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What's the NPK on that and how do they account for the increased need for K in flower? Even the Dyna-grow folks here use two bottles to bump the K in flower.


I dunno.

Edited right here to correct my completely off-base reply, since ya did ask about K. :rolleyes:

I dunno. Guess a significant bump in P might not be needed? MegaCrop is all I gave the re-veg, and it did quite well during flowering. :yummy:

I recall reading an interview with the Dyna-Gro CEO(?) a few years ago. In it, he admitted that they just put the Bloom out on the market because there was a perceived need/demand for it. But internally, they didn’t think it was necessary. And so it goes...
Penny has said that P is not as important in flower the nute makers make it sound.

So is Greenleaf's theory that the 1:1.45 N:K ratio is fine for veg and the plant will use the extra K when it needs it in flower?
They'd have to arrest my dog! Meanest thing I've done to a squirrel is trap it and relocate it 7 miles away to keep it off my old peach trees. Twice (two different squirrels!).
:circle-of-Love: we do this with the little native critters who try to move into our roof space during every autumn. :)

Say, can someone explain to me where the term ‘defoil’ comes from as an abbreviation of defoliation? Shouldn’t it be ‘defol’? Or does it refer to something else, that I’m missing.

#pedanticaboutlanguagedetail ;) #needtoknow :D

That one gets me as well.

If you actually google defoil it’s called the process of removing or stripping leaves. Defoliation and Pruning are also 2 separate things where defoliation is the process of removing leaves and pruning can be defined as removing branches or growth.

That’s my understanding anyways lol
So I forgot to count the other day but I did today when I was in the tent and total tops atm is 70! I’m hoping by the time she stops stretching she will have about 75-80 tops!
Big ol girl haha
If you actually google defoil it’s called the process of removing or stripping leaves.
Defoil is not in the dictionary, not even the Scrabble dictionary! It's a misspelled abbreviation hence it's appearance in Google searches. Stand by for dissertation...
If you actually google defoil it’s called the process of removing or stripping leaves. Defoliation and Pruning are also 2 separate things where defoliation is the process of removing leaves and pruning can be defined as removing branches or growth.

That’s my understanding anyways lol
Great info! My guess is they needed a vowel in there somewhere and the I couldnt go at the end :hmmmm: lmao.

So I just call it stripping then... cause technically I'm taking shoots AND the corresponding fan leaves.
Oh my god is it 7:40 pm already? This is what happens when you take a nearly 4 hour napo_O. 1:00 feeling a bit sleepy after doing transplanting in the hot sun. 3:30 I woke up and said "that's probably enough." Looked at the clock at 4:45 and said "holy wonder I was dreaming about food!" Who knows when I'll fall asleep tonight.

Say, can someone explain to me where the term ‘defoil’ comes from as an abbreviation of defoliation? Shouldn’t it be ‘defol’? Or does it refer to something else, that I’m missing.
#pedanticaboutlanguagedetail ;) #needtoknow :D
My two theories:
1. The term "defoil" comes as people know there is an "i" somewhere in the original word (which they may have never actually written out) and they put it after the "o" as that makes the result look more like a word by itself rather than an abbreviation.
2. Many growers have never encountered the word "defoliation" and picked up "defoil" from this website because others spelled it wrong (see 1 above). Kind of like flushing is a thing even though the science isn't there.

There are people who pronounce "height" as "heidth" because they think if width and length end in "th," so must height! I hear "accrost" a lot ("he lived accrost from me"). There are a lot of ect. folks rather than etc.

More folks don't understand when to use "fewer" over "less" than do! (Pro tip: if you can count them, it's fewer. If not, it's less. E.g. Less water, fewer droplets.)

"Why?" you might ask. Well, on here, it's the internet where it can seem nitpicky to correct language. But my feeling is it comes from teachers who didn't bother and parents who didn't know any better. Language is learned in the home and usage is generational. How else would we end up with "on accident" vs. "by accident" (it's not supposed to mirror "on purpose"), or "landed up" rather than "ended up."

Okay, enough with the linguistics for one evening!

Update next...
Dont forget me who always said intensive purposes and ease dropping... oh and great fruit. I always am annoyed with li-BARRY.

anyways the wife and I laugh REALLY hard at some of these... enjoy


Sorry teddy one more...

Saturday was transplant day. Okay, just two plants but I needed a nap more than I needed to transplant the AK-47! I didn't see roots growing out of the bottom even though it does drink a lot. Next weekend most likely. Either way I'm going to have to make room in a shed for the bigger pot.

I didn't have enough ProMix HP for this (and I did not feel like driving all the way down to Lowes) so I went with the Dr Earth Pot of Gold and rinsed perlite at about 50/50. First was Sour G...

Not root bound but it held together just fine. I pulled out the tiles that were covering the holes in the pot before I put it into the new pot:

Reverse sand castle is my new go-to, as you will see:

Okay, now let's grow! I want this big enough to flip at the same time as the AK which is bigger and will probably stay that way:

Here is the Peyote Critical on day 19 with roots a'poppin!

Did I mention reverse sand castle?

New home in the nursery pot that the Sour G was in:

And finally, the butterfly that creates bird-poop caterpillars was fluttering around the scene of the crime. When I see those caterpillars now I've started moving them to less vulnerable plants (like the big old lemon trees instead of the younger ones):

And some of the twitterers in MadDab's post made the classic mistake of using the wrong words when making fun of someone else's English! :laugh:

Off to catch up on what y'all did today...
Good update Shed, the transplant looked awesome again. That plant should explode soon! Did you sprinkle anything on the transplant hole for good root health?

I stayed up late watching that brutal ball game last night!
Awesome update Shed! Glad the upsizing went smoothly ! I use the reverse sand castle method too... works great! Hope your doing well brother !
Thanks Dutch! You too :).
Good update Shed, the transplant looked awesome again. That plant should explode soon! Did you sprinkle anything on the transplant hole for good root health?
I stayed up late watching that brutal ball game last night!
I haven't watched any games (and am not watching the current mess) because I don't need any more disappointment from the TV. I get enough from the news!

Forgot to add mykos to the hole itself on the Sour G (even though the package was sitting right there!) but did add it to the soil when I mixed it. I then remembered to add it for the PC! I also added Great White to the nutes I fed them just after. Oh, for the record, Sour G just got ½ tsp Armor Si and 5ml cal/mag+. No Grow Big to cut down on the N.
Sounds awesome! Have you, or anyone else around here, used Recharge before? Its a Great White type of product made in Colorado, if I'm not mistaken. Anyways, I really like the product.
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