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They say that cuttings taken in veg will root more easily. Early flower is okay as well and lower branches can be the last to show pistils anyway. Clones taken in flower are called "monstercrops" and they tend to branch like crazy, making for some huge plants. My AK in the contest now was a monstercrop, hence the 59 tops!
Cant believe I never knew this! Will definitely keep that in the back of my mind from now on...thanks Shed!
I did this summer worked beautiful had decent roots coming after like 7 days
Your clones were killer Joe! I remember looking at those roots and thinking when the hell will I ever get those!
My squirrels eat my peaches, berries, pecans, and the stuffing in my outdoors seating. I eat them in a pot pie. My dog eats them sushi style. They keep coming.
That's the life cycle of fruits. Animals eat them and we eat the animals! Who says I'm not getting a balanced diet :).
Thanks for reminding me! I'm voting Shed for 420 jar winner! Lately,when I do my preflip defoiling I specifically leave a few bottom fresh shoots exactly for that. That's how I did my last clones in veg though. This next batch will be in flower! It goes along with Newtys book she posted saying you get better cloning if they are in growth...i took that as like in strech! My spinnly branches produce fluffy buds anyway so what better use to make a whole new plant than a few drops oil!
Everyone should vote every month in the contests. It's part of being a member. The more people that vote the more accurate the results!

Good idea to leave some lower branches with cuttings in mind Lowded. And not many of us read that link newty posted I don't think. I stopped at chapter 3 but need to get back and finish the rest.
Cant believe I never knew this! Will definitely keep that in the back of my mind from now on...thanks Shed!
Glad to pass it along Laquer. Once a monstercrop starts growing it's time to start thinking about training and thinning. Otherwise it can get out of control :thumb:.


Friday Friday Friday! On the downside I have a dentist appointment tomorrow...

I got a couple of quick pics this morning and the sun was out early (instead of the dreaded "marine layer"). Sorry if the contrast is too high :rolleyes:.

First up, the AK-47 clones. One was rooted in ProMix HP and the other in the cloninator:

Next up is Peyote Critical on day 18:

...who is definitely going into a 1 gallon pot tomorrow!

Next up is Blue Treacle 2 on day 22. Lots of leaf tucking on this to open up the lower growth. The lowers are kinda lopsided, with basically one side of each node being much more dominant than the other:

Here is Blue Treacle 1 on day 48:

It's looking a bit Ca deprived, no?

And finally, this was wrapped around my NY Times this morning. If not for @RETRIX and @CraZysWeeD, I would have had no idea what they were advertising! Expensive promotion. Wasted on me though ;).
View media item 1617761
That's what was happening with me this morning. I hope your day is going well and your personal marine layer burned off early.
Thx, Shed. I can see your face smiling when opening that newspaper and thinking of us. :D

Just bring that cal/mag and feeeed it. It looks like every grower now days needs that. I can't remember when growing ten years ago people talking about these issues then. You can almost start to believe this is a deliberate move by seed providers to sell us more chem... :)
Has anything changed in the last decade that would impact the amount of calcium and magnesium in the water? I know my ppm when I first started growing was like 200ppm. Now its well over 320ppm and Ive made the move to RO water for my garden.
now look at you.... bro killing it
Thanks Joe! It's nice to start with new plants.
Nice update Shed! Man I cant play video games for long anymore. Hey the roots on Peyote Critical is looking gnarly and super white!:goodjob:
I don't play videogames at all so to me it was just shiny wrapping paper! And that PC is gonna be so happy to have room to spread out tomorrow :).
Thx, Shed. I can see your face smiling when opening that newspaper and thinking of us. :D

Just bring that cal/mag and feeeed it. It looks like every grower now days needs that. I can't remember when growing ten years ago people talking about these issues then. You can almost start to believe this is a deliberate move by seed providers to sell us more chem... :)

Has anything changed in the last decade that would impact the amount of calcium and magnesium in the water? I know my ppm when I first started growing was like 200ppm. Now its well over 320ppm and Ive made the move to RO water for my garden.
I know the TDS of my tap water varies by close to 100 points during the year depending on where we're getting it from an any given time. It never occurred to me to use more cal/mag when the TDS was lower. I wonder if that's part of what's missing when it goes down. Either way I'll be bumping that up next watering!
Has anything changed in the last decade that would impact the amount of calcium and magnesium in the water? I know my ppm when I first started growing was like 200ppm. Now its well over 320ppm and Ive made the move to RO water for my garden.

That totally depends on what type of water your city pumps out. Is it from a ground water res or is it surface water, lakes or river... Surface water contains less heavy elements mostly organics and organic waste. The ground water is more full of these heavies. But it can be a low pH and start to drop out more than you need when the pH is raised for water production. So these variables change from fall to spring over time.
From KCRW in Nov. 2013:

Although the exact percentages can change dramatically from one year to the next, generally L.A. gets about half of its water from Northern California and the Colorado River, 10 percent from local groundwater sources, and a third from the Owens Valley.

By the time LA taps it, water from the Colorado is loaded with salts and minerals, so would almost qualify as groundwater, from that standpoint.
From KCRW in Nov. 2013:

Although the exact percentages can change dramatically from one year to the next, generally L.A. gets about half of its water from Northern California and the Colorado River, 10 percent from local groundwater sources, and a third from the Owens Valley.

By the time LA taps it, water from the Colorado is loaded with salts and minerals, so would almost qualify as groundwater, from that standpoint.
Thanks for digging that up Felipe! And those sources vary depending on time of year and what water district in LA you're in as well.
Must be a nightmare working with that resource... we have quite stable surface waters but the lake we took from a few years ago would be impossible to take water out today, its so dam low you could almost walk over it right now. Thank god the rain finally came tonight. It's been almost 6-7 months now without rain.
Los Angeles was developed with many sources of water, so this it how it's always worked. Can't be a nightmare if it's standard operating procedure! After all, we go 7 months without rain every year :).
That’s one reason I’m liking the MegaCrop. No matter if my tap is 7.2 or 9.8, it buffers out to somewhere between 6.4 and 6.5.
Getting it down to 5.7 for hempy then only requires a couple mils of pH down.
Thanks Joe! It's nice to start with new plants.

I don't play videogames at all so to me it was just shiny wrapping paper! And that PC is gonna be so happy to have room to spread out tomorrow :).

I know the TDS of my tap water varies by close to 100 points during the year depending on where we're getting it from an any given time. It never occurred to me to use more cal/mag when the TDS was lower. I wonder if that's part of what's missing when it goes down. Either way I'll be bumping that up next watering!
Mine is ppm in summer 170 and winter 150 out of tap
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