InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Though I'm not sure my cloning actually is inevitable.

I didn’t say how soon... ;)

I like this ProMix tangent though...

I can't draw to save my life no matter how hard I try!
Honestly, sometimes you say these things and its like you’re my twin :high-five: I can do diagrams, but drawing... nope...

Hope you’re weekend is really great Shed - I like the sound of a 3 hour nap. :ganjamon:
I didn’t say how soon... ;)
I like this ProMix tangent though...
Honestly, sometimes you say these things and its like you’re my twin :high-five: I can do diagrams, but drawing... nope...
Hope you’re weekend is really great Shed - I like the sound of a 3 hour nap. :ganjamon:
It's going to be interesting to see how much the soil makes a difference in those cups. I've got a lot to take off tomorrow morning, so I'm going to be putting at least 2 of the Sour G clone cuttings in soil, along with a few AK clone cuttings and Sour G mother cuttings as well. The rest will go in the rooters. Gotta spread the risk!

Everyone in my family can draw but me! Drafting and diagrams I love. Doing orthographic projections in set design class in college was one of my favorite assignments :).

Nap was great but sleeping until 5pm doesn't bode well for tonight :rolleyes:.
Thank you GT. I'm still trying different ways to clone. Maybe I just haven't hit on one that works for me.

If the GL clones have fusarium I hope they let me know soon!
I know this is old and I am playing catch up but get yourself some Bushdoctor Coco loco. When you take a cutting off a plant, put it straight in water. When u are ready fill a clear solo cup halfway with coco loco (has a lot of good stuff in it for young plants So u don't need to add nutes. I cut the clone about a 1/4" below a node and dip into cloning gel and stick it in the cup and Backfill around the clone and put it in a dome of a few days. I spray the underside of the leaves with water and clonex solution (not gel) every day. In 4 or 5 days u can take her out if u want bit I leave it in the dome until I see roots. U might have to lightly water once or twice before it roots.

I am 100% with this method Shed. I have even done it a week into flower and they root, even some "hard to root" strains. Its not as fast as rapid rooter plugs but its so easy it might be my go to cloning method from here on out. I don't even bother cutting tips off the leaves.
I know this is old and I am playing catch up but get yourself some Bushdoctor Coco loco. When you take a cutting off a plant, put it straight in water. When u are ready fill a clear solo cup halfway with coco loco (has a lot of good stuff in it for young plants So u don't need to add nutes. I cut the clone about a 1/4" below a node and dip into cloning gel and stick it in the cup and Backfill around the clone and put it in a dome of a few days. I spray the underside of the leaves with water and clonex solution (not gel) every day. In 4 or 5 days u can take her out if u want bit I leave it in the dome until I see roots. U might have to lightly water once or twice before it roots.

I am 100% with this method Shed. I have even done it a week into flower and they root, even some "hard to root" strains. Its not as fast as rapid rooter plugs but its so easy it might be my go to cloning method from here on out. I don't even bother cutting tips off the leaves.
Thanks Van! If nothing happens this next round I'll check out the Coco Loco. Rooters aren't working for me at all for some reason. I was really sure they would, unless it's the flowering cuttings that are too tough to get roots on.
Monday everyone and I miss my weekend naps already!

First off, the Brooklyn Sunrise Auto update is here. I put that first because I wanted to get the link cleared from the clipboard on my computer ;).

On to the cloninator! Around the horn counter clockwise from the bottom, we start with what's left of the mushy HazeX cutting:

Next is the Sour G that still only has the roots it came out of the soil change:

Next up is another Sour G:

Then comes the AK-47 clone cutting:

Another Sour G with two little bumps at the top...mold or starting roots?:

The next two are Sour G cuttings with more things on the stems...mold or starting roots?:

On to the Sour G clone growing like a weed! I'm going to have to top it soon. It's about a month since it started living on its own:

Here it was a month ago:

It does have some bug issues on the lower leaves, so it and the HazeX are getting neem oil about 2x a week. Brooklyn #1 also has bugs but that is getting spinosad (along with #2) because flowers.

And per @beez0404's instructions, it's time to crack the domes on the Gold Leaf cuttings. Like I mentioned before, I'm doing a modified version of his instructions as I didn't have time to get the ProMix BX before I had to take these (I also forgot to pH the clonex mix I hand-made). I can't even find the BX anywhere around here, just the HP from Lowe's (which isn't really close). I can always add some Mykos to that I suppose. Otherwise I'll see if I can get some peat potting mix with no nutes in it.

My rapid rooter tray should be here today so I'll be taking a few AK-47 clone cuttings and see how that goes. Back to the clone box again :).

Hope Monday isn't manic! :Namaste:
Very similar to what I am talking about Shed. Curious how that works for you. Coco loco works great.....not sure what's cheaper for you.
Very similar to what I am talking about Shed. Curious how that works for you. Coco loco works great.....not sure what's cheaper for you.
You mean with the soil in the solo cups? It's possible that these woody stems with flowers on top are just shitty candidates for clones, in soil or in rapid rooters! I'm hoping for at least one clone of the AK though as I'd really like to keep that around. With a little luck the Sour G clone cuttings should root more easily if it's an age thing.
Some people finish a breakfast and immediately wonder what they're going to have for lunch. I wake up and wonder when if I'm going to have time for a nap!

This is sooooooo me!! My weekend days are often planned around naps I was sure I'd be at least 10 years older before naps became my favorite thing
And I've never been able to run 45+ miles a week! Looks like our talents are in different areas :).

Oh, wanted to mention for @MiOutdoorsman that cloninator water temp was 80º at 6pm. Not a bad range is it, 74-80º?
Not bad at all! Lowest I got mine down to was 79°. Next time I'll try the frozen water bottles or running it thru my kegerator. I really believe that if I can get the temp lower I'd be 100° like last fall. Here's one from fall
Haha nice!!
Some people finish a breakfast and immediately wonder what they're going to have for lunch. I wake up and wonder when if I'm going to have time for a nap!

I’m a big fan of afternoon or evening naps! Not sure how I’ll ever work a normal job again lol

#mylifenow #ivealwayslikednaps
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