InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Not bad at all! Lowest I got mine down to was 79°. Next time I'll try the frozen water bottles or running it thru my kegerator. I really believe that if I can get the temp lower I'd be 100° like last fall. Here's one from fall
Now that's what I'm looking for!
If you can get that water temp down to around 68 all should pop for ya.
Not sure how to do that until the late fall though. No more cannabis in the cloninator until then. In the meantime let's see how the garden plants do :).
Not sure how I’ll ever work a normal job again lol
#mylifenow #ivealwayslikednaps
I'm hoping you never have to! #napsrule

I woke up this morning at 6:45am to pee and I was about to climb back into bed when I thought, "As long as I'm up early early I might as well take cuttings early early!"

I mixed up my version of Clonex liquid with 1 tablespoon Clonex gel/gallon of 6.4 pH water. They have to be the same thing with a gelling agent I figure. I poured that into two glasses to keep the plant cuttings separate. I took 5 off the Sour G mother and 7 off the AK-47. They spent at least an hour in the liquid while I got everything else ready. And I'm going to wait for next weekend to do the Sour G clone.

Turns out I didn't have any more red Solo cups so I had to make my own from clear cups and red spray paint ;). I soaked the Pro Mix HP in my Clonex liquid and soaked the rapid rooters as well. All the cuttings were scraped and sliced and got Clonex gel down the lower stem, and they were inserted into their homes: two each in the cups and the balance in the rapid rooters.

Here are the ones in the cups:

Here's the full clone box with the dying Gold Leaf and the dying older AK-47 cuttings:

Here are the new cuttings:

I put the heat mat under the box but wanted to make sure it didn't get too hot so I put down a towel as well as some stand-offs cut from plastic cups.

It's 81º in there now and 99% humidity.

Then I went back outside to trim up the Sour G and AK-47 clone. I left a few lowers on both in case I need to try again on the cloning because I always have in the past :). If I get roots on one each of the cuttings then the lower branches will be gone.

Here is the Sour G:

And here's what I took off:

Here is the AK-47 clone. I was very specific about clearing out the crooks because they were jammed with small leaves. Much better airflow in there now:

And here's what I took off:

Even though there are flowers on there I didn't save any of it because I have no more room in the freezer!

Oh, and after I did all this I realized that I'll be out of town Tuesday morning to Thursday night! You may recall that it turns out my wife was upset that we shared our vacation last year with Blueberry 1 drying in a box, so I'm not sure she'll be happy with 4 Solo cups (the clone box stays covered at home with the lid cracked slightly). Maybe she'll be okay with a small box with 4 cups so I can crack the domes during the week. Or should I leave them home with the domes on through Friday morning. Your thoughts @beez0404, and everyone else?

Happy Sunday all!
Stick a nickel at the bottom of the clear dome to give the plants just a touch of air. If you've got them under the right lighting and they are on a timer they'll be fine left at home. At some point, to build your cloning confidence maybe take some cuttings from a vegging plant?
Stick a nickel at the bottom of the clear dome to give the plants just a touch of air. If you've got them under the right lighting and they are on a timer they'll be fine left at home. At some point, to build your cloning confidence maybe take some cuttings from a vegging plant?
I've got them on 24 hours of 2400K lighting now because they're all in flower. I can go to 6500K but not sure if I should let them sleep.

I'll probably be taking cuttings from the Sour G clone next week, so that should be more like your cuttings in age.
The cuttings that you took like 2 weeks ago.........were they under 24 hours a day of light too?
In my small clone box I have a total of four (4) of the 20 watt CFL corkscrew bulbs at 2700k temp. I tried other temperature bulbs but the 2700k work best for me. And the timer in my box is 16 on / 8 off.
Yeah, I can't offer any suggestions for a lighting schedule for re-vegging cuttings. I guess though if someone handed me some cuttings that were off a flowering plant I would prep them the same way we've discussed and put them in the box with 16/8 lighting. Not saying you should do that. Just saying that's what I would do.
Yeah, I can't offer any suggestions for a lighting schedule for re-vegging cuttings. I guess though if someone handed me some cuttings that were off a flowering plant I would prep them the same way we've discussed and put them in the box with 16/8 lighting. Not saying you should do that. Just saying that's what I would do.
Probably worth a shot to change out the timing on the lights along with everything else! Not sure I can trace the wire from the lamp though as it's buried behind a desk, computer, and two file cabinets!
Maybe just pull plugs from the timer till the lamp goes out?
Heat seems to be the main problem you got there Shed. 89 degrees is atad warm. But in the summer it can't be helped.
I reveg mine,, which I hate stressing a plant that much as in doing a reveg, under 24/7 light. You may need to shut down the light afew hours a day during peak heat.
GL over here;;
Heat seems to be the main problem you got there Shed. 89 degrees is atad warm. But in the summer it can't be helped.
I reveg mine,, which I hate stressing a plant that much as in doing a reveg, under 24/7 light. You may need to shut down the light afew hours a day during peak heat.
GL over here;;
89º outside or in the house? In the house it was just that hot during the heat wave. It's probably 80 now inside but there's nothing I can do about the heat outside the cloninator - that's just the air. It's up to 84º in the clone box but I just raised it off the heating mat again as I'm trying to keep it down around 80º. The cloninator water goes from 74-80º though it may get lower than that shortly after I put the ice in. The lights aren't adding any heat, just the summer.

I don't put my cuttings under direct light at all until I see roots and know they can get the water they need to transpire.
So many many methods of getting clones to root! Mine aren't under any strong lights, just one nearby :). I need to make sure they know not to keep flowering.
Hiiiii so first, excellent defoil!

Excellent use of time this morning, I was up at 5:30 and couldn’t sleep so hung with my gals too!
Clones look good, I’m ROOTING for ya har har

I’ve left my clones in the veg tent mostly with 20/4 light schedule, usually roots in 10 days, I don’t really take clones off flowering plants though. I’ve also left them on the kitchen counter with 13/11 light schedule and still got roots in about 14 days, it just takes longer with less light. I’ve heard they like indirect light but I still get roots in blurple. Soooo maybe it’s magic:D
I was just looking at the temp on the thermometer in that pic. You going to be surprised how well that areo-cloner will work come fall/winter time.
Hiiiii so first, excellent defoil!
Excellent use of time this morning, I was up at 5:30 and couldn’t sleep so hung with my gals too!
Clones look good, I’m ROOTING for ya har har
I’ve left my clones in the veg tent mostly with 20/4 light schedule, usually roots in 10 days, I don’t really take clones off flowering plants though. I’ve also left them on the kitchen counter with 13/11 light schedule and still got roots in about 14 days, it just takes longer with less light. I’ve heard they like indirect light but I still get roots in blurple. Soooo maybe it’s magic:D
Thanks newty, I could use a little magic! And I had a feeling you'd like the defol :).
I was just looking at the temp on the thermometer in that pic. You going to be surprised how well that areo-cloner will work come fall/winter time.
You mean the pic I posted today? That's the RH at 89%. Temp in that pic is 76º. And you have me confused about whether you're talking about the cloninator bucket or the clone box. The bucket is basically garden plants now except for the three grandfathered-in cannabis. I'm sure I'll be tossing those when I get back, which it turns out is Friday night, not Thursday night.
My bad.... I thought that was temps..
I was talking bout your bucket. for the fall
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