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Yeah shed, I dunno about those clones :hmmmm: I’ve never done it so haven’t felt equipped to really have a perspective. I’ll say now though that CraZy is right that it seems a very long time... Have you thought about trying the Cloninator inside where it might be cooler? Like in a temp controlled space if you have one.
I watch lots of others cloning - both successfully and otherwise - and it’s not often that long I don’t think ...
The rapid rooter is a cloning champ! 30 days is a really long time.... I figured that thing would do great for cloning too. Maybe the kiss method will crank the nut a little better...

And gloomy here today. Raining. Yuck, a waste of my summer lol
Got it from a Bosnian neighbor at the summer house. It's a perfect motor donation for my water pump for my gold high banker. The pump sized up last run last year. :)
I have no idea what a gold high banker is or why it needs a water pump.

Yeah shed, I dunno about those clones :hmmmm: I’ve never done it so haven’t felt equipped to really have a perspective. I’ll say now though that CraZy is right that it seems a very long time... Have you thought about trying the Cloninator inside where it might be cooler? Like in a temp controlled space if you have one. I watch lots of others cloning - both successfully and otherwise - and it’s not often that long I don’t think ...
I'm pretty sure most people have tossed theirs by now but you know me :). I don't have any temperature controlled space, though it's cooler in the shed than in the bike shed (but no room), and it's cooler in the house than either shed (though still got to 89º F in the heat wave last week) but I dont have a place for a bucket of water with a light over it anywhere in the house.

I'm going to let them stay in there until they look completely dead, and in the meantime I'll be trying the rapid rooters and beez's solo cup method as alternates. After those fail I'm pretty sure I'm out of the cloning game!

The rapid rooter is a cloning champ! 30 days is a really long time.... I figured that thing would do great for cloning too. Maybe the kiss method will crank the nut a little better...
And gloomy here today. Raining. Yuck, a waste of my summer lol
Under 10 days and I'm in the money with @Lowded118!

Not sure how much simpler I can get than a sprayer and a light bulb. Sorry about the rain. Would 10x that in snow be better? I used to love summer rain in NY! Of course I'm talking about when I was a teenager ;).
Well here it goes. This is my high banker. It catches gold. You shove dirt in the box and let water spray on it and it runs down the sluice and the small riffels catches, our very small gold here is Sw. :rolleyes:
Sorry for all the off topic pics in your thread....:p
Does it clone as well? I'm sure there's no gold in my soil!
Shed thanks for the cloning info. Sometimes I think it's just me that can't clone lol. So you give me some inspiration.
My Raz Kush is a 30+ clonestar. I also had a bf Tangerine dream...that one... 4 days roots shot out of the peat puck. I think it's strain related not effort lol. Looking great there!
It's definitely a strain for me ;). Any time I can inspire is a good time. I also have to remember that all of the Sour G cuttings in here came out of soil rather than off the plant. That's gotta be working against me, though the AK-47 and the HazeX came directly off the plants. I'm going to keep trying with this thing after the ones in here eventually lose all their leaves and I toss them. I want to try to clone a lot of stuff growing in my garden next.
Hey that cloner should work. My first DIY cloner was a two-liter soda bottle. Cut in half Then pushed back to make a dome. The same principle. You could burn a cigarette hole in the top to harden them off when you decide to remove the dome. I can't see one reason why it shouldn't work. GL

Someone mention Gold Mining? I was neck deep into it. I work 1/2 the river systems, it seems, in northern Cali over the years. Everything from a 2'' dredges up to an 8". But a 6" was the go too.. Even tried abit of hard rock mining. Found gold dredging,, but just traces in the tunnels. But was alot of fun to play with the ever-gel explosives... We had 4 miles of tunnels close to Emigrant Gap off Highway 80. Was talk about quartz crystals,, the tailing piles were loaded with good solid crystals.
Someone mention Gold Mining? I was neck deep into it. I work 1/2 the river systems, it seems, in northern Cali over the years. Everything from a 2'' dredges up to an 8". But a 6" was the go too.. Even tried abit of hard rock mining. Found gold dredging,, but just traces in the tunnels. But was alot of fun to play with the ever-gel explosives... We had 4 miles of tunnels close to Emigrant Gap off Highway 80. Was talk about quartz crystals,, the tailing piles were loaded with good solid crystals.

That sounds pretty serious to me.

You guys have so interesting geology over there all the west coast upp to Alaska is littered with gold bearing deposits. We have very solid bedrock her in Sweden so if you are going to be able to make money off it it's tons for grams from hard rock and lots of nasty chemicals including Cyanide.

The placer/plaster gold findings are very small flakes no nuggets over a few grams. But it's a very interesting hobby with lots of elements involved to get it to catch. :)
Then you forgot to factor Shed into the equation! :rofl:
(Sorry Shed, beat you to it!! ;) )
No problem Amy! When I have to work you can certainly take up the reins :).
no nuggets over a few grams. But it's a very interesting hobby with lots of elements involved to get it to catch. :)
Nugs, grams, lots of elements involved to get it to catch...sounds like growing cannabis!
Think he has hard time parting from a potential plant. My Ex can find a weed in the garden, pot it and see if it has nice flowers. It gets lots of pots fast..... :rolleyes:
Part of the reason for being an ex? I just like to grow things and I'm always up for a growing challenge, obviously.
Cali has some pretty specimen gold too. From like the 16 to 1 mines deposits has to be the prettiest gold I ever seen hands-down. I found some it, sniping placer from the Yuba River afew miles below the mine. Stuff was almost 24 carat and had the luster,, damn that triggers me to withdrawals... JK but gold mining is addictive...

Shed will get it down. I mean what does one risk doing afew rounds of warm up anyway.. Put that sucker in your closet on the floor where it's nice and cool, just not cold. 70's low 80's at the root zone if possible. Put a 23 watt CFL 10" over it.

I'm not sure, but I know temps are my problem and the most common problem. Dead summer is my hardest time for clones. Even with my machine which has a fan blowing across the water, summer can be iffy. And some strains jut don't like to clone,, taking to long and getting slimed. I'm fixing to have to give it a try myself. Getting time to think of my next indoor after this flip. I take double what I need this time of year.

GL Shed
Cali has some pretty specimen gold too. From like the 16 to 1 mines deposits has to be the prettiest gold I ever seen hands-down. I found some it, sniping placer from the Yuba River afew miles below the mine. Stuff was almost 24 carat and had the luster,, damn that triggers me to withdrawals... JK but gold mining is addictive...
Shed will get it down. I mean what does one risk doing afew rounds of warm up anyway.. Put that sucker in your closet on the floor where it's nice and cool, just not cold. 70's low 80's at the root zone if possible. Put a 23 watt CFL 10" over it.
I'm not sure, but I know temps are my problem and the most common problem. Dead summer is my hardest time for clones. Even with my machine which has a fan blowing across the water, summer can be iffy. And some strains jut don't like to clone,, taking to long and getting slimed. I'm fixing to have to give it a try myself. Getting time to think of my next indoor after this flip. I take double what I need this time of year.
GL Shed
Oh for a spare closet! I'll leave it where it is and maybe have better luck in the fall. :thumb:
No problem Amy! When I have to work you can certainly take up the reins :).

Nugs, grams, lots of elements involved to get it to catch...sounds like growing cannabis!

Part of the reason for being an ex? I just like to grow things and I'm always up for a growing challenge, obviously.

Yeah, and it's hard laying off both. :)

Forgot to mention she has a very hard time parting from them even if they are just very common weeds or just don't wanna grow. She had a clean out the other day at last in the green house. A full wheel barrel full of soil and she complains she never have soil. :)
Gold mining is addictive. We did a tour and my wife got mad cause I was going gold crazy. Biggest problem is most of the gold here us 10 ft down and it's not veins. Takes a lot to extract that stuff!
Z7 will prevent the slime on your cuttings and the cloner.
I'm sure it will but that stuff isn't cheap. H2O2 is very cheap and seems to be keeping the slime down. Is it keeping the roots away? I don't know but folks use it in hydro so there's that.
Yeah, and it's hard laying off both. :)
Forgot to mention she has a very hard time parting from them even if they are just very common weeds or just don't wanna grow. She had a clean out the other day at last in the green house. A full wheel barrel full of soil and she complains she never have soil. :)
You seem to know a lot about her considering she's an ex!
Gold mining is addictive. We did a tour and my wife got mad cause I was going gold crazy. Biggest problem is most of the gold here us 10 ft down and it's not veins. Takes a lot to extract that stuff!
Not to mention that you're renting! Not sure how the landlord feels about you digging 10 feet down in the yard :).
Maybe try in fall when the temps might help ya some but don't give up. It's not like you. And different strains are temperamental to cloning. Did 3 different strains and 2 took off and the other one I took 2 different cuttings and got nothing to show. Running in the same solution in my Dewey.
Thanks Derby! I can't see completely giving up on this since I built it to the same specs as lots of folks who have used it successfully. Maybe it's a lack of Z7, maybe it's the heat, maybe it's the strains. But if either of the two new methods I'm going to try work (Amazon just delivered!), I'll still be using the cloninator with other plants for now, and cannabis in the cooler weather.

If at first you don't succeed, try try again! With some help from y'all of course :thanks:
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