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You going to find when the temp hits that sweet spot,, come fall and spring, you going to say WTF this is simple. Now this is just myself,, I use tap water only. They first few times I used these new cloners,,, 'aeroponics' I messed with the PH. To me it was next to impossible for me to get the PH to stay,,, and I had a nightmare. The PH kept drifting, so I tried straight tap,, and been using it ever since. We have pretty good water here,, but I know thats not the same everywhere... GL Shed
You going to find when the temp hits that sweet spot,, come fall and spring, you going to say WTF this is simple. Now this is just myself,, I use tap water only. They first few times I used these new cloners,,, 'aeroponics' I messed with the PH. To me it was next to impossible for me to get the PH to stay,,, and I had a nightmare. The PH kept drifting, so I tried straight tap,, and been using it ever since. We have pretty good water here,, but I know thats not the same everywhere... GL Shed
Thanks Norcali. I'm sure when I test it it's going to be in the 7+ range so I'll probably skip the pH adjustment.

I think I'll dissolve the aspirin in the H2O2 and see if it looks like piss before I pour it in this time. Might dissolve better that way too. Tough to get it into solution in room temp water.
I wonder if the rapid rooters would be helpful with the cloninator :hmmmm: . Maybe that would just be overkill. Worth a shot though. I've got a tray of 50 now and I'm not even sure it's going to fit in the clone tub!
If they fit into the little insert holes I would say go for it!
Ok, I triple wrapped the bucket, taped the lid, and replaced the water (which had magically lost the yellow color...'splain that!) with tap water, aspirin, and H2O2.

I also took out the one Sour G that had the tiny roots from its time in soil and stuck it in a rapid rooter with some clonex. It's not in great shape but what the heck.

As long as I'm experimenting, I'll take an AK-47 clone cutting and stick it in a rapid rooter and hang it in neoprene in the cloninator. Science!

Well I hope that does the trick. I'd be lying if I say I had any experience cloning in something that wasnt either Rock wool, rapid rooters or coco. So may the force be with those young padwon roots! Or something like that
Guess what I just discovered! My duct tape is completely translucent. There has been light leaking into the bucket the entire time! I obviously don't have the industrial-strength stuff that you do. Time to triple wrap.

Might explain 95% of the problem?
Ok, I triple wrapped the bucket, taped the lid, and replaced the water

'splain that!)
nope, caint sorry :hmmmm:

Okay, let’s go again then! Go Cloninator :cheer:
Go Cloninator :cheer:
Thanks Amy! Not sure this is the best time to go for version 2.0 with another heat wave coming, but I plow on anyway :).
Try black paint. It works for me most of the time I have used it on buckets.
Btw the yellow water. Is there something wrong with it more than yellow? Don't think the plants care if its yellow or clear.... ;)
I can't paint it black at the moment (no black paint), so cheap-ass duct tape will have to do for now.

I'm thinking that the yellow disappeared because the H2O2 broke down into its components and stopped reacting to whatever it was reacting to. I'm guessing it was the pH Down because it wasn't yellow this morning with just tap water, aspirin, and H2O2.
I can't paint it black at the moment (no black paint), so cheap-ass duct tape will have to do for now.

I'm thinking that the yellow disappeared because the H2O2 broke down into its components and stopped reacting to whatever it was reacting to. I'm guessing it was the pH Down because it wasn't yellow this morning with just tap water, aspirin, and H2O2.

Duct tape is good for everything. Even used it to fix my exhaust on my car. It held up through the inspection so that was all it took. :)

Water is mysterious... It can have been some residues in the pump also that reacted with the pH down, I guess some sort of acid?
pH down is phosphoric acid so it could have been that but I'm not doing any more experiments in that direction!

Thursday is only one day from Friday, so here's today's update...

Haze Xtreme on day 87 has a bit of bug damage, so I sprayed it with the new 4tbs/gallon neem dilution last night. Here are a few pics this morning:

I took a cutting from the AK-47 clone and stuck it in a rapid rooter and stuck that in a net pot:

And stuck that in the cloninator. Clockwise from the wire, it's AK-47 clone cutting dangling, AK-47 clone cutting in rapid rooter, Sour G, HazeX, Sour G x2, Sour G:

And here is the clone box this morning with the relocated Sour G along with the AK-47 clone cuttings. Still spraying them with the Armor Si foliar twice in the morning and three times at night:

Finally, remember the lemon seed that looked like a chicken breast?
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No thunderstorms today and low to mid 80s coming up so perfect weather for plants, probably less so for cuttings! Grow on. :thumb:
I'm rooting for them shed! And the haze looks nice and.... sativa-y

Happy almost Friday
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