InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Did they look fine for 2 weeks with clonex, or was it in the bucket/sprayer?
I bet you'll see roots soon.
I'm talking about the ones last year in the peat pucks or the peat pots with soil. I check on them and they look fine for days and I figure I'm gold, and then they're dead!
Your still fine! They are monsters remember plus they look healthier than I’ve ever seen clones over here;)
Thanks newty! That's what I kept hearing last year but I managed to prove everyone wrong :rolleyes:.

That's why I have to wait to see roots.
There's still time to change your answers!
Friday has arrived! I'm looking forward to doing some more thinning this weekend but thought I'd do an update first.

Let's start in the cloninator...I didn't like those empty neoprenes so I filled them up. I also changed the timer from 1/45 to 1/30. Clockwise from noon:
AK-47 clone cutting dangling
AK-47 clone cutting in rapid rooter
Non-fruiting olive - cut at 45º angle and scraped. No splitting, no clonex.
HazeX stump that I don't know why it's still green after the bottom of the stem rotted and broke off.
Lavender - cut at 45º angle and scraped. No splitting, no clonex.
Setcreasea pallida ‘Purple Heart’ - cut at 45º angle and scraped. No splitting, no clonex.

Speaking of the HazeX, here it is in quadline form:

I want to give it N because it's looking pale but look at the claw on those leaves!

Next up is the AK-47 clone. This is the only plant I really need to get a clone of because of how good the mother was:

But the lowers are pretty pistilly so I'm not sure I'll ever manage to get one to root. I've got a lot more to clear out under here:

Next up is the Sour G family. The clone is now half the height of the mother and I can probably get 3 cuttings off it if I knew which way to clone them!

36" x 30" on top and 28" tall:

Top flowers starting:

Lower flowers already coming along. Most of these will get culled:

I put a new picture of the BSA spog® here. Very sticky!

I hope your week flew by and and your weekend plans are falling into place! Enjoy the slide into Saturday...:surf:
Looking real good. When you do the thinning any cuttings should be used as crash test dummy's for your cloning test's. Try the crazy shit, looks like you will have a few to play with.
Looking real good. When you do the thinning any cuttings should be used as crash test dummy's for your cloning test's. Try the crazy shit, looks like you will have a few to play with.
Thanks JM, that's what I've been using for my clones. I rarely throw out any cuttings that seem long enough to try to clone, but since these plants' lowers are pretty well flowering, it makes getting them to root all that more difficult. I think I'll have better luck with the cuttings off the Sour G clone since it's still young and in veg. I want to see if I can keep that as a mother plant going forward. Just need one AK to root damn it! I've mentally given up on the Gold Leaf :confused:.
Difficult to root just means, if you do get some to root you have found a way that will more then likely shine when they are taken during Veg.
I've got no ROOTS! you know like that song on the radio... I kinda like that one! But idk. @Lowded118 took clones after me and has roots... shows how much I know :rolleyes:. I do wonder if mine are just fine sucking oxygenated h20? They are on 247 lighting now so they need hurry up and reveg. Or I'm dropping some replacements....

Anywho. I know sativa like less water and idk about nutes. Didnt @Agemon grow one of these? I'll drop a couple before long. I want to make a ton of F1 crosses before I begin any super serious breeding. And that sativa will do great with the loads of indica dom hybrids I have!

Battery is dying here on the play ground as my daughter just stole my #dadcrocks and carried them away.

Hope you afternoon goes quick. Oh and hope your dads doing well!
Difficult to root just means, if you do get some to root you have found a way that will more then likely shine when they are taken during Veg.
The only cuttings I have managed to root (that would be 2 out of many many) were in soil. Might have been complete luck but neither were in flower. I'm going to buy some basic potting soil this weekend and give it another go with beez' method. Might have been fusarium that killed the Gold Leaf. I wouldn't be surprised if they all go that way eventually.
I've got no ROOTS! you know like that song on the radio... I kinda like that one! But idk. @Lowded118 took clones after me and has roots... shows how much I know :rolleyes:. I do wonder if mine are just fine sucking oxygenated h20? They are on 247 lighting now so they need hurry up and reveg. Or I'm dropping some replacements....
Anywho. I know sativa like less water and idk about nutes. Didnt @Agemon grow one of these? I'll drop a couple before long. I want to make a ton of F1 crosses before I begin any super serious breeding. And that sativa will do great with the loads of indica dom hybrids I have!
Battery is dying here on the play ground as my daughter just stole my #dadcrocks and carried them away.
Hope you afternoon goes quick. Oh and hope your dads doing well!
First of all I hope you're still faster than your daughter and you can get your crocks back! I have bought my dad three pair now because they disappear or the strap breaks. He's doing okay at the moment with no recent threats to have him kicked out. Of course, he stopped hitting people as soon as I insisted they stop waking him up. 0: - ).

I'll check the pH on the HazeX soil tomorrow but it doesn't drink much and when I do water it, the TDS are about 250 over the hose. I may pull it out, wash the roots, and plant it in new soil and see it it's happier then.

Roots, what to do about roots? You managed to get a clone in that weird double-ended water bottle with a pill bottle attached so I figure you had the golden touch! I hope I'm not rubbing off on anyone! Um...having a negative effect? My AK cuttings haven't died yet so I can still say "not dead yet" for a little while longer :).

news at 6
You should read a bit more carefully! Retrix has already rescinded his offer:
Did I say Naked? I'm just going to go for a walk. Never mind the burger or whatever.
Sorry I know some one said no animal style but a double double animal style will be the very first meal after getting down to the states again.

I'm literally :drool::drool::drool: at the thought now.... Ooo and real Mexican food! Yeah who am I kidding I miss real food. But I hit the 200lb mark! Almost done with week 6 of this keto deal... down over 15 lbs since I started, and over 20 from the beginning of the year. Sorry rambling....

I dont know if i missed the reply, but you dont eat sugar? Like at all or just not unnaturally sweetened stuff? Jw
Sorry I know some one said no animal style but a double double animal style will be the very first meal after getting down to the states again.

I'm literally :drool::drool::drool: at the thought now.... Ooo and real Mexican food! Yeah who am I kidding I miss real food. But I hit the 200lb mark! Almost done with week 6 of this keto deal... down over 15 lbs since I started, and over 20 from the beginning of the year. Sorry rambling....

I dont know if i missed the reply, but you dont eat sugar? Like at all or just not unnaturally sweetened stuff? Jw
Congrats on the weight loss Them! Are you going to stick with the keto? No sugar at all for me, natural or unnatural. I eat fruit in small quantities and have gone back to eating the buns on hamburgers, but other than that I avoid it wherever I can.

Your going to love eating in the lower 48 (well...some of them ;))! And Arizona in the fall should be great.
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