InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Clones are looking great Shed !!
Thanks K! Always nice to be able to say "Nothing dead yet."
I am not sure? I googled that guy and still I’m not sure:D
I'm pretty sure the guy from LMFAO and Colin are two different people :).
I saw an article on starting and keeping mothers if I can find it again I'll post it.
That would be great if you can find it. Thanks PW.
Your boy bign has run that peppermint kush from barneys a few more times. The mom is huge!
Ahhh how I miss Peppa.
It's amazing how you go out of town, and the clones all are doing fine.
Maybe travel a little more?-we are all suckers for pics on the road.
They're not doing great until they root. Like I've said, I have had cuttings look fine for three weeks and then die practically overnight. But I'll make sure to take some pics of the trip to drop my daughter back at school in September :).
Hey shed :ciao:
Great update! The Sour G and AK are looking great - it’s like I blinked and they doubled in size ... nice pics too. I love to see them standing proud under all that sunshine.
Great news about your Dad. I hope the transition back goes smoothly.
Thanks Amy! The place was happy to see him and in his own way he seemed happy to be back home. Transition accomplished, time to exhale :). Sunshine good, 92º feh (33º C)!
Per MadDab's recommend, I planted the AK clone clone (AK clone² ?). I used the new Pro Mix HP because I now have loads of it and it already has the perlite and mykos so I didn't need to add any more.

Here it is coming out of the cloninator:

Look at all that white between the rooter and the neoprene! Here it is all exposed and shit:

And here it is in its new home. I made sure to bury all those roots that were at the top:

I soaked the soil with a mild nute mix. Into a gallon went:
¼ tsp Armor Si
1.5 ml cal/mag+
½ tsp Grow Big

I put it back under the CFL for the night as that's what it's used to. I'll ease it into the sun over the next week.

And that was my Sunday! Tomorrow morning I think I'll take the top off the Sour G clone and put it in the open cloninator spot, especially since everything got watered today so I'll have the morning off from that :).
Very nice! Man those roots were POPPIN off to the races now. You should see some substantial new growth this week
The soil I planted mine has almost no NPK? Not even sure how the plants grow in it lol
I'll probably just give them a tbs of molasses for now... I overfed them last time
Well, this auto grower has jumped into Clone World because I got an offer, and who am I to turn down free plants!

- 420 AK-47 fem (x2): 20:1 THC/CBD, 60% Indica/40% Sativa
- 420 Gold Leaf fem: 21:"high" THC/CBD (really 420, what the heck does that mean?), 35% Indica/65% Sativa
- Clones taken from recently flipped healthy parents, AK has pistils, Gold Leaf does not
- These will be kept in veg until next fall, so for now they will be outside during the day and moved under lights at night ~20/4 once they root. Once we're past the vernal equinox they will be grown outside exclusively
- The clones are in Miracle Grow potting mix (no nutes) for now. They will be up-potted into Dr Earth Pot of Gold
- Soil mix will be 70% soil/30% rinsed perlite
- Pots will be scaled up as needed to approx 7 gallon smart pot
- Sunlit during the day, under 64 watt T8 plus CFLs at night
- Air cooled, like literally air cooled.
- Temps determined by mother nature with the help of heat from the lights at night. Shed is unheated.
- Pests are many and various and will be handled organically with neem, spinosad, BT, and diatomaceous earth
- Watered as needed
- Nutes:
Cal/Mag +
Fox Farm Big Bloom
Fox Farm Grow Big 6-4-4
Fox Farm Tiger Bloom 2-8-4
Fox Farm Open Sesame 5-45-19
Great White mycorrhizae

I use pH Down because my tap water runs pretty alkaline (around 7.6 pH) and when left standing it rises to 8.4. I'm shooting for the 6.0-6.4 pH range.

For the record, my tap water is ~100PPM and is purified with chloramine, which doesn't evaporate. Even so, I let my water stand out for at least 24 hour before I use it. No idea why.

Next post...PICS (and the first night of cloning story...)!
Foxfarm good nutes use to
Foxfarm good nutes use to
Greetings Law! Welcome to my humble abode :welcome:. I've been using them for all my grows (along with some other supplementals) and I pretty much know what I'm going to do now at every stage of the plant. When I start running out I may look at some other brands though to cut down on the number of bottles, particularly in flower. Pennywise is killing it with just two products from Dyna-Gro!
You're going to grow clones of what you're growing now obviously! Start cutting :thumb:

thank you kindly mr.Shed that I'll be doing, all I have going is good bag seed and they are looking good. I meant to include the words " summer project "....haha

I have an OGK by dinaf and Bubba Kush cbd also dinaf that I will be taking clones from for oil for my sister in law as well as to attempt seeds from each strain.... Both are first time projects so getting quite excited for summer this year....

My seed attempt I'm going to do indoors as I won't have any fems apart from those I'm attempting with..

top of the evening mr.Shed...
Nice roots. And a Cakewalk from here on out. I'd imagine your going to do acouple more now?
I'm fixing to see how my cuts come out. Temps are alittle warm up here. too lately. I just took 24 cuts off my outdoor girls for my next indoor rotation. I use the closet in my flower room for the cloning spot. The flower room gets up to mid 80's and the door is closed 24/7 with a 2, 2', T-5 HO fluorescent for light. I use a unit called turbo kloner, 24. My first store-bought unit was an EZ Cloner. It always ran abit warm and I switched over and got the turbo kloner. It has a small PC type fan that kind of cools down the temp by acouple degree by blowing air across the reservoir. Sure they cost acouple dollars but they are still cheap when it comes to having to buy seeds,, or 'trying' to replace one strain you really liked........
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