InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Here is a Northern Light cutting that has been out from under the dome since 7/13 I believe. It has not been misted or sprayed. Every couple days I put a couple pipettes of nutrients mixed with a little clonex solution down along the stem. No roots are visible along the sides of the clear plastic cup. The plant is showing very slight growth. The plant has enough roots to survive, and it's just a matter of time before they hit the sides of the clear cup.

The second cutting I took, also a Northern Light, taken the same day showed roots on this past Thursday. Same strain, different breeder which stresses that not all plants root at the same speed. In this photo the plant in the front has not shown roots but they're there or the plant would be dead. The plant in the back has shown roots. Both are equally as healthy.
You mean you had a baby??????
I did get one cutting off Sour G to root about a month ago and that's the one in front that got transplanted yesterday. It really needs topping but I want to wait until I know which method to use for the cutting.
That sour d mother plant is looking really nice!
Thanks Mi! I hope it still fits in the shed come Sept 21st!
Here is a Northern Light cutting that has been out from under the dome since 7/13 I believe. It has not been misted or sprayed. Every couple days I put a couple pipettes of nutrients mixed with a little clonex solution down along the stem. No roots are visible along the sides of the clear plastic cup. The plant is showing very slight growth. The plant has enough roots to survive, and it's just a matter of time before they hit the sides of the clear cup.
The second cutting I took, also a Northern Light, taken the same day showed roots on this past Thursday. Same strain, different breeder which stresses that not all plants root at the same speed. In this photo the plant in the front has not shown roots but they're there or the plant would be dead. The plant in the back has shown roots. Both are equally as healthy.
I left the domes off and the tub open this morning (after a quick spray for safety's sake), so they are getting at least 12 hours a day of fresh air. If they look as good when I get home I may go the full 18 today. I'm thinking that the tub may need the heat mat underneath for the rooters as they felt a bit chilly when I pulled them out this morning.

Thanks for checking in beez!
Ok I’m caught up and starving. Do y’all get to eat McRibs all year in the USA?? I can’t remember the last time they released it out here! Mmmmmmmm

Also your sour G mom is looking fantastic! Same with the spog and that haze is one skinny B:D

I was working off of a tutorial from @beez0404 that he PM'd me. His theory (that has worked on over 90% of his cuttings) is that the stress is what causes the plant to put out roots to survive. "Torture sessions" of no dome, for longer and longer periods each day, until you can go many hours with no wilt. I just PM'd him and he said to keep an eye on them for the day but if they look fine by bedtime they are done with the domes. They've been going through the torture since Monday.

Beez has never steered me wrong and I get lots of advise from him:) That way of cloning is how I’ve had 100% success. The only thing I do differently is I use starter soil instead of rooters in the summer. Roots in about 10 days. The balance of wet and dry is super important so this explanation makes the most sense and who doesn’t like a bit of #torture :D
Since you expected all the cuttings to die why not pamper (back under domes) all but one (call her Joan) of the cuttings and leave one to fend for itself? Then keep babying the others and see how long Joan survives out in the world.
HAHAHAHAHA Let’s call her Joan

Seriously the best :D

Ok here’s my crystal clones all roots and ready for transplant. My GG4 clones all looked the same with this method

You can do it!! #rooooooots


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Yeyeah! Rapid roots! I think it put me further up in your journal than I really am. Gonna check back at what happened this weekend!
Ok I’m caught up and starving. Do y’all get to eat McRibs all year in the USA?? I can’t remember the last time they released it out here! Mmmmmmmm
Also your sour G mom is looking fantastic! Same with the spog and that haze is one skinny B:D
Beez has never steered me wrong and I get lots of advise from him:) That way of cloning is how I’ve had 100% success. The only thing I do differently is I use starter soil instead of rooters in the summer. Roots in about 10 days. The balance of wet and dry is super important so this explanation makes the most sense and who doesn’t like a bit of #torture :D
HAHAHAHAHA Let’s call her Joan
Seriously the best :D
Ok here’s my crystal clones all roots and ready for transplant. My GG4 clones all looked the same with this method
You can do it!! #rooooooots
Thanks newty! Beez recommended starter soil but I didn't have any on hand and couldn't find the ProMix BX anywhere I checked, and since it was an emergency (I had to dump the Gold Leaf), I went with what I had on hand. I had already ordered the rooters based on nobody's recommendation so that's why I'm running both techniques at the same time.

Of course, most people aren't cutting woody clones from 8 month old plants with flowers stacking on them so that puts me at a disadvantage this round. But as I said when I started this journal...not dead yet!
Yeyeah! Rapid roots! I think it put me further up in your journal than I really am. Gonna check back at what happened this weekend!
Let me know when you're caught up :).
Yeah I think I like that dome off logic! I mean little by little at the very least. My cuts havent wilted discolored or died. I hope that's a good sign not that they dont have roots...

I've heard folks, like rider, saying dont let the medium over saturate. And I agree if it's not replenished with oxygenated water constantly.

Does the bees method use a rooter? If so you'll be fine. I dont think my dome offers much, And I havent sprayed them once. J really have always sworn by them. Even when i was on drugs i managed to nail clones with the rooters. And anything I could accomplish on drugs I promise you can do 10000000 times better.

Just stick with it. And remember have your clonex and rooter by the plant. Slice dip and stick into the moist rooter.

You can do it!
Yeah I think I like that dome off logic! I mean little by little at the very least. My cuts havent wilted discolored or died. I hope that's a good sign not that they dont have roots...
I've heard folks, like rider, saying dont let the medium over saturate. And I agree if it's not replenished with oxygenated water constantly.
Does the bees method use a rooter? If so you'll be fine. I dont think my dome offers much, And I havent sprayed them once. J really have always sworn by them. Even when i was on drugs i managed to nail clones with the rooters. And anything I could accomplish on drugs I promise you can do 10000000 times better.
Just stick with it. And remember have your clonex and rooter by the plant. Slice dip and stick into the moist rooter.
You can do it!
No rooters for the beez method. He recommends ProMix BX (with some extra perlite), clonex liquid, and rooting powder. I went with whatever soil I had on hand, clonex gel dissolved in water (clonex liquid?), and clonex gel. The makeshift beez method. Additionally, his clones are taken from young plants in veg. I cut the tops from the Gold Leaf vegging since mid October with pistils or true flowers. So this is not a true test of the beez method but it's definitely different from my past attempts, so that's good!

Not sure about over-saturating the medium on the rooters though. Yours are sitting in (or just above) the water and mine are almost dripping wet. And the instructions on the rooter tray says to keep ¼" of water in the tray to keep them moist. I'm going to put the heat mat under them tonight because warm is good.

Drugs or no, almost everyone here can root 10000000 times better than I can. And I'm okay with that :).
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