InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

'Shed, sorry to hear 'bout your father, hope it goes as well as possible. You're doing the right thing by being there for him. Getting old(er) ain't easy!
I agree with all those sentiments :) Conradino was the first to welcome me and pennywise stayed with my first journal from start to finish, with heaps of encouragement and help and I appreciate it so much.

I feel a bit hurt that an inference was made to me being a teachers pet to the mods (among other things). They were hurtful things to imply, and unfounded. I have never reported a post of yours Preston, man. If anything I’m a pain in the arse to the mods because I’m sometimes on their back to deliver some of the things that were promised during the change over. So yes, I have some communication with the mods, possibly more than most - but I’m nobody’s pet, and my comms with them are nearly always in the service of making things better for the membership, us. I desperately wanted to walk away and not respond to the inferred slur, but it’s so far from true, and hurtful, that I had to answer it more directly, even if it did come at me kind of sideways.

We obviously feel very much the same way about the forum and the friends were making here so Preston, if you have something to take up with me in the future (or with any member perhaps) can you maybe come a bit more directly at it? Like, just ask me.

I'm sorry you assumed any of that was directed at you. It was not....

I didn't even think my post had been reported until you showed such a clear distaste for me and immediately assumed I was referencing you.

I was wrong for even thinking that and will gladly address issues privately with you. Maybe you could think about not talking down to people like they are below you... Fair deal?

I'm here to make good friends and learn to grow from the best, not argue over hurt feelings.

I do sincerely apologize if you took offense.
My biggest problem was not wanting to look like a failure and not posting when I had problems. How stupid is that.
that's easy to do. Just check my journal for me not posting disgusting foxtailed flowers.... well I did again today.

Seems silly not to help others learn from our mistakes. Not when they can be avoided.

And yes the other forums are trash. People fighting and bickering pointing fingers and no learning takes place. Sad stuff!
Seems silly not to help others learn from our mistakes. Not when they can be avoided.
:thumb: Honestly sometimes that the stuff that’s helped me the most. Like seeing what kinds of sorry ass states plants can bounce back from, and seeing that even experienced growers make mistakes... it all helps me to relax around the gardening.
Well I can say I had a bit of a run in with a member here at one point myself. He seemed to be talking down to people and discrediting home growers. So I took the direct route and called him out in thread. I wish I wouldn't have because we talked through it and both agreed it was a misunderstanding and we could have bothered done better to be more respectful.

P, like shed said, we've all (most probably) gotten stuff messaged from tedwards. Or had posts removed or titles of threads changed... it less likely to happen in fast paced journals but plenty of us "respect members" (I dont include myself in that list) have gotten a talking to. Lol even chris when he was on staff said he'd get hand slaps from teddy.... such is life.

So like I told shed months ago dont sweat the mod messages. And like rooster always said, "I take teds messages as, I left them up for a day or 2 first so people could see."

I posted a picture of me on a huge boulder in washington in lady gs journal and when teddy messaged me I just replied thanks for leaving up long enough for her to see....

That's my 2 cents. And I havent been banned (yet) bahahaha!

But shed you have a great group here! Let's keep it positive and keep the good info on full flow gang!

And just incase....


I was just really nervous at first and thought that the regulars wouldn't want to help a hapless noobie who didn't know a burple from a fluorescent tube. Lol
My biggest Satisfaction in growing is helping others work through problems and learn! ....but we can only do that when we share it all!
If you all need some pics of what not to do you are welcome to use any from my journal's. I screwed up some plants good in this summer heat. Next summer more AC.
Maybe you could think about not talking down to people like they are below you... Fair deal?
I didn't read anything @Amy Gardner wrote as talking down and seeming superior but I'm sorry you did. That's never been my impression of Amy, so I'm guessing that was a misunderstanding. Most of the threads I post in are populated by folks who knows me so my comments are only misconstrued by the folks who don't get me (yet!).

Thanks for all your kind words. The nurse at the hospital says they can handle him and that I should go on vacation.

My biggest problem was not wanting to look like a failure and not posting when I had problems. How stupid is that.

I felt the same way in the beginning. But when you see others do it and not get bashed it makes it easier. Also, I realized, I'd have a very hard time troubleshooting on my own. :D
Likewise. But throw up a few pictures with some info and the whole crew chimes in. Priceless

Exactly! I am still in awe of the friendly sharing of info, advice and experience. I wish the whole world could be more like what we find here. I probably would have had to give up if I'd been on my own. Instead, people I've never met have given heaps of help.
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