InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I could never compare to newty! She runs rings around me not to mention the magical #newtyjuice!

Anyone wants to correct grammer or usage here please just do it in a kind way. And if you get corrected, please take it in stride and move on. I don't think anyone is insulting anyone if you're trying to inform. Snarky never gets a good response ever so let's skip the snarky.

I'm at the hospital now (my dad's napping so no, I'm not ignoring him to post here ;)) and he's great when I'm around. The staff can't believe how human he is when they see us interact with each other, compared to the angry and disagreeable and confused old man they are used to dealing with. He was completely dehydrated when I got here and with me here he drank four 8 ounce cans of Shasta lemon lime soda. Good to get fluids and sugar in him. And get the restraints off his wrists o_O.

I'll do a plant and vacay update tonight but I wanted to mediate the mild hostilities here and let y'all know know I was back home safely.

Glad you are back and that your dad is doing well brother.
Glad you are back and that your dad is doing well brother.
Thanks Van, I'm hoping he goes home tomorrow for a bit of normalcy.
what do I put on after zeppelin?
Edgar Winter's White Trash Roadwork album (sorry @Van Stank, sometimes the music ends but the night doesn't!).
Glad you got your vacation in Shed. Does good to get a reset. Glad you got your dad back on track. Hope things get back to somewhat normal in the upcoming weeks.
Me too!
Let's take a break from the hospital and get back to the road. Here are a few more pics of my trip:

This is the Union Hotel in Los Alamos, built in 1880, destroyed in a fire (like most stuff in CA) and rebuilt in 1915. Don't know what the rooms are like but the bar looked really cool. We stayed down the block and across the street in a funky motel.
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Here is the beach in Carpenteria, just south of Santa Barbara. It's a bit of a hike from the parking lot and you have to cross the railroad tracks and then climb your way down to the water (which smells of oil from the rigs off the coast), but other than the crazy jumping bugs that live in the sand, it was a good way to kill some time to avoid all the rush hour traffic:
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Sunset over Mrs Shed:
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Sunset reflecting off said railroad tracks. The Southern Pacific engineer sounded the horn and waved at us as we waited for him to pass:
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And since I know y'all are dying for a plant update, here's the only one I got today:

That is correct sir...ROOTS! We have a winner and that is the AK-47 clone cutting in the cloninator in 16 days! No cooling since Tuesday morning so maybe it needed some warmth! I was worried so I didn't even add the ice pack this morning because I didn't want to jinx it!

The rest of the cuttings look about the same, though the worst looking ones are the Sour G in the solo cups but they are most into flower. I'll do a full photo update sometime tomorrow I hope depending on my dad,

And speaking of my dad, what's with this hospital and rhymes? I saw the following, either printed on signs or on a screen saver on the monitor (as written):
• We ROUND to keep you SAFE and SOUND.
• Prevent Trips, Slips, and Fractured Hips!

Everything is a saying in that place!

I hope you all are safe and sound as well. Did I mention ROOTS?
Here is the beach in Carpenteria, just south of Santa Barbara.
Sunset over Mrs She
Sunset reflecting off said railroad tracks. The Southern Pacific engineer sounded the horn and waved at us as we waited for him to pass:
That is correct sir...ROOTS! We have a winner and that is the AK-47 clone cutting in the cloninator in 16 days! No cooling since Tuesday morning so maybe it needed some warmth! I was worried so I didn't even add the ice pack this morning because I didn't want to jinx it!
Did I mention ROOTS?
It’s a momentous occasion indeed! And I’m super glad to be here at the time of the announcement :slide:

Totally happy for ya Shed! That must have brightened you day a lot when you saw that :)
Strange fact...the AK-47 cutting in the cloninator that I took recently and stuck in the rapid rooter (1:00) is yellowing faster than the one I cut almost a month ago that's just dangling (12:00), with no roots on either. Why is that?:
Hope you have a great week shed! I have no idea what's up with the cutting in the rooter. What day is it? May be it rooting... or dying? Again I'm not a clone pro. And still no call from my agent about playing one on TV :rolleyes:.

Well you know me buddy, I'm not one to rifle through old posts.... but I have a friend who always goes the extra mile to do so.... so in honor of him (you), I dug these up....


I mean, I told you you'd like those rapid rooters! Well done dude! Looks like you've found another successful cloning practice.
Thanks for sharing it with me Amy! :high-five:
Yep always cool when you can do it for an audience. I know your last ones were a little camera shy ;) so thanks for sharing the trial and tribulation
Looks like you've found another successful cloning practice.
Another? You mean besides the peat pot daily spraying method from earlier in the year? :laugh:

I'm still torn about whether to commit to this but I am SO happy I have an AK-47 clone now to keep as a mother. Now at least one of the Sour G clone cuttings (which desperately need to be taken...that plant is almost two fee tall) will go in the cloninator for sure.


An since you don’t share a joint to celebrate, I hope you’ll have a drink while I :rollit: in your honour
Sorry Amy, I don't drink either, but we did buy some nice olive oil in Los Olivos so I'll dip some bread with you!
I don't care that much about grammer or spelling here (which makes Derby safe ;)), but I have corrected some usage (via PM) for someone I thought would actually appreciate it. I have a tough time reading things like "intensive purposes" without thinking that the person using it really should know the correct term in case it might help them in the future.

Just for all intensive purposes.... this story was referring to a time before I was enlightened and knew it was intents and purposes.

All I know is if I'm saying something wrong please tell me.... our friend called a hammock a HAM- mock and we about died laughing. But hey, if we didnt tell her how it's pronounced she'd probably still be calling it that....

Lmao woody always even says when he subs for a journal. I'm just here for the pics I cant read or write.... which we all know is a load lol!
Sorry Amy, I don't drink either, but we did buy some nice olive oil in Los Olivos so I'll dip some bread with you!

Oh don’t apologise! I don’t drink either:rofl:

Was just invoking celebratory social conventions and found my options a bit limited ... :hmmmm:

The olive oil sounds lovely! :thumb:
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