InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Hey Shed man :) I love seeing those shots with the blue LA sky behind the beautiful green ganja :love:

Both the Sour G and the AK look great! Really great. Nice and near and tidy too :thumb: ... making them save all that wild growth energy for the final budfest...

So I noticed this a while back and got distracted by all this clone talk (and having never done it, I’ll say nuttin’ more), but the beautiful Haze X leaves seem to be a bit ‘folded’. Not taco-Ing, as that is when they fold upwards. Some of them were folded downwards. Maybe it was the heat? Id need to go back and check. I just remember that about the most recent pic of it, and that it looked a bit ragged compared to the previous pics. Hopefully what I thought I saw will turn out to have been a fleeting thing (like when a camera catches someone’s face in a fleeting expression that is not really ever seen otherwise). How is it looking now? (the Haze X that is).

Hey Shed man :) I love seeing those shots with the blue LA sky behind the beautiful green ganja :love:

Both the Sour G and the AK look great! Really great. Nice and near and tidy too :thumb: ... making them save all that wild growth energy for the final budfest...

So I noticed this a while back and got distracted by all this clone talk (and having never done it, I’ll say nuttin’ more), but the beautiful Haze X leaves seem to be a bit ‘folded’. Not taco-Ing, as that is when they fold upwards. Some of them were folded downwards. Maybe it was the heat? Id need to go back and check. I just remember that about the most recent pic of it, and that it looked a bit ragged compared to the previous pics. Hopefully what I thought I saw will turn out to have been a fleeting thing (like when a camera catches someone’s face in a fleeting expression that is not really ever seen otherwise). How is it looking now? (the Haze X that is).

Thanks Amy! I'm trying to make sure I don't strip off so much the buds don't stack which I think I might have done on the AK. I'm still finding my way with photo plants obviously.

That HazeX is ratty but I feel like it's always been ratty. I mean I've never been able to figure out what it wants.
Haha! I can see the headline now
LA Pot Grower Claims Right to Turn Off the Sun...

Sometimes it's easy to forget that I grow outside with all the journals folks follow. It's equally tough for me to lower the humidity :).
I have regular old spiders set up shop on my two outside plants. It amazes me to watch them build a web around a leaf and slowly but surely pull it into a round cylinder shape and actually close off the stem end. They enter and exit out the front. They hunt for bugs on the plants and surprisingly build a very small web system for hunting. I used to kill them until I saw one eat an aphid off one of my tomato plants one day. Now as long as they're not making a bunch of webs I leave them alone.
Haha! I can see the headline now

LA Pot Grower Claims Right to Turn Off the Sun

Hahahahaha! I spit out my coffee at that headline :D

Since talking to you Beez I’m letting spiders alone and the plants look better hmmmm
I had an exterminator come to my door this weekend saying he was in the neighborhood and could he take care of the spiders all around my house (while pointing to the webs around the light above the front door). I said no thanks. He asked if that meant I was killing them myself or did I have another company. I said I leave them alone to eat the flying bugs. He looked shocked as if that wasn't even a consideration. When all you have is bug spray everything looks like a pest!

Quick update today as I did not sleep well last night and slept right up to my alarm this morning. I'm putting off all watering until tomorrow because I'll be out of town through Friday sometime. And while I'm gone, the BSA's will be in the shed with 24/0 MarsHydro 300 lighting and the HazeX and Sour G clone will be in the bike shed under a 6500K 23 watt CFL with the cloninator at 20/4 using the timer from the shed. I'll leave the door cracked so it doesn't get too hot during the day. Only the AK clone and the Sour G will be out, and I have a neighbor coming over to dump a gallon of pH water in each on Thursday morning. The others can go 3 days without watering.

Did someone ask about the cuttings?

I dumped the Gold Leaf cuttings :rip: as well as 2 of 3 AK-47 clone cuttings, so here is the clone box this morning:

When I leave I'll spray them down and leave the lid cracked slightly.

Strange fact...the AK-47 cutting in the cloninator that I took recently and stuck in the rapid rooter (1:00) is yellowing faster than the one I cut almost a month ago that's just dangling (12:00), with no roots on either. Why is that?:

Oh, and I bought a timer yesterday for the new cuttings and traced the desk lamp wire to behind my old MIDI/effects rack. A bit dusty back there :oops:. It's also set for 20/4:

One day work-week for me, and I hope yours feels short as well!
Well shed my friend. Yes I do love my shirt But what I really enjoy is just sitting in my grow room and thinking. If I was a plant. How could I make this place better. Then I smoke one. And bam. Everything’s great. So yes you can grow and just b happy as long as your hearts in it. Just think of all that fresh oxygen your producing. And how happy u make others. That’s my life force.
Hey Shed. Just thought I would stop by and say hello. I'm getting down to the last rooms and my office will be next. No more computer or internet. Your Sour G is looking nice now. getting taller. 420 Magazine took down my post about the DIY light. It seems that they just don't want us talking about any light other than the low quality stuff that their sponsors are peddling and will find any excuse to take the posts down. This time, they didn't like me posting links to where you could buy the parts. I hate it when I spend hours and hours taking and editing photo's to try and help people and then they just take the post down. But enough of that. I hope everyone is doing okay and hopefully i will be back on in another month or so. until then: :passitleft:
Hey Shed. Just thought I would stop by and say hello. I'm getting down to the last rooms and my office will be next. No more computer or internet. Your Sour G is looking nice now. getting taller. 420 Magazine took down my post about the DIY light. It seems that they just don't want us talking about any light other than the low quality stuff that their sponsors are peddling and will find any excuse to take the posts down. This time, they didn't like me posting links to where you could buy the parts. I hate it when I spend hours and hours taking and editing photo's to try and help people and then they just take the post down. But enough of that. I hope everyone is doing okay and hopefully i will be back on in another month or so. until then: :passitleft:
Thanks Retrix! Have a great remodel and I always believe contractors about timetables ;). Either way I'm sure you'll be back for the full flowering of Sour G. Enjoy your time away.

Oh, I knew they wouldn't let you link or post pics of other light brands, but I thought you could mention and recommend without "featuring" them per the discussion this winter in MadDab's thread. That tutorial you did on your build was terrific and it's a loss to the site not to have it up there for future reference.
Hahahahaha! I spit out my coffee at that headline :D

Since talking to you Beez I’m letting spiders alone and the plants look better hmmmm

Well newty, now we’re even ;):high-five:


I leave spiders mostly too! We have this great book on good garden bugs and the author there says spiders are your friends in the garden :thumb:

When all you have is bug spray everything looks like a pest!
I love that. It should be memed or printed on a tshirt. It’s a great piece of modern pop philosophy :thumb:

@RETRIX thats a total bummer about your LED post, man. Is it possible to redo it without the links and brand names and just say in the post that anyone wanting to do it should PM you for details? I know that’s a stuff around for you, but it would work! And they wouldn’t take it down. And maybe I’m bummed because I didn’t get to see it...
@RETRIX thats a total bummer about your LED post, man. Is it possible to redo it without the links and brand names and just say in the post that anyone wanting to do it should PM you for details? I know that’s a stuff around for you, but it would work! And they wouldn’t take it down. And maybe I’m bummed because I didn’t get to see it...
It was so detailed even down to dealing with mismatched wiring colors and how to figure out what connects where with heat sinks and fans and drivers and everything, all posted by someone with an electrical background. It just bugs me that they took the whole thing down instead of just deleting the links. @RETRIX is a dodgy LED manufacturer? No, he's a valuable 420mag grower/builder and we all lose when his information is swatted away. And the other grow websites end up with higher Google rankings. Try doing a cannabis search and see who the top three results are. We're not on mine, ever.

It has always bummed me out from my earliest memory as a child when the rules are different for some than others, or some rules seem to be in place for reasons that don't fit the logic.

Here, have a Snickers! You know how you get when you're hungry! :rofl:
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