InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Just leaving this here or I'll forget...

Brooklyns (unevenly) split a gallon of:
½ tsp Armor Si
3 ml cal/mag+
¼ tsp Open Sesame
1 tsp Grow Big
1 tsp Tiger Bloom
2 tbs Big Bloom
4 tsp Terpinator

HazeX got a gallon of:
½ tsp Armor Si
3 ml cal/mag+
½ tsp Tiger Bloom
pH out is still high so I should be aiming around 5.0 for input.

Sour G and AK-47 clone are still getting pH'd water but next watering (tomorrow probably as they drink every other day now) I'll give them:
½ tsp Armor Si
3 ml cal/mag+
¼ tsp Open Sesame
1 tsp Grow Big

The Sour G clone is getting (in a gallon):
½ tsp Armor Si
3 ml cal/mag+
½ tsp Grow Big
every morning!
If we were neighbors I'd try to hook you up with a cut. I have Chernobyls, cherry pies, grease monkey and super silver Haze cuttings. That's what I have in flower at the moment. Also in flower couple of Afgan x black Domina freebies. Didn't take cuts from those
Thanks Mi! If we lived next door to each other I'd never have to plant a seed again. And if I ever learn to clone, you could take your pick of mine :thumb:
Yes, the environment is really not optimal for growing with any kind of wattage right now. Feels like you are floating away in the heat. I get really bad migraines from being in the sun and working, with these temps outside right now.

That is a no shitter. Spent 7 hours with the horses today. I come home, take a cold shower, then I am freezing my ass off, and sit down and ingest water.

We get two more months of it. yay.
lol, sometimes in months like this I think...wouldn't a breeze feel good, or maybe the rh 10 lower, or maybe just a quarter inch of rain to quell the dust....nah.

Sometimes it's only 45 days, not 60. That is uncommon.
lol, sometimes in months like this I think...wouldn't a breeze feel good, or maybe the rh 10 lower, or maybe just a quarter inch of rain to quell the dust....nah.

Sometimes it's only 45 days, not 60. That is uncommon.
We're supposed to hit 104° this weekend. FML!
Monday everyone and I miss my weekend naps already!

First off, the Brooklyn Sunrise Auto update is here. I put that first because I wanted to get the link cleared from the clipboard on my computer ;).

On to the cloninator! Around the horn counter clockwise from the bottom, we start with what's left of the mushy HazeX cutting:

Next is the Sour G that still only has the roots it came out of the soil change:

Next up is another Sour G:

Then comes the AK-47 clone cutting:

Another Sour G with two little bumps at the top...mold or starting roots?:

The next two are Sour G cuttings with more things on the stems...mold or starting roots?:

On to the Sour G clone growing like a weed! I'm going to have to top it soon. It's about a month since it started living on its own:

Here it was a month ago:

It does have some bug issues on the lower leaves, so it and the HazeX are getting neem oil about 2x a week. Brooklyn #1 also has bugs but that is getting spinosad (along with #2) because flowers.

And per @beez0404's instructions, it's time to crack the domes on the Gold Leaf cuttings. Like I mentioned before, I'm doing a modified version of his instructions as I didn't have time to get the ProMix BX before I had to take these (I also forgot to pH the clonex mix I hand-made). I can't even find the BX anywhere around here, just the HP from Lowe's (which isn't really close). I can always add some Mykos to that I suppose. Otherwise I'll see if I can get some peat potting mix with no nutes in it.

My rapid rooter tray should be here today so I'll be taking a few AK-47 clone cuttings and see how that goes. Back to the clone box again :).

Hope Monday isn't manic! :Namaste:
It's gonna be even hotter in the blast of that AC unit behind your plants ;).
A/C was shut down today because Baggy McBagseed was harvested this morning. If I get off my ass, I may be able to complete the new growhouse and shift the girls inside before it hits.
A/C was shut down today because Baggy McBagseed was harvested this morning. If I get off my ass, I may be able to complete the new growhouse and shift the girls inside before it hits.
That's good. It had me worried!

No comments on my cloninator stems? Hmph. Anyway, when I got home I decided to refill the bucket with new water pH'd to 6.0, added some H2O2 and half an aspirin, and moved the light off to the side. Let's see if that makes a difference.

In case you thought I had been ignoring the Sour G after the thinning, I've been supercropping the tall ones to keep it from being out of control when it's done with stretch.

Speaking of stretch, it's not in flower yet the way the Gold Leaf was (Sour G is from seed), so it could get a lot taller as we go. And it's gotten bushy again.

Some of the inner branches will be coming off for my next attempt at cloning, whenever the rapid rooters arrive. (Amazon keeps trying to deliver packages after 5pm even though it's a business address :(.)

I hope your day didn't start off as gloomy as it was here...I mean look at the lighting in the Sour G pic! Flat as a pancake. Sun's out now so grow babies grow!
That's good. It had me worried!

No comments on my cloninator stems? Hmph. Anyway, when I got home I decided to refill the bucket with new water pH'd to 6.0, added some H2O2 and half an aspirin, and moved the light off to the side. Let's see if that makes a difference.

In case you thought I had been ignoring the Sour G after the thinning, I've been supercropping the tall ones to keep it from being out of control when it's done with stretch.

Speaking of stretch, it's not in flower yet the way the Gold Leaf was (Sour G is from seed), so it could get a lot taller as we go. And it's gotten bushy again.

Some of the inner branches will be coming off for my next attempt at cloning, whenever the rapid rooters arrive. (Amazon keeps trying to deliver packages after 5pm even though it's a business address :(.)

I hope your day didn't start off as gloomy as it was here...I mean look at the lighting in the Sour G pic! Flat as a pancake. Sun's out now so grow babies grow!

Wish I had one more ac to spare in the grow room.... Inlet air is 27c now. 32 in the tent.......

That Sour G looks very good. :ganjamon:
Isn't that veeeery long time? Do they develop roots so slow if the mother was in bloom?
Monstercropped clones do take longer to root from what I've read, but I don't think a month is on anyone's radar!
That Sour G looks very good. :ganjamon:
Thanks! And I've got a living clone of that as well. I'm hoping it's a killer smoke so that I can keep a mother on the go year round. If I can get another couple to root I'll give one to clone-boy to grow and practice training on. That and an AK-47 clone and I can call it even :).
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