InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Are you seriously serious with that? If so I do apologize. I thought we were still able to joke around on here.
Are you seriously serious with that? If so I do apologize. I thought we were still able to joke around on here.

Well not really. I was just surprised because correcting peoples grammar online is silly high school shit. If you are a child then I beg your pardon Beez.
Wooooop wooooooop

Where the H has newty been!! All caught up! Glad you got to get away even under the circumstances! Those pics are beautiful dude, enjoy the rest of your vacay:) oh and

CONGRATS!! #winnerwinnerchickendinner

Couldn’t be happier about their choice:D
I knew @newty you would take it in the fun loving manner in which it was meant. Which is how this site should be right?
I could never compare to newty! She runs rings around me not to mention the magical #newtyjuice!

Anyone wants to correct grammer or usage here please just do it in a kind way. And if you get corrected, please take it in stride and move on. I don't think anyone is insulting anyone if you're trying to inform. Snarky never gets a good response ever so let's skip the snarky.

I'm at the hospital now (my dad's napping so no, I'm not ignoring him to post here ;)) and he's great when I'm around. The staff can't believe how human he is when they see us interact with each other, compared to the angry and disagreeable and confused old man they are used to dealing with. He was completely dehydrated when I got here and with me here he drank four 8 ounce cans of Shasta lemon lime soda. Good to get fluids and sugar in him. And get the restraints off his wrists o_O.

I'll do a plant and vacay update tonight but I wanted to mediate the mild hostilities here and let y'all know know I was back home safely.

I never leant to read or write,,,, so I know my grammar is the worse there is........ So if someone ever corrected mine,, I'd never know.. But looks like you had fun down there on the vacation..... GL and Keepem Green
Good to hear your dad chilled out when you got there.

Just finished 10 years of it with my grandfather. Just more of us to pass him around. I got suck as an only child.

I am usually to baked when on here to even pick up on snark. I could prob use an english lesson, but my attention span is short as everything when I am baked.
Thanks Norcali! Had a great time tempered by that gnawing in the back of my skull about my dad. Still, it was fun and basically my only vacation away for the year.

I don't care that much about grammer or spelling here (which makes Derby safe ;)), but I have corrected some usage (via PM) for someone I thought would actually appreciate it. I have a tough time reading things like "intensive purposes" without thinking that the person using it really should know the correct term in case it might help them in the future.
Good to hear your dad chilled out when you got there.

Just finished 10 years of it with my grandfather. Just more of us to pass him around. I got suck as an only child.

I am usually to baked when on here to even pick up on snark. I could prob use an english lesson, but my attention span is short as everything when I am baked.
Thanks nobody. I've got a sister in NY but in terms of looking after my dad I am most definitely alone.

Even with baked folks I've seen things escalate quickly here!
The irony here is that nobody corrected the grammar of anyone else. And now there will be pages discussing what did not happen.
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