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Like I said, that was speculation about the contract thing... it just wouldn’t surprise me. DOn’t quote me on it!

And you know, I’m not saying it isn’t odd, and inconsistent. I mean, the timber drivers are the same driver and I don’t expect one would need to block it out there. This detail about the name on the drivers possibly calls for some clarification...:hmmmm: and better defence than I’ve been able to come up with so far...

EDIT: another tack... farside had this excellent suggestion in another thread where this is being discussed (I’m including my response as I posted to there too)...

I wonder if it has anything to do with the model being used, as to keep people from using the incorrect driver for their specific build and the inherent risks involved with mismatching components? I have noticed that Timbers site blanks out the model numbers on the driver's, not necessarily the brand.
This is an excellent point that I hadn’t considered (though it’s never been mentioned to me in conv with the mods about it). But yeah - it would explain it. It was only the model number section that neede to be blacked out on my pics. But then, maybe Timber block it out because it contains the initials of one of their competitors... which would also make sense. But I prefer your suggestion :thumb:
We don’t actually know that that’s a thing. I rellly wish I hadn’t said anything...:oops::confused:
Just my humble opinion... Sponsors are buying ad space, not a complete monopoly on people's discussions. People who are not sponsors come through trying to sell shit get reported. It's just a common sense thing to me.
Yeah, I get that, i do. I was lamenting about the potential for my speculation to cause misinformation ;).

Every time I go back and read the reasoning though (in the posting guidelines), it seems reasonable to me.
I guess it just frustrates me because it seems as though some people try to play "teacher's pet" in a thread that isn't even theirs and report stuff to have it removed.

This just drives people to places like insta to discuss shit without worry. Sounds like a hiccup in any marketing plan. IMHO
I 100% agree with you. We need to do what we do that draws folks here to generate income to 420mag so that we can do what we do. I'm sure the owners have done the math but it seems extreme to me. And I support the sponsors whenever I can and encourage others to as well. They pay the bills here for all of us.

It's kinda the other way round.

If folks don't do what they do here, there's nothing to sponsor & no reason to do so.

Content is the rare & worthwhile commodity. Underwriting ain't.
Hmm yeah you can have the hlg in the pic if you buy it from timber. And hlg is part of product name. Hlg-240-2100b is the name of that specific driver, for meanwell not hlg the lighting co. So they left the brand name (meanwell) which should actually be blacked out and the unit name which does nothing more than tell the buyer the wattage and amperage. So again it hinders the community because you can use those numbers to purchase any brand of driver. Yet they give meanwell a free promotion?

now I'm not sure if those drivers were designed specifically for hlg, in which case I think Whiting out the meanwell AND hlg at the beginning of the product name is okay. Just seems weird to leave the brand name but remove the product name.

That would be like me blacking out the p300 but posting Pla@***m led all over. (Just an example of a co I think we had advertising issues with).

Anyways. If that's how teddy wants it, I'm cool with it.

I think you're right just messaging them a draft is a great idea on how to avoid issues. :high-five: I'll be borrowing that if ya dont mind.

Hope everyone is well while shed is in wine country or wherever!
Easy for you to say, you got the cool shirt. I got the shite shirt making it harder to stay positive ;).

I don't smoke it but can I just grow it and be happy? :high-five:
I’ll trade ya! I have the same shirt as Ice and I’m not a fan, yours is better:) They sent me a mans XL. Let me know when you get from wine country or wherever :laugh:
I'm not sure why you can't post pics of the drivers though. There aren't any specific driver sponsors here. I'm sure the mods MEANWELL and all ;) but even components can't be posted?

@RETRIX I would think the pics would still be in your gallery if you needed to access them, no?
Yes, but considering everything that I have on my plate (which now includes laying concrete believe it or not) I just don't have the time to do it all over again. Once I'm finished, It will be time for the winter edition of The Adventures of Retrix LOL and time will have to keep moving.
Like I said, that was speculation about the contract thing... it just wouldn’t surprise me. DOn’t quote me on it!

And you know, I’m not saying it isn’t odd, and inconsistent. I mean, the timber drivers are the same driver and I don’t expect one would need to block it out there. This detail about the name on the drivers possibly calls for some clarification...:hmmmm: and better defence than I’ve been able to come up with so far...

EDIT: another tack... farside had this excellent suggestion in another thread where this is being discussed (I’m including my response as I posted to there too)...

This is an excellent point that I hadn’t considered (though it’s never been mentioned to me in conv with the mods about it). But yeah - it would explain it. It was only the model number section that neede to be blacked out on my pics. But then, maybe Timber block it out because it contains the initials of one of their competitors... which would also make sense. But I prefer your suggestion :thumb:
Here's what I think and this may or may not be true, but I think they block out the model numbers because they know that anyone could easily go to Digi-Key or Online Components and buy those same parts to construct a light. But I really don't think that they should hinder anyone who wants to build their own light because in the end you are basically paying for their labor and material costs to build the light for you. And there is nothing wrong with that. I just happen to be an electrician and engineer so I don't need to pay anyone to build lights for me, or wire my house. And apparently lay concrete. LOL

In standard industrial cases, full strength concrete is recognized at 28 days. At seven days, you should have concrete that is cured to 70% full strength or greater. But to answer the question of, “How long does concrete take to set?”, concrete setting time is generally 24 to 48 hours.

28 Days?!
Here's what I think and this may or may not be true, but I think they block out the model numbers because they know that anyone could easily go to Digi-Key or Online Components and buy those same parts to construct a light. But I really don't think that they should hinder anyone who wants to build their own light because in the end you are basically paying for their labor and material costs to build the light for you. And there is nothing wrong with that. I just happen to be an electrician and engineer so I don't need to pay anyone to build lights for me, or wire my house. And apparently lay concrete. LOL
that does seem a big, huge actually, difference! 48hrs - 28 days. Pretty wild to be capable of high level electrikery and be then hampered by concrete! Getting concrete done is super expensive here so that’s cool you can do it yourself - except DIY concreting is tough work!

I guess it just frustrates me because it seems as though some people try to play "teacher's pet" in a thread that isn't even theirs and report stuff to have it removed.

This just drives people to places like insta to discuss shit without worry. Sounds like a hiccup in any marketing plan. IMHO

So, do you know that this happened? Cause that’s quite a heavy thing to say.

I think you're right just messaging them a draft is a great idea on how to avoid issues. :high-five: I'll be borrowing that if ya dont mind.

I’m glad you agree :). I just made my post (after reading the guide and aiming to ‘comply’) and then reported it and asked in the report if Teddy could check it. He was pretty quick about it too. :thumb:

Happy travelling Shedster!

In standard industrial cases, full strength concrete is recognized at 28 days. At seven days, you should have concrete that is cured to 70% full strength or greater. But to answer the question of, “How long does concrete take to set?”, concrete setting time is generally 24 to 48 hours.

28 Days?!
Just finished a damn concrete job today.... I'm a damn plumber! LoL
Builder decided to change a few 6" walls to 4" walls after the plumbing was in and slab poured. Wanna know how long it takes to move 2 toilet flanges 2"? LoL
8 hours when you pour a 16" thick slab. Ohhhh what a shit show! Hold on to your wallet Mr. Builder. Change orders get pricey.

Glad that work day is over.

Ok so I sense I’ve been accused of something. Something I most certainly have not done. And I’m fairly unimpressed.
Who made an accusation? I'm simply stating that there are people who report posts to suck up to the mods. Seems like it hit home for whatever reason, but there was never and "accusation" of anything. Simply putting out a feeler to see the response. It was what I expected.

Sorry for the childish shit on your thread Shed. I'll keep my opinions to myself henceforth.
Just finished a damn concrete job today.... I'm a damn plumber! LoL
Builder decided to change a few 6" walls to 4" walls after the plumbing was in and slab poured. Wanna know how long it takes to move 2 toilet flanges 2"? LoL
8 hours when you pour a 16" thick slab. Ohhhh what a shit show! Hold on to your wallet Mr. Builder. Change orders get pricey.

Glad that work day is over.


In my case, the concrete slab cracked around the edges of the room due to carpet tack strips. Then some genius decided to try and seal it with rubber cement. Of course it all cracked more and more over the years until it ended up being a 4 inch deep hole 4 feet long. And you guys know how I feel about half assing shit. So of course I had to dig out all of the broken up loose stuff and properly concrete it the right way. Now I'm worried that I may have to wait a month before the new floor can get laid. I don't want to wait a month. I want this to be over as soon as possible. LOL
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