InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I love kimchi :love:

Hey Shed - a very happy Friday evening to you! Hope you have a fun and restorative weekend planned. I look forward to more visual delights from LA! And your garden :)

In case anyone is interested:

I started this thread - it’s to be a short term thing, closing in a week. Anyone missing a particular emoji should check it out. :thumb:

Restoring the favourite emojis

:Namaste: :surf:
Got that duct-tape thing going on Crazy! And speaking of clones, that's today's update!

I uncovered the clone box this morning to start the torture process (as beez calls it) to get the roots to grow. To recap, this is three AK-47 clone cuttings and one relocated Sour G that went from peat pot to cloninator to rapid rooter.

First I took them out to see if there was anything visible...there wasn't. I also squeezed some water out of the bottom as they seemed pretty wet. Here's a pic of them after 4 hours uncovered:

They look good so far, but I gave the on on the right and the Sour G a little spritz because they didn't look quite as good as the other two.

And the Gold Leaf cuttings have been getting tortured every night for a week. This is them also after 4 hours:

Are they ready to live an uncovered life?

Here is my Brooklyn Sunrise update this morning. Not much happening.

I hope all your plants are growing along with your bank accounts and happiness!
If you can't see roots through the cup they need more. I am sure they may grow just fine as @MiOutdoorsman said my thinking is not to put any stress that can be avoided on them.
I put a clone in a tote with about 2 inches of soil in bottom, large flat area. In time when that clone was about 3-4 inches high and I pulled it had some roots that were pushing 10 inches.
I was working off of a tutorial from @beez0404 that he PM'd me. His theory (that has worked on over 90% of his cuttings) is that the stress is what causes the plant to put out roots to survive. "Torture sessions" of no dome, for longer and longer periods each day, until you can go many hours with no wilt. I just PM'd him and he said to keep an eye on them for the day but if they look fine by bedtime they are done with the domes. They've been going through the torture since Monday.
the stress is what causes the plant to put out roots to survive.
To clarify........If the dome is on, the plant is able to absorb moisture through the leaves and thus has no reason to expend energy to grow roots. When you remove the dome you're effectively telling the plant no more easy living, time to grow roots. You are just triggering the natural instincts of the plant to survive.
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