InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Kinda what I was thinking! Sure wish I could get it down a bit more, I'll tumble around more frequently until it gets down there! Should work out alright, thanks again :passitleft:

Edit: The main fridge isnt the best spot is it? I played hell trying to keep the in-laws from getting in there to grab a drink, or a snack, etc. Haha...thats one cat that doesnt need let out of the bag!
Kinda what I was thinking! Sure wish I could get it down a bit more, I'll tumble around more frequently until it gets down there! Should work out alright, thanks again
It's the slow that makes the difference, so two weeks is about what she said it should it take. If your ambient RH is anything like mine, you'll need something at the end to get it into Boveda range like rice balls (see my sig for the tutorial...that's what Sue uses) or a small dehumidifier (I dump the buds in a copy-paper box with one of these for an hour at a time).
Cool info shed
Heh heh, cool info! Nice one Joe :thumb:
Might give em' a try, I seen Sue talking about them!
Would they work in the fridge? Maybe a bowl of them? Might be far fetched but just a thought! :bongrip:
A whole bowl would work if you bake them per my tutorial, but be careful because they suck out a lot of moisture. Just not for long.
Shed my man! Awesome quick update roots are popping ! Hope your doing well my man ! And happy halloooweeeeed !
Thanks Dutch. Handed out like 22 bags of candy tonight! Got my makeup off and it's all over so here I am :).
Seeing as my vote went elsewhere ;) Let me be the first to congratulate you good man on a well deserved Plant of the Month win!!
:theband: What Shed Said! Will be playing at the after party :yahoo::love:

Thank you Amy! Everyone should vote their favorite :). Thanks for making the band available :thumb:.
:high-five: Shed where's the sticker going:hmmmm:???? She's still a beauty!
Stickers go on the file cabinet, which I don't take any pics of for obvious reasons. Someday I'll have someplace better to put them :hmmmm:.

Congrats! That plant has been one of my favourites this year! Very well done my friend very well done :bravo:
Awww thanks newty! Your trimming videos assisted me in getting it into that amazing shape (along with my talent for peach tree pruning and newly discovered love of supercropping :)).
Congrats on the PotM Shed! Glad you got it brother.
Thank you Van! That means a lot from someone with so many winners in your tents. I don't know if you read my midnight post in that thread but I thanked you for laying out of October for my chance at the win :). Your plants are really hard to beat.
Thanks dynamo! Hard to believe but it I guess it was the form that was the key to the win. Other plants had more frost but something about the AK drew folks in!

Potm damn buddy .

I’m in awe to say I am friends with a man of such an honour .

So happy that you won brotha it was truly remarkable plant. There were about two other easily that I had to sit and go damn this is facking tough.. but there was just the fact your pic make me sit in awe just a bit longer . Outstanding my brotha ✊
Potm damn buddy .
I’m in awe to say I am friends with a man of such an honour .
So happy that you won brotha it was truly remarkable plant. There were about two other easily that I had to sit and go damn this is facking tough.. but there was just the fact your pic make me sit in awe just a bit longer . Outstanding my brotha ✊
Thanks Joe! Even if it's hard to choose you should still try to find your favorite and vote. If one plant makes you sit in awe, click the Vote button no matter whose it is. I sure hope no one would ever hold your vote against you! After all...I'm still rather fond of Amy ;).
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