InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I think Teddy has me on speed dial when it comes to getting my hand spanked for posting off-topic posts.
Hope Pops is doing better there Shed...
Well I can say I had a bit of a run in with a member here at one point myself. He seemed to be talking down to people and discrediting home growers. So I took the direct route and called him out in thread. I wish I wouldn't have because we talked through it and both agreed it was a misunderstanding and we could have bothered done better to be more respectful.

P, like shed said, we've all (most probably) gotten stuff messaged from tedwards. Or had posts removed or titles of threads changed... it less likely to happen in fast paced journals but plenty of us "respect members" (I dont include myself in that list) have gotten a talking to. Lol even chris when he was on staff said he'd get hand slaps from teddy.... such is life.

So like I told shed months ago dont sweat the mod messages. And like rooster always said, "I take teds messages as, I left them up for a day or 2 first so people could see."

I posted a picture of me on a huge boulder in washington in lady gs journal and when teddy messaged me I just replied thanks for leaving up long enough for her to see....

That's my 2 cents. And I havent been banned (yet) bahahaha!

But shed you have a great group here! Let's keep it positive and keep the good info on full flow gang!

And just incase....


I remember that picture. lol
If you all need some pics of what not to do you are welcome to use any from my journal's. I screwed up some plants good in this summer heat. Next summer more AC.
LMAO Meds!
Yeah I just left the hospital (eating a sandwich in my car at the moment) and I think we'll go after all. I'll feel guilty the whole time though but it's really my only vacation for the year.

Shed I hope your Dad feels better and that you have a good vacation. I lost my Dad a few years back and I know what you mean about feeling guilty, but try to relax and have a good time. And also, not trying to be funny but, What kind of sandwich are you eating? Is it a Double Double by chance? LOL
Yep me too! All my fantastic unicorn pics get and ted are tight from all the messages he sends lol

Shed I hope your dad starts to get on the mend, I’ll be thinking about ya and sending positivity.

I’ll take a bowl Dabbs you can hold my GSCCrack dube;)
Yeah I just left the hospital (eating a sandwich in my car at the moment) and I think we'll go after all. I'll feel guilty the whole time though but it's really my only vacation for the year.
Try and enjoy yourself buddy. I know it wont be easy but heck you can call and check in maybe? Hope he heals quickly
Yeah I just left the hospital (eating a sandwich in my car at the moment) and I think we'll go after all. I'll feel guilty the whole time though but it's really my only vacation for the year.
Enjoy yourself buddy. We a need that break from time to time. Hope your dad is doing well... I'll be saying a prayer for y'all.
Just coming by to say Congrats on the Journal of the Month win there Shed... Keepem Green
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