InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I found ittttt!!!

Your positive vibes paid off! I have 4 that had some small roots. Just put them into soil. Hopefully they will take root. I think them being in the air conditioned house really made the difference for me :)
:bravo:Mi! Not sure if it was too early or not but I have heard to wait until the secondary (fishbone) roots are showing before dropping them in soil. Not like I have any experience though :). Good luck with them! #ACFTW!
I found ittttt!!!
Noice! What's the medium there?
I think those are rock wool cubes. But I prefer the rapid rooters because rock will requires an over night soak in a ph'd solution. And of the ph gear, I have none...
Guess WON'T fit in the clone tub! (Might be hard to tell in that pic but it's about 4" too long):

Enter the scissors:

Now it fits but the bottom tray doesn't! Needs more scissors:

Okay but I'm only going to take 3 cuttings at the moment, so time to scale it back:

With spare parts to toss in the shed:

I took three branches off the AK-47 clone, stripped the bottoms, cut the nodes flush with a razor blade, scraped the bottom 1½", cut it at a 45º angle, and sliced through the bottom ½". Then I slathered them in Clonex gel and put them in the rooters which I had soaked in distilled water. I took some pieces of the rooter and pushed it down the hole because it wasn't making contact with the stem.

I mixed up some foliar spray with slightly less than ¼ tsp of Armor Si/gallon @ ±6.4 pH per @nobodyhere's instructions and sprayed them down. Now they're in the tub under the Gold Leaf clones, which are getting some un-domed torture-time:

Something has turned my cloninator water yellow. Does aspirin react to H2O2? Or is something reacting to the pH Down?

Didn't have time tonight to deal with that so I'll have to get up early and make another batch. If I have to choose, is it aspirin or H2O2 I should add?
Wednesday all! I ran out of time this morning to do anything with the cloninator other than drop an ice pack in it. That's tonight's project.
I got this at the grow store 13$ small bottle will last a long time. Keeps res clean so far
Thanks Mi! I'll check that one out as it's half the price of the Z7. Can you give some details as to how you use it (concentrations, frequency, etc.)? @Pennywise I'll let you know what happens!
My stems did not make contact with the plugs on the side. The holes in the plugs were about 3x larger. Don't think it hurts either way.
Mist mist mist. Use some Si first couple days.
If nothing else keeping the light off the stem and roots is probably helpful given my record. I sprayed twice last night and twice this morning with the Si before I left. Do I need to water the rooters or just let the fact that the RH in the tub is probably 99% handle that? They seem so lonely in that big tub!

Looking good shed! That tray sounds like my issues :rofl::rofl:. I'll need some of those rapid rooter holders. And I guess si? That some silicon nutz?
Armor Si is what I use but nobody uses Pro-Tekt. They're pretty much the same stuff. I'm not swearing by the rooters yet. Roots first!
Everything needed water this morning but the HazeX had to wait. Another thing on my list for this evening before I get eaten by mosquitoes. The AK-47 clone and Sour G got:
1 tsp Armor Si
3 ml cal/mag+
1 tsp Tiger Bloom

They each got 1.5 gallons.

The BSAs unevenly split a gallon of:
½ tsp Armor Si
3 ml cal/mag+
¼ tsp Open Sesame
1 tsp Grow Big
1 tsp Tiger Bloom
4 tsp Terpinator
2 tbs Big Bloom

32 ounces to #1 (the spog®) and 96 ounces to #2.

I mixed up some higher-strength Neem at 4 tbs/gallon but spraying will wait until tonight as well.

And I found out that spinosad doesn't keep after you dilute it so you have to use everything you mix in one go. What? I need the world's tiniest spray bottle I guess.

I left the domes off the Gold Leaf clones for about an hour this morning and then sprayed them with the Armor Si foliar and put the domes back on for the day with about ½" of gap on one edge.

That's my update and I'm sticking with it. Grey here this morning but I hope it's sunny where you are! :cool:
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