InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Thanks Crazy! That HazeX would be even more rickety without the sticks!
I'm pretty sure the sticks are what I was mistaken for stems :p. No just playing. Like I say when someone hits a tree while golfing.. "theres a tree there!" That and "a tree is 90% air!" Well your haze x is like 99.2% air if not more lol. Amazing those leaves can photosynthesize any light!

That's interesting about your diet. Please tell me you at least can have a bite of those pineapples?! Or all the other citrus growing?!

I honestly dont miss processed crap. But a nice bagel oh or fruit! I've never been a picky eater and always loved healthy food. I was only going to do it for 4 weeks then 6 but idk why I would stop now. The lifestyle has been engrained. I do plan to transfer to a Grandpa tokin type diet like plain healthy lean proteins, lots of greens, and a little while grain as well as fruits.

My digestive problems are quite a bit better! Heart burn and horrible chest muscles spasms from acid reflux is almost 100% gone. Gas bloating (I know sorry TMI) but yeah the health benefits are great!

The psychological effects not so much. I LOVE to cook and this diet has ruined that. Everything I cook my wife says "did you measure it, did you weigh it, did you follow the recipe???" All while I mumble under my breath "theres no damn carbs in it woman who cares". That and I feel like I've havent been depressed, but i havent been my witty high-larious self.

Really what I want is to hit the gym for some form of physical activity and once I have that lifestyle and habit formed then gradually transition to the aforementioned type diet. All I know is it's a lot easier to say in shape once your in shape and have good habits. Erasing a decade of bad ones had been hard but I'm getting there #lookout30s #theresanewdabberintown
I'm pretty sure the sticks are what I was mistaken for stems :p. No just playing. Like I say when someone hits a tree while golfing.. "theres a tree there!" That and "a tree is 90% air!" Well your haze x is like 99.2% air if not more lol. Amazing those leaves can photosynthesize any light!

That's interesting about your diet. Please tell me you at least can have a bite of those pineapples?! Or all the other citrus growing?!

I honestly dont miss processed crap. But a nice bagel oh or fruit! I've never been a picky eater and always loved healthy food. I was only going to do it for 4 weeks then 6 but idk why I would stop now. The lifestyle has been engrained. I do plan to transfer to a Grandpa tokin type diet like plain healthy lean proteins, lots of greens, and a little while grain as well as fruits.

My digestive problems are quite a bit better! Heart burn and horrible chest muscles spasms from acid reflux is almost 100% gone. Gas bloating (I know sorry TMI) but yeah the health benefits are great!

The psychological effects not so much. I LOVE to cook and this diet has ruined that. Everything I cook my wife says "did you measure it, did you weigh it, did you follow the recipe???" All while I mumble under my breath "theres no damn carbs in it woman who cares". That and I feel like I've havent been depressed, but i havent been my witty high-larious self.

Really what I want is to hit the gym for some form of physical activity and once I have that lifestyle and habit formed then gradually transition to the aforementioned type diet. All I know is it's a lot easier to say in shape once your in shape and have good habits. Erasing a decade of bad ones had been hard but I'm getting there #lookout30s #theresanewdabberintown
Hitting the gym is a hard habit to get into when you're old so if you can develop good exercise routines when you're young that's the way to do it. Make it ingrained.

Sorry you're going through carb withdrawal but I hear you get over that with time. Maybe, maybe not. Also the mood changes probably improve as well. But weighed against the gains you're seeing in your health, I'd say you're on the right track. :thumb:

I don't have anything considered a diet. I just don't eat sugar or hydrogenated vegetable oil. They're migraine triggers for me so I gave them up years ago. Like before-you-were-born years ago! And I would never claim to eat healthy just because I don't eat sugar. I can go days on end without touching a vegetable if my wife isn't cooking. The only fruit I eat on a regular basis are bananas. Though I do get to eat a bite or two of the pineapples when they ripen (most of it is eaten before I have a chance to finish cutting it!). I eat way more red meat than is healthy for me or the planet :oops:. I don't think anything I'm doing is interesting or healthy!

That crazy HazeX though :).
I can probably get 3 cuttings off it if I knew which way to clone them!
Clone them my way!!! Remember when I sent you the info on how I clone? That was on July 10th. I had taken two Northern Light clones the previous day. One was the Nirvana version, the second the Sensi Seeds version. The Nirvana showed roots at the edge of the solo cup in 9 days I believe. The Sensi Seeds cutting went 18 days out from under the dome, just sitting there under the CFL lights and finally showed two roots today.

I'm putting my hand on your shoulder here and going to be a little stern. Don't be wishy washy with cloning. Decide which method YOU think will work the best for the way you grow and PERFECT THAT METHOD. Whether it's how I showed you, or something you saw on the internet, or someone else told you. Pick just one and become a master of that method. If you can get them to live outside the dome there is an extremely high probability they will root eventually.

She just took 18 days. In 18 days she was fed 6 pipettes filled with 50% strength nutrients with a splash of Clonex solution in the mix.
Ya what Beez said!

Ok your plants look so amazing and that one is bushy! I want to get in there with my #newtyscissorhands andclear out the middle. I’m glad your dad is ok, I’ve been wanting to ask:)
Sorry I know some one said no animal style but a double double animal style will be the very first meal after getting down to the states again.

I'm literally :drool::drool::drool: at the thought now.... Ooo and real Mexican food! Yeah who am I kidding I miss real food. But I hit the 200lb mark! Almost done with week 6 of this keto deal... down over 15 lbs since I started, and over 20 from the beginning of the year. Sorry rambling....

I dont know if i missed the reply, but you dont eat sugar? Like at all or just not unnaturally sweetened stuff? Jw
#dadcrocks :laugh: I right died :laugh:

Ketoish is the way I maintain that rigid lifestyle. I do my best but definitely not perfect. Your insides will tell you what your boundaries are. I eat good 80% of the time and do what I want for 20%, that’s realistic and a way to keep at it for life. #dontdepriveyourself that’s where trouble is! Also I do exercise but not at the gym, do something you love and that way you’ll sustain it;) congrats on your new life, sounds like it’s paying off bud! Just Newty’s 2 cents
Nice work Shed!
Just keep the strains that clone lol. Shed those Raz Kush that were difficult for me to clone in rockwool and mister seem to have grabbed in straight promix?!? When they were treated well they just stayed sticks and lived? Time will tell but so far I'm weirded out by that the hardest to clone loved the stress...the easiest were good either way but did prefer the rapidrooter and on the rocks method. I think I will choose different methods for different strains in the future. Lol. Don't know but it seems to be working. Stress or no stress, that is the question. :rofl:
Do you have a temp gauge for the cloner. My water is always around 10° higher than the room temperature. I did manage to get a few clones to take root. Put the cloner up now. I'll try again this fall
74º this morning before I put in the ice pack. I'll check around 6:00 when it should be the highest.
Man, shed, your headache triggers are the same as mine. Added sugar is McNastyy
Is for you and me! Most people have no trouble enjoying some ice cream on a hot day. And OMG it's hot and sticky outside and that's one of the reasons I left NY. o_O

I'm sweating like a pig and all I did was carry the 30 pound bag of Pro Mix HP from the car to the courtyard. Came in, took off my shirt, and I'm sitting in front of a fan!
I changed from soft bread to hard bread. Went from 95kg to 87kg just by doing that.
That's because it's so hard to chew :). Nice job on the weight loss Crazy!
Clone them my way!!!
Don't be wishy washy with cloning. Decide which method YOU think will work the best for the way you grow and PERFECT THAT METHOD.
I'm not sure why I can't try two cloning methods at the same time. The clone box with the rooters and the solo cups with the domes. Fastest to root wins!
Ya what Beez said!
Ok your plants look so amazing and that one is bushy! I want to get in there with my #newtyscissorhands andclear out the middle. I’m glad your dad is ok, I’ve been wanting to ask:)
Thinning this weekend! When the heat break of course, which is usually around 5:30. Maybe not today though :confused:.
Nice work Shed!
Just keep the strains that clone lol. Shed those Raz Kush that were difficult for me to clone in rockwool and mister seem to have grabbed in straight promix?!? When they were treated well they just stayed sticks and lived? Time will tell but so far I'm weirded out by that the hardest to clone loved the stress...the easiest were good either way but did prefer the rapidrooter and on the rocks method. I think I will choose different methods for different strains in the future. Lol. Don't know but it seems to be working. Stress or no stress, that is the question. :rofl:
I wish I knew which ones were easiest to clone...oh wait! It's whichever strain I'm not growing :cool:.

Here's a question I hadn't considered before...when do I take cuttings? Morning, noon, or evening?

Happy Saturday :).
Copied off the internet so it must be true!

The best time of day to take cuttings for propagation is early, early in the morning. The plants' natural rooting hormones are highest up in the tips of the plants in the morning, so you stand a better chance of propagation by taking your cuttings as early as you can. This applies even if you apply a rooting hormone to your cuttings.
Copied off the internet so it must be true!

The best time of day to take cuttings for propagation is early, early in the morning. The plants' natural rooting hormones are highest up in the tips of the plants in the morning, so you stand a better chance of propagation by taking your cuttings as early as you can. This applies even if you apply a rooting hormone to your cuttings.
Thank you kind sir! Tomorrow morning it is, though not early early because that's not how I roll :).

Now that I have the Pro Mix HP I'll do cuttings in cups and rooters again like last time, but with the new soil for the cups as well as a few Sour G clone young growth. I'll split those between the cups and the rooters for a better test. The rest will be the old growth off the Sour G mother and the AK-47 clone. I better get some labels made! I'm already getting confused.
I've mentally given up on the Gold Leaf :confused:.
I think that’s a good thing, so never mind - there will be many others to capture your heart :). That fusarium is not something you want around - if it were me i’d A burned ‘em all!

try two cloning methods at the same time. The clone box with the rooters and the solo cups with the domes. Fastest to root wins!
Excellent! You’re gonna get clones one day, it’s inevitable.
Here's a question I hadn't considered before...when do I take cuttings? Morning, noon, or evening?
I was going to say during the new moon, but.... considering it’s roots you want, not new growth, the waxing period would seem appropriate and we are just entering that now so perhaps this augers well for you too
Hmm I wonder if that could help my sister in law. She has terrible migraines too. My aunt dosent eat sugar cause it makes her super itchy? Crazy how ones diet can change so much.

Clone day today?

Oh and you are a better pineapple cloner than I am...


Check the #crockswithsocks there too! I think 1 of the 4 may make it!
"Your a better pineapple cloner than I am" -that almost sounds like an insult. lol
Ironic how some people have hard time with easy stuff... that's my life in a nutshell. I manage to overcomplicate seemingly simple tasks lol
Three hour nap!

I think that’s a good thing, so never mind - there will be many others to capture your heart :). That fusarium is not something you want around - if it were me i’d A burned ‘em all!
Excellent! You’re gonna get clones one day, it’s inevitable.
You're probably right about the Gold Lealf Amy but I thought I should give it a shot. Though I'm not sure my cloning actually is inevitable. I can't draw to save my life no matter how hard I try!
Hmm I wonder if that could help my sister in law. She has terrible migraines too. My aunt dosent eat sugar cause it makes her super itchy? Crazy how ones diet can change so much.
Clone day today?
Oh and you are a better pineapple cloner than I am...
Check the #crockswithsocks there too! I think 1 of the 4 may make it!
Everyone with migraines should go through the process of finding their triggers. Keeping a journal is helpful on foods and sleep and, for women, their periods (speaking of 28-day cycles!).

As long as there is anything green in the center of the pineapples they are alive and well. These two are well rooted but look at the outside leaves. I think it got a bit cold for them this past winter:
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Sorry to disappoint anyone but I don't own a pair of crocks! I'm a thong person (we're talking footwear here).
"Your a better pineapple cloner than I am" -that almost sounds like an insult. lol
Har! That's not an accusation to throw out lightly. You don't actually clone pineapples though; they clone themselves. As long as you keep the soil moist for the first 2 weeks or so they will root. I have about 20 slips and suckers just sitting in a tray of water for over a year now just waiting for homes.
Ironic how some people have hard time with easy stuff... that's my life in a nutshell. I manage to overcomplicate seemingly simple tasks lol
Oh don't sell yourself short. Making diamonds from BHO is not a simple task. You seem to handle the regular stuff with no trouble at all!

Here are the clones today...

15 days:

11 days:

One of the AK-47 cuttings is less yellow than the other two but none of them look good in the rooters. And no roots!
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