InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Monday and sorry I'm a bit late. I had to train a new person on the ways of our office (from my angle anyway). This will be a two-part update, one with plants and one with the gummy experience. Plants first...

Let's begin with some meters. First up is my water as it comes out of the tap. No one needs to buy that bottled alkali "health water" if they live near me:

But take a look at where it is after standing for 24 hours!!!

Holy moly! No wonder I've been burning through bottles of pH Down :). Next up is the themometer in the shade Saturday:

It was 90º when I left this morning so it's not over yet. And it's 88º in my freaking office as all the AC units on my floor are out :eek:. I don't think the equipment is all that happy and I shoulda worn shorts and a t-shirt (not my 420mag one though).

Let's take a look at the Sour G after the heavy defol on Saturday morning:

I'm seeing some clawing on the small undercarriage leaves so I think the next few waterings will be nute-free and then I'll start some mild flower nutes. Won't take long to flush because I have to water this almost every day now. Check out all the supercrop scars too!

Next up is a cutting I took of the AK-47 clone yesterday. I'm going to wait to see if anything roots in the cloninator before I cut anything else from that plant. I hope things happen soon as I really need to thin it.

AK cutting on top where the fungus Gold Leaf was:

And finally for this update, my critter report (thanks @Amy Gardner for the idea). I was mixing nutes for the Brooklyns this morning and bits of pine cone are falling on my head. I look up and see this:
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I had to stand under the eaves of the garage to avoid getting pelted. Then little bugger moved on and started dropping whole pine cones like in some cartoon! I threw one back at him and he moved on. Alternately, yesterday I had milder company as I mixed my nutes:
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Hope it's not hot as blazes where you are, inside or out!

Gimme a bit and I'll get the gummy thing written and posted for y'alls.

Wow the Sour G looks like art. And WOW on the water over 9 PH?!
Never had squirrel and I know that I'm not allowed to kill or trap them. I have trapped them anyway (they were eating every peach on the trees), and in order for them not to find their way home they need to be released at least 7 miles away! They did not enjoy the ride in the cage.


Let me start by saying I would make a lot of changes to this, so read the summary for everything I would do differently.

Since I haven't done a decarb tutorial in a while and that was step one, here it is:

Bud goes into the tin foil. Add extra bud because it loses weight as it dries in the oven. This is the AK-47 that I'm not giving to clone-boy:

Not smell-proof BTW...use a turkey roasting bag for that!

240º for 90 minutes to account for the bud to reach decarb temp. Cooled in the fridge for 20 minutes.

15 grams on the nose, just what I needed:

Since I was using so little oil (only 2 ounces of EVOO), I needed to grind the bud to get it covered. I wet the walls of the grinder with oil first so no trichomes would stick. Afterward I just ran my finger around the edges and it came off cleanly.

Bud first, then oil:

Mashed all down so it's wet:

Hole in the tin foil to equalize the pressure.

Into the oven at 170º (lowest my oven will go) for 6 hours, shaking every 30 minutes. The oven has now been on 7½ hours when it's 100º outside. Perfect timing :).

I let it cool over night in the oven for the gummy part of the deal on Sunday.

Here is the gelatin I bought. I used two packets of this which is 2 tbs:

I used the entire package of this:

I only got 1 ounce of oil out of the mash (the leftover mash is so full of THC I'm going to make brownies when the heat breaks):

Dissolve the gelatin(e) in ½ to 3/4 cups of cold water first. Less water = stronger gummies:

Then add the jello and stir over a low light. Then I added the oil. The oil will not blend until the end when it starts to cool down.

I added too much water so I used a makeshift double boiler to try to evaporate the excess. I wanted 3/4 cup of liquid in the end but only got it down to 1 cup.

8 ounces...notice the oil floating on top:

Because I had it at 212º for a long time to try to reduce it, I put it in the fridge to cool down, stirring it every 5 minutes or so. Once it ran off the fork like this I figured the oil was blended in and it would not come running out of the dispenser:

The dispenser was a hair coloring thing that leaks from around the rim:

Hence the drips on the silicone...otherwise it would be perfect:

Into the fridge to cool for an hour. Taking them out is a PITA and they melted when they hit the bowl. These went into the freezer, I refilled that tray, and they stayed in the fridge over night:

This morning I got another tray emptied before the heat began to get to them again so the last tray is back in the fridge again:

I still have enough left in the dispenser (in the fridge) to make another 2 or 3 trays of 50. When it's cooler I'll warm up the bottle and do the rest.

They ended up being somewhere around 4mg/ml THC (or 4mg/gummy) and I'll get some feedback over the next few days and let you know. I'm thinking the minimum dose will be 2.

What did we learn on the show tonight Craig? My summary:

1. Don't attempt when the ambient air temperature in your house is 85º. I know that gelatin is supposed to be solid to 95º but these are not even close. And once done they need to stay in the fridge.
2. Don't buy little bear molds. Too intricate and hard to get the gummies free from them without losing little bits in the eyes, hands, or feet.
3. You don't need to add the oil to the mix until you have everything dissolved and heated. You';re not infusing the oil into the's an oil/water thing. You can probably even add the oil as the mix cools.
4. Remember, you can't get all the oil from the mash so make extra if you want to get your dosage calculated.
5. Next time I'll add more gelatin. Maybe that will make it more stable at room temps.

I hope this helps someone learn from my mistakes. Not sure if I will ever make these again (I mean seriously...who needs 300 THC gummy bears except at some huge party!) but if you do, improve on my process.

If anyone wants to know how to calculate the dosing, let me know and I'll post the instructions here along with a link to the oft-posted calculator from OldBear.

And if anyone has suggestions as to what I should have done differently (@newty!), please post them here for others to find.

Thanks to @newty and @Kismet for their help with this process. :thanks:

Shed it sounds like when you added too much water it weakened the gelatin. I would suggest taking all of the gummies and reheating them with some unflavored gelatin to make them more firm. But other than that good job Sir.
And speaking of edibles, my wife told my daughter to have two gummies (I told my wife to be the only guinea pig but there ya go). She then spent the evening giggling hysterically on the couch watching youtube with a friend of hers. My wife had a much more muted response, but she's got a much higher tolerance. More updates on that as I pass them around over the weekend.

Tuesday plant update! I spent this morning thinning more branches on the Gold Leaf. It's so dense in there that I have been trimming underbuds as well and even some leaves that probably would have been sugar. Bud rot is what I'm working against so I want as much airflow as I can given the RH here in the summer.

Here is the result of today's trimming. It's going to take the rest of the week to put a dent in this plant:

Since @Asesino85 was asking about my quadline Haze Xtreme, here it is! Hard to find the branches with the crazy long thin leaves, but it is an X in this pic rather than a + if that helps with the orientation:

The Sour G clone is moving along so well I think I'm going to top it tomorrow:

And let me leave you with the sunset view off my front porch last night. The heat finally broke and the clouds and humidity have moved in!
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Thanks for stopping by. :ciao:
Ok your pictures look like art, and 2 that sunset picture needs to be on your desktop background. Just sayin.
Well you can always eat the gummy bears with a spoon? JK That's something I've never tried to make. Them and chocolates. Sounds like @RETRIX might have a plan. GL with it...
Hey man you okay? Worried about you brother. Hope all is well and you just won a free cruise or the lotto and are flying up for some deep sea fishing.

Sending smoke signals

mmmmm it's now jello.
Jello to jello, dust to dust.
You should trademark it the SkewXquad

The X to pay tribute to its origins :)
Good idea but how do you pronounce it? Is the X like the one in Xavier? Clever!
Bad scene with that fusarium Shed :eek:
Ditch it, sterilise ... NEXT!
So hard to give that up. See below...
Drive by - hopefully all's good in the shed
Hey man you okay? Worried about you brother. Hope all is well and you just won a free cruise or the lotto and are flying up for some deep sea fishing. Sending smoke signals
Not like him to not say something. Hmmm SHED OH SHED
Shed let us know if you need us to post bail or rescue you from kidnappers. Just send a smoke signal or something.
Sorry to worry you all. It was a rough two days at work and busy in the evenings. On top of which I'm kind of depressed about the Gold Leaf so I've lost a bit of my #cannamojo :(. When shit goes wrong I post it here and all my friends cheer me up :thanks:, but this one is hitting me harder because of the time and care I've put into it for close to 10 months.

And I still don't have the heart to dump the thing in the green bin. I just keep cutting it away as it dies and hope that some part of the plant will survive. I was sure I was going to trash it today and then I just couldn't do it. Here is what it looked like this morning:

If you leaned on the branches they just broke away:

I took these off and poured H2O2 on the wounds:

The plant has been relegated to the far side of the courtyard but I still gave it pH'd water. I guess I'll just toss it out one branch at a time.

In other news, I decided to do a leaf trim on the AK-47 clone. I didn't cut anything off to clone yet because I am going to try some other cloning techniques, including rapid rooters and solo cups of ProMix BX.

Here is the before:

Here's what I took off:

And here is the after:

Not the full @newty as that will come when I have all my cloning supplies ready.

Speaking of cloning, I changed the timer on the cloninator to 1 minute on / 45 minutes off. The branches stayed wet for at least that long. Also, the pump, cord, and ice pack were starting to feel slimy lately so I went back to the H2O2, as the results are the same with or without it...nothing.

Saw this the other day and even though the door of the van blocked my lane, not two fucks were given! Made the guy on my right give me some room because Iearned to drive in NYC!View media item 1580338
One of my son's friends came over with this bottle of water:
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I told him the water out of our tap is more alkali than that!

And today's critter is a one-legged grasshopper. Didn't have the heart to do anything except take its picture:

The HazeX is doing fine, the Sour G clone is growing well, I've taken the wires off the Gold Leaf and used them to spread the Sour G a bit wider as it's getting a little tight in the middle.

That's my news for the day. I hope your weekend is coming along swimmingly!
Eh, wreck. Hope the people are ok.

Glad you just had to work.

I would 86 that plant with extreme prejudice. For the simple fact that when it gets hot, bugs tend to move crap everywhere.

-The extensions around here were recc a rose for years because it was heat tolerant to hell, rebloomed, was hybridized to a bazillion different sizes. Anyway, one heat wave about 3/4 years ago killed most of them. Seems there was a mite that carried some type of fungi, the mites don't kill the roses, but they vectored that fungus over most of our state. Those roses are few today. Everyone tried to nurse them to health and that shit spread everywhere.
Cull and drive on. My 2cents. FYI, I just mulched the gums and clones so I am with you on the pain to not let go.
No swimming today... good to have you back brother! Man that poor goldleaf. I wouldn't have the heart to knife it either.

I made a little cloner, be sure to check it out!
I agree with Nobodyhere I wouldn't take a chance on the fusarium spreading to other healthy plants. I know how hard it is killing a plant you've nursed for so long but it's all part of the game at the end of the day.
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