. I don't remember it getting cold enough in there last winter to worry about the plants. Cold buckets of DWC could be an issue though :).

Is the tent dipping into the 50s at night? Then yes on the heater! And no on Prop 10.

Mapping out your nutrients also works very well for the hempy style of passive hydro, which has the added benefit of a small reservoir that will help extend time between fertigations. I’m not sure how helpful it is for soil, since there are unknowns re what’s still in the medium after n weeks. With hempy, there’s no big reservoir to change, just change your mix, and fertigate to 10-20% runoff.
Back to Shed’s regular program in progress...
It's odd on the nute mapping because in the spring I was all over that with my own (shite compared to yours) spreadsheet of the N-P-K levels I was using with each feeding. Now I'm just winging it. I wish I had a spreadsheet of my own :).

Thanks Felipe!


Small update this morning! Besides the pics above of Blue Treacle 1, I was sorting through the bike shed as I do every morning, shifting domes and checking the cloninator for roots (one Sour G with root still). Look what I found in one of the cups with the doubled-up Sour G cuttings taken 10/21:

Looks like some roots to me! They are in the middle so there's no way to know which cutting they're connected to until I transplant. Still...not bad for 14 days. Especially given how long they took in the cloninator. Also, the one in the cup that I took on 9/30 is still not showing any. I wonder if the Dip'n Grow helped there.

I'll be transplanting the two AK clones out of their solo cups today, but just into 1 gallon nursery pots as they need to stay small to fit somewhere with light at night.

Gotta go make cookies for my dad! Have a great rest of the weekend. :cool:
Trying cloning today/tomorrow myself ! Took the cuttings last night they have been soaking in a cup. Premoistened the pots with promix HP just with distilled water. Tomorrow once the pots have sat on the heatmat and drained I will insert the cuttings into them after scraping the bottom 1-2” of bark off and dipping in promix rooting powder!

Fingers crossed I can get some cuttings to turn into clones this time!
Trying cloning today/tomorrow myself ! Took the cuttings last night they have been soaking in a cup. Premoistened the pots with promix HP just with distilled water. Tomorrow once the pots have sat on the heatmat and drained I will insert the cuttings into them after scraping the bottom 1-2” of bark off and dipping in promix rooting powder!
Fingers crossed I can get some cuttings to turn into clones this time!
Going with domes like me and beez or out in the air like nobody?
Going with domes like me and beez or out in the air like nobody?

Actually, this sixth clone I took from the RD is under a tilted plastic container. I think it is helping. Still in a rapid rooter or plug. I know the plugs are probably made from ground up tires from the TJ sanitation dept bought at 3 bucks a tonne in mexico. More terp. ha. open air rh been running about 50 here hence the use of the dome.
Actually, this sixth clone I took from the RD is under a tilted plastic container. I think it is helping. Still in a rapid rooter or plug. I know the plugs are probably made from ground up tires from the TJ sanitation dept bought at 3 bucks a tonne in mexico. More terp. ha. open air rh been running about 50 here hence the use of the dome.

Do you find that the no dome method works better for you ?
I think I’m going to use clear cups as domes for the first few days but the way they sit on my small square pots they will be partly uncovered. So hopefully that will force them to try and make roots sooner ?
I have been keeping the domes on for the first three days. After that I leave them cracked all day and on all night. Beez is retired so he can do the timer thing he describes in his posts.

Actually, this sixth clone I took from the RD is under a tilted plastic container. I think it is helping. Still in a rapid rooter or plug. I know the plugs are probably made from ground up tires from the TJ sanitation dept bought at 3 bucks a tonne in mexico. More terp. ha. open air rh been running about 50 here hence the use of the dome.
Van uses rooters for some of his clones and he gets amazing roots in (I think) a standard cloning tray/lid combo. Keeping the RH up in the early days seems pretty important. Funny how spraying the stems for a minute ever 15 will keep them green for over a month with no domes though.
Thanks Mi! BTW, it was a win, not a nomination ;).
The devils in the details :rofl:!

My Dewey Cloner has no dome to cover the plants and I successfully cloned the first time I tied. Really had no idea what I was doing. Perhaps someone can explain why that works( aeroponic cloner) just as well as the “dome” method.
I hope to do some clones real soon in my journal. Just seems like my plants take three times as long as you you guys haha.
My Dewey Cloner has no dome to cover the plants and I successfully cloned the first time I tied. Really had no idea what I was doing. Perhaps someone can explain why that works( aeroponic cloner) just as well as the “dome” method.
I hope to do some clones real soon in my journal. Just seems like my plants take three times as long as you you guys haha.
Found this:
Many growers are amazed when they hear that no humidity dome is required to maintain super high relative humidity levels. This is because the fine mist allow cuttings to uptake any moisture they need directly-even without roots!

Hey Shed I know it’s onkt been a short time but have you by chance noticed if the heat mat has had any positive influence on your cuttings yet?
It's only been about a week and I have no idea if it's had a positive effect. I'm not sure I ever will. Beez said he doesn't use any heat and his just take a bit longer in the winter, but they still root. I figure I'd just make it a little easier given my track record!
Found this:
Many growers are amazed when they hear that no humidity dome is required to maintain super high relative humidity levels. This is because the fine mist allow cuttings to uptake any moisture they need directly-even without roots!

It's only been about a week and I have no idea if it's had a positive effect. I'm not sure I ever will. Beez said he doesn't use any heat and his just take a bit longer in the winter, but they still root. I figure I'd just make it a little easier given my track record!

Right on ! I’m going to use my heatmat for these cuttings to hopefully improve my last failed attempt ! Slightly different approach this time so hopefully I’ll get some good success !
Seems a heck of a lot later than it is, even considering the time change. I guess it's because I didn't get a nap! I thought I would get this uploaded tonight rather than wait for the Monday morning crush :).

The first two AK-47 cuttings that rooted (one in the cloninator and one in soil...I think. I've lost track now!) have been translocated into 1 gallon nursery pots. Not only did I remember to add Mykos to the soil, I remembered to spray the sides of the root ball and sprinkle some on there (thank you @Amy Gardner). :thumb:

I fed them both with half-strength nutes, which would be this in a gallon:
¼ tsp Pro-tekt
1.5 ml cal/mag+
½ tsp Grow Big

One of these I'll keep and the other I'll give away if I can find a taker. I guess if none of the cuttings that Clone Boy took take, he'll get one.

They still fit in the Oval of Brightness® with the Blue Treacles and the Peyote Critical. Happy Sunday night all!
Seems a heck of a lot later than it is, even considering the time change. I guess it's because I didn't get a nap! I thought I would get this uploaded tonight rather than wait for the Monday morning crush :).

The first two AK-47 cuttings that rooted (one in the cloninator and one in soil...I think. I've lost track now!) have been translocated into 1 gallon nursery pots. Not only did I remember to add Mykos to the soil, I remembered to spray the sides of the root ball and sprinkle some on there. :thumb:

I fed them both with half-strength nutes, which would be this in a gallon:
¼ tsp Pro-tekt
1.5 ml cal/mag+
½ tsp Grow Big

One of these I'll keep and the other I'll give away if I can find a taker. I guess if none of the cuttings that Clone Boy took take, he'll get one.

They still fit in the Oval of Brightness® with the Blue Treacles and the Peyote Critical. Happy Sunday night all!
You did not forget the mykos....good nap today?

Do you find that the no dome method works better for you ?
I have been keeping the domes on for the first three days. After that I leave them cracked all day and on all night. Beez is retired so he can do the timer thing he describes in his posts.

Van uses rooters for some of his clones and he gets amazing roots in (I think) a standard cloning tray/lid combo. Keeping the RH up in the early days seems pretty important. Funny how spraying the stems for a minute ever 15 will keep them green for over a month with no domes though.

I think my RH, or not watching it was the issue, it can be 70 in the house at night and be 40 by morning. It looked like my plants were just frying/drying out and the rapid rooter was wet and the stem was rotting in the rooter.

I had the WW and 1st (hopefully) RD take by just leaving them out in the tray in the shade. I feel pretty good about another RD clone that is about 7 days old and still looks great. I mist it, it's in a tray, and it's covered and vented. I even dipped the plug in a little diluted big bloom and pro tekt today like the previous ones. Just think the RD is a slow rooter.

Anyway, just keeping the rh up when running gas heat appears to help.
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